Chapter 11: A not-so-small Dragon

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A/N: WOW. I FINISHED IN UNDER A WEEK. It's only been three days and I finished the chapter. I'm amazed. Actually, I wrote it all in one sitting, like, a couple hours ago. I Just wrote the entire chapter. I'm so proud. Maybe I can do all the chapters like this XD Anyway! Onto the chapter!

Hiccup's P.O.V.

        "Easy, Bud," I said in Dragonese, patting Toothless' neck. He shook his head, trying to block the sound out.

        The dragons had taken us through a dense fog. Wrecked ships were balanced on top of giant rock pillars that seemed to come out of no where. We had to stay closer to the dragons than I wanted to so we didn't lose them in the fog. Toothless shook his head again.

        "I know, Bud. I think we're almost there. Just-"

        The fog was suddenly gone and Toothless slowed down. I looked back. The fog had stopped like it started: like an invisible wall was keeping it from despersing. Little wisps of mist trailed behind us that eventually faded.

       A giant mountain was in front of us. As the dragons reached the top, they tucked in their wings and dove down inside. 

        "Let's follow them, Bud," I told Toothless in a series of dragon clicks.

        Inside, the mountain was flowing with lava. All the dragons had landed on ledges, no longer carrying the food they had brought.

        "There." I pointed to an empty ledge. When we landed, Toothless shook his head. It was the same affect as our Bewilderbeast's. Was this another Bewilderbeast? I looked down into the lava. Bewilderbeasts were Tidal Class dragons, they wouldn't be able to survive in lava. I looked at the other dragons. They were all backed away from the edges, afraid to step too close. I didn't dare get off Toothless, incase we needed a quick escape.

        A late Gronkle flew in from the top, without any food. It hovered above the chasm and regurgitated a half eaten fish, dropping it into the pit. Looking satisfied, it made its way over to a ledge. The ground started shaking. A giant dragon burst from the lava and swallowed the Gronkle whole, then all chaos. The dragons swarmed out of the mountain as the giant dragon returned into the lava. 

        "We need to go!" I yelled at Toothless over the sound of all the other dragons. As we shot off the ledge, the giant dragon appeared again, with it's mouth wide open, ready to eat anything that got in the way.

        Now out of the mountain, we headed back through the fog with only a few straggling dragons following. Now I had time to collect my thoughts.

        It wasn't a Bewilderbeast, but it could do the same controling sound. Did that make it a descendent of one? The Bewilderbeast's call is much more effective though. Not even Toothless can resist it. So what was this?

        We made it back to Berk when the sun was at it's highest point. We had to skim the tops of the trees to not be seen and land before we made it to the treeline. I took my mask off and put it in a bag on Toothless.

        "Wait here, I'll be back later," I told him.


        "If I remember correctly, this was Astrid's house," I whispered to myself. I stopped in front of the house I had seen Astrid go in days before. Not many people were out. They must've been tired from the raid, and I don't think anyone noticed me. Or if they did, no one said anything, despite how different my clothes were.

         I wasn't sure what to do. I had seen people in  other villages knock before entering someone's house, so I knocked. Twice. Then I opened the door. Astrid was walking toward the door, but stopped dead in her tracks, eyes wide when she saw me. She glanced over her shoulder and rushed back to me, pushing me out the door and shutting it. Then she pulled me around to the back of her house.

        "What are you doing!? You can't just walk into someone's house! My Mom was right in the kitchen, if she saw you she would be asking some serious questions," she said.

        "Why? I see people do it all the time." I asked.

        "Well here, we wait for the people who live at the house to answer the door," she explained.

        "Hm. Odd." 

        She looked at me rediculously. "So did you find out where the dragons went?" she asked.

        I nodded my head. "They go to a mountain. But in the mountain there's a giant dragon that lives in lava and controls them. It makes them feed it by telling them to gather it's food. That's why they come here. Easy to find food-"

        "And takes less work," she cut in.


        "Great. So how do we beat it?"

        "I don't know."

        "What? I though you were some dragon expert."

        "I never said that. And this is a dragon I've never seen. Unheard of. It might be the only of it's kind."

        "Okay, so we have a giant, lava resistant dragon as the cause of our raids, and no idea how to defeat it."

        I thought about that. "Well there has be something we can do. Every dragon has a weekness."

        "Maybe it's in the Book of Dragons."

        "The what? You have a Book of Dragons?"

        "Not me. Us. It's the village's. It has information on all the dragons we've encountered."

        "Great. Let's go see it."

        "It's in the Meade Hall. That way," she said pointing to a big building at the top of a hill.

        "Oh, but first. Wait here." She went around to the front of the house again. I heard the door open and close. A few minutes later she came back with the bag I gave her. The Scuttleclaw egg.

        "You're lucky it didn't hatch. I would've let it run around the village for the kids to chase after."

        "You would've regretted that. They have a habit of biting," I chuckled, securing the bag around my belt. I would have to bring it to my Mom later.

       "So," I continued. "The Meade Hall?"

        "Yeah. Come on."

A/N: End. I love Scuttleclaws. They're so adorable. Next chapter will be up soon!

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