Chapter 7: Thank You, Punch, Hug

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A/N: Sorry it took me so long for this chapter! But there's a TON of dialogue in this one, which is not something I'm too good at. Buttttt, I had fun writing it! You'll understand the chapter name when you get to the end of this chapter. So, Here's chapter 7!

Hiccup's POV

"Woah," one of the blondes said.

The two poeple were standing yards away, watching Astrid and I, on a Night fury. My cover was blown. I would have to leave, or hide, or get turned in. Astrid hopped off of Toothless and hobbled her way to the two blondes.

"What're you doing," I growled, and she shot me a glare over her shoulder. I jumped off my dragon and followed her.

With my tongue, I made clicking noises to Toothless, telling him to hide somewhere until I come get him. He ran off in the opposite direction of the village.

"Ruff. Tuff. If you tell anyone about anything, I will come to your house while you're sleeping and decapitate the both of you," Astrid said sternly while gripping her axe. Toothless must have handed it to her before he left.

"Was that what I think it is?" the male twin asked, seemingly ignoring Astrid's threat.

"Night fury?" the female one said.

"Awesome," they said in unison while clashing their heads together.

I gripped Astrid's wrist and pulled her toward me.

"If they turn us in, we're both being exhiled," I whisperd to her.

"Don't worry, I got this," she said.

"Okay, how about we strike a deal," she started to the twins. "If you don't tell anyone about any of this, you can take one of my sheep."

"Make it two," the female one said.

"How 'bout we keep it at one and I throw in a jar of yak milk?"

It looked like they we're thinking about it, but judging by how they acted, I wouldn't be surprised if nothing was going through their minds.

"You have yourself a deal," the male twin spoke up. He spit in his hand and held it out to Astrid, who pushed it aside.

"Great," she said. "Hiccup, the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut. Ruff and Tuff, Hiccup," Astrid said, gesturing to each of us as she said our names.

"Woah... What's up with his clothes?"

"Was that your Night fury?"

"What was that clicking thing you did back there?" The twins asked with curious eyes. I didn't catch most of what they said, but I wasn't used to being bombarded with questions.

"I... uh..." I looked to Astrid for help, who was already doing her job as she stepped between me and the twins.

"No time for questions. We need to leave. I can get you the stuff as soon as tomorrow. And if you tell anyone..."

"Yeah, yeah. You'll mount our heads on a wall," the girl, Ruffnut, said.

"Great, lets go Hiccup," Astrid said as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me off towards the way Toothless went.

When we were out of ear shot, she said, "Well that was a disaster."

"I thought you handled that pretty well," I joined.

"Maybe, but they're not the best liers, and not the best secret keepers. The sheep and yak milk might keep them from telling for a while, but it might just slip past them."

I didn't know how to respond, so I kept quiet.

Toothless bounded out of a bush a while after. "Hey, Bud," I greeted him with clicking noises and pats on the head.

"What is that?" Astrid asked.

"What? This? click. ck ck click." I said again in dragons' language.

"Yeah. Is that some kind of communication?"

"Yeah, kind of. It's dragons' language."

"So, it's how you talk to him?"

"Well, it's a bit more complicated. They can understand human language, but if you really want them to get it, you need to use the dragons' tongue."

"Really, the dragons' tongue?"

"It's another word for their language. It's like talking to someone else, but instead of speaking, you use your hands. They can get the main idea, but if you want them to understand, you need to talk. So this is their form of understanding," I explained.

"And this just keeps getting stranger," she muttered.

"So," I started, "Your house. Getting home sick yet?"

She snorted and said, "Never. But if it's for my parents, I should go back."

"Oh, so you're a family person huh?" I said, starting towards the village as she followed behind me, hobbling because of her leg. But I walked slower on purpose, just so she wasn't so far behind.

"You could say that. Even though they can be a pain in the ass, hey, they're all you got." I laughed, understanding completely.

"So what about you? Where does mysterious dragon boy come from?" She asked. I laughed again at the nickname.

"Well, my mom and I live together, with dragons of course."

"So your mom's a dragon lady too. What about your dad?"

I hated that question. I've never been asked it, and I'm not sure I was ready to answer. My mom never told me who he was, which upset me. I deserved to know who he was. It was like half of my identity was missing and a hole in my heart was empty. But, despite all that, I answered anyway.

"Uh, I've... never... met him."

Astrid stopped walking. I looked back at her because I though she fell, or hurt her leg even more, but she just looked sad.

"Sorry," she said.

I sighed. "Don't worry about it. It's fine."

She picked up her pace again and I started walking too.

The rest of the way back to the village was quiet. We didn't see the twins on the way back either, which, I suppose was a good thing. I've had enough of questions to last me half a year.

When we got to the edge of the village, the sun was setting, which made the forest a lot darker.

"Thank you," Astrid said. "for letting me stay, and giving me the medicine, but" She punched me square in the stomach. I cringed and stumbled backwards. She was a lot more stronger than she looked.

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed.

"That, was for the leg," she said sternly. But then she hugged me, which really caught me off guard. She pulled away as quick as she hugged me. "That was for your dad. I hope you find him," she said before running off to her house as she left me confused. Toothless gave a low grumble. I almost forgot he was there.

"Come on, Bud. Let's go back," I said walking back towards the cove, but not before I pinpointed which house was hers. You know, just in case

End of chapter! Astrid shows her soft side, the twins were introduced, Toothless was forgotten, all components to this lovely chapter! Will the twins keep a secret? Find out next time!... Maybe. I'll try to post the next chapter soon! See ya then!

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