Chapter 12: Broken Dragon

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A/N: Hello! It's still Sunday so technically this chapter's not late. But since I updated the last one so early it seems like it's been forever. I personally really like this chapter and think it will be my favorite chapter I've written. NOW WITH THAT SAID, I would like to remind you all that this story has not been planned in any way, shape, or form. Meaning, I just write the chapters without thinking what will happen next. I advise that you NOT do this. Because when you write the next chapter you're like "Crap I shouldn't have put this in the last chapter," or "Dang, why did I set myself up for this." But since I don't plan on becoming an author, I think it's okay. I will now shut up and let you read the chapter!

Astrid's P.O.V.

        "This is all wrong," Hiccup said. He was sitting at the table I was leaning against, near the back of the room. The Meade Hall was quiet at this time. Everyone was probably exhausted from the raid and was trying to catch up on sleep. Hiccup had the Book of Dragons in front of him, trying to find anything on the dragon he saw.

        "What's all this 'extremely dangerous, kill on sight' stuff? Most of these dragons won't even attack unless they're startled," he continued. "Like this scauldron. Wouldn't you want to scald someone to death too if you were being studied?"

        "Hey, I didn't write it," I said putting up my hands defensively. "Bork the Bold did. He used to be called Bork the Very Very Unfortunate, since everything he touched sprouted bad luck. He lost both legs, an arm, and half an ear writing that."

        "I can see why," he mumbled.

        "So did you find anything on that mystery dragon yet?" I asked.

        "No. I don't think it would be in here. It seemed like..." As Hiccup turned the page, his talking faded.

        "What is it?" I asked, getting up and walking over behind him.

        "Night Fury," he responded, sliding his hand across the nearly empty pages. "So you guys haven't found any either huh?"

        "Never did. Not before yours anyway. We've heard of them though. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. But yours doesn't seem as unholy as people make them out to be."

        "They're not unholy at all. Just protective..." He sounded sad, and I didn't know what to say. He spoke again though.

        "So the dragon's not in here," he said, shutting the book and standing up. That was a quick recovery. "Which means it is unheard of and probably the only of it's kind."

        "So, what do we do now?" I asked.

        "We make a plan."


        Hiccup's plan was simply said. He'd ride in on Toothless, distract the dragon long enough for the other dragons to fly out to safety, and lure the giant dragon out of it's comfort zone. Then he'd attack the eyes first, and get in as many shots as possible until the dragon went down. Improvising was also part of the attack plan.

        The hard part was taking the plan into action. Hiccup said that Toothless didn't know how to fight too well, it wasn't really necessary for him to learn how. They would need training, which he said could take weeks. But we didn't have weeks. Our food storage was getting way low, and the raids kept coming. I could sense Hiccup wasn't fond of the idea of killing a dragon, but it had to be done to in order to save the other dragons. 

        Over the next few days, they did train. They practiced flying and maneuvering around objects, which they had probably mastered when Hiccup was 12. They also did some target practice with trees. Hiccup knew how to fly his dragon really well. They could dodge almost anything through thick fog or snow, hail or rain, no matter what time of day it was. He was also very determined. He wouldn't give up unless he hit his target, or mastered his move. 

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