Chapter 1: Crash Landing

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A/N: Hello! This is my hiccstrid fanfic! I had a crazy idea so I thought I would put it into words. Disclaimer! I do not own any of the characters or How To Train Your Dragon itself. Anyway, without further a do, Here's the first chapter! Hope you like it!

I tried to reach the prosthetic fin on Toothless' tail to try and get it to open. No use. He was flailing around too much trying to get upright. We were spiraling towards the ground. Fast. I estimated the seconds until we collided with the land. 4. 3. 2. At the last possible second I felt scaly wings envelop me, but the impact of the earth was still too hard. I felt the breath being knocked out of me. I blacked out...


I opened my eyes a sliver. Toothless was nudging me with his head. It was nighttime. I could see the stars and the moon over head. I tried lifting my arm but groaned instantly at the pain and let it fall back to the ground. Every part of me was sore but I lifted my arm again anyways. Ignoring the pain, I pushed myself off the ground and tried to stand up. My left leg gave out from under me but Toothless caught me. He had a look of worry on his face.

"I'm fine Toothless," I reassured him, but he still looked worried. I took my flying helmet off and looked around. We were in a cove. There was a lake in the middle that reflected the moon's light and I could see fish swimming around in it. The walls around the cove were tall and steep, but there was an opening off to my right and a few boulders were scattered around. It was actually quite beautiful, but I couldn't stand there and take in the scenery. There were more important things to think about. I checked the leather pouches strapped to Toothless. All of them were accounted for and everything was still inside.

"You alright bud? Nothing's hurt?" I asked Toothless. He lifted his tail and looked at me, then back at his tail. I walked over to his tail fin and examined the prosthetic. It had holes and rips in it and one of the metal rods was bent. There was no way we could fly with that tail fin.

"Great. Well Bud, looks like we're gonna be here a while," I said while patting the Night Fury's neck. He just made a sound from the back of his throat and laid down to make a bed for the night in response.

"Guess we can check out the island tomorrow," I said but Toothless was already snoring. I found a patch of grass near him and laid down. It was warm enought that I didn't need a blanket so I just put my hands behind my head and used it as a pillow. Staring at the stars, I found constellations I recognized. Dragons mostly. I found a scauldron, thunder drum, and a stormcutter. The stormcutter reminded me of my mom's, Cloud Jumper. When I was a baby, he took me and my mom to an island full of dragons and we've lived there ever since. My mom calls it the sanctuary. I've always thought of the dragons who live there as my family. My mom doesn't like to talk about where we came from, in fact, she gets mad whenever I bring it up.

"It doesn't matter where we came from Hiccup. This is our home now," she would say. Eventually I just stopped asking. I remember the day she brought Toothless home from her exploring.

"Hiccup look," she said. She unravelled the fur blanket in her arms to reveal a little, black dragon.

"Where'd you get him?" I asked excitedly.

"I found him, abandoned in a cave. It's a Nightfury, and quite possibly the last of his kind. He's about 4 years old, like you Hiccup. But look." She unraveled the blanket more, revealing it's tail. The left part of it's tail fin was gone. "Something happened to him. I don't know what but, he can't fly without it." I felt my smile drop, along with my heart. My mom must've notice the look because she handed over the sleeping dragon to me. I looked up at her. "Why don't you look after him for a while," she said.

"Really?” She nodded. “Thanks mom!" I said as I ran off to our cave home.

Years later when I was 9, we found a wrecked ship that held many forging items and I used one of the spare caves to make a forge. The first thing I made was a new tail fin for Toothless, which is what I decided to name him after discovering he had no teeth, later to be proven wrong. But I kept the name. On the first tail fin try, it was too small and wouldn't buckle around his tale. After measuring his tail, I tried a second time. Which fit, but the fabric tore when it caught on a rock. The third time, I used leather that was strong and matched his skin texture almost perfectly. It finally worked. We spent hours flying tethered to a rope on the cliff of our island to test the fin. When nothing went wrong we started flying for real. Months later we finally got the hang of it and started flying further away from the island but always had to be back before sunset, mom's orders. Finally I turned 13 and my mom let us take adventures for days at a time, and as we got older, they turned into weeks, then months.

We were 19 now. Before we crash landed, we were on a journey to an island said to have oran berries, that were supposed to be delicious and could cure a cold or food poisoning, stuff like that. I told my mom we would be gone for about a month. It's been a few days already. All I had packed was a fur blanket, my weapons, and little bit of food to last a couple days. We needed to find more, soon.

I let my mind drift off as I stared at the moon making it's way across the sky, and as the night dragged on, I got drowsy and eventually fell into the depths sleep to the sound of the wind making waves over the lake water. And the ideas of what we would find on the island disappeared from my thoughts.

A/N: So there it was, the first chapter. I know, it skipped around a lot, but hey, this is my first fanfiction and story. Yes, I have never written a story. So let me know what you guys think! You can give me advise if you want too, I will take it seriously and probably make a few changes. Also I'm most likely going to change the story name. I was drawing a blank when I tried to think of a name so, The Story of Hiccstrid is the best I could do. Also the amount of reviews and views I get are going to decipher whether or not I continue this story. And if I do continue this story, I can only promise to update at least once a week. Aaaannndddd thats all I have to say! You can Review, Critizise, Hate, anything really! And thank you all for reading my crazy little story.

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