Chapter 6: Discovered

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Hello. Another chappie before the holidayyy. Sorry this one took so long! So I won't make you wait any longer. Slight warning though, from now on there's probably going to be swearing from the characters. Because, hey, they're grown up now right? Without further-a-do, here's chapter 6!

 Hiccup's P.O.V

“Good work, bud,” I praised Toothless as we were flying back to the cove. That may have been the longest dragon raid I've witnessed. Most of the time, Toothless and I were trying to keep the death levels to a minimum, for Vikings and dragons.

Sweat made my hair cling to my forehead. Protecting people and dragons from killing each other was a lot harder than expected. I would have to swoop down and slash the ropes tieing a dragon down, then the vikings would attack again, so I had to fight back until the dragon could get away. It was just a really big game of cat and mouse.

As I neared the cove, I was expecting to see Astrid sitting by the lake, waiting. But as I passed the lip of the steep walls, I heard a scream. Astrid. I hadn't realized that I actually screamed her name.

I looked down just in time to see her falling. Instincts kicked in and I pulled the handle on Toothless's saddle so he could solo glide. I jumped down, letting gravity do it's thing. I reached Astrid milliseconds before she hit the ground, and turned us around so my shoulder would break the fall.

“Shit,” I swore under my breath. The impact of the earth was harder than when Toothless and I crashed here. Probably because back then, I actually tried to stop falling, instead of diving for the ground.

Astrid was still in my arms. She gave a small whimper. I opened my arms for her to get out, and a searing pain shot through my shoulder and upper arm. I swore again. Astrid didn't move, but she opened her eyes.

“You okay?” I asked. She looked shaken up, but she shook her head as if to clear her mind.

“Er... yeah, fine.” The way her voice cracked when she said fine made me think she was anything but.

She moved away from me, but winced when she put pressure on her knee.

“You're hurt,” I plainly said.

“No, I'm fine,” but when she tried to get up she fell back down.

“Stop, you're gonna make it worse. I'll make some soothing tea.” I stood up, ignoring the pain in my arm. I was going to need some of that tea as well.

With only a half-remembered recipie and half of the half-remembered ingrediants, I made the tea as best I could, but it wouldn't supprise me if it tasted like sea moss and fish skin.

After it was done boiling over a fire Toothless had made, I poured some into two makeshift cups made out of elephant-ear leaves, and handed one to Astrid, who was sitting against a boulder next to the fire with her bad knee drawn up to her chest. She accepted the drink quietly.

“Drink up,” I said, taking a sip of my own.

Astrid's P.O.V

The drink Hiccup had made went straight to my left knee. The mucles started relaxing and eventually the pain was gone.

“What is this stuff?” I asked.

“Soothing tea. Or, at least that's what my mom calls it. You vikings might have a different name for it.”

“You say that like you aren't one,” I said.

“Actually... I don't consider myself a viking. Not really. When you grow up with dragons, everything seems... different. Like the world is a whole lot bigger.”

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