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Noelle meets me outside the courthouse, smiling ear to ear. "How'd it go?" she exclaims.

"The judge granted it," I reply, grinning. "Annulled. Like Max and I were never married."

"Amazing," she squeals. Then, lowering her voice, she adds, "Where's Max?"

"Still inside the courthouse, I think." I shrug.

"Are you sure?" she asks, an unreadable expression on her face. "I think I might see him."

"Oh, where?" I turn my head, finally spinning around to find Max.

He's kneeling behind me. He smirks a tiny bit when my jaw drops.

"Mia Grace Benson, I've been in love with you since I watched your audition tapes." He winks. "I want to spend the rest of our lives exploring the world together. Marry me again, Mia."

"Oh, my God," I breathe. "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you, Max."

He slides the pearl ring back onto my finger and lifts me into his arms. Our lips melt together. Our tongues dance. I relish in the tidal wave of love and excitement that's washing over me.

You're probably wondering what's going on. That's fair. I gave you about as much context as Max does whenever he blurts out something confusing.

A couple months ago, Max and I got married to fulfill our agreement with Reality Network. We didn't have a ceremony. We just popped down to the courthouse, signed some papers, said some words, and faxed some documents to Reality Network's legal department. The next day, we popped back into the courthouse and filed for annulment. Today, we argued in front of a judge that we were forced into the marriage, and she granted us the annulment.

Interesting loophole, Mia, you're probably thinking, but that's not really what I care about here. Why did Max propose if you just voided your marriage?

Good question.

I'm still in love with him. He's still in love with me. We just didn't want to be in a marriage that started on someone else's terms. Reality Network manipulated us enough. So, we figured we'd start fresh.

I had zero idea this proposal was coming.

"How's that for not sappy or romantic?" Max asks when we finally come up for air.

"In front of the courthouse where our marriage just got annulled..." I start.

"While you thought I was in the bathroom," Max adds.

"Yes, can't forget that. It's perfect." I plant another kiss on his lips just because I can't help myself.

He smirks. "I know."

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