Chapter 3: The Forge

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"You're not from here are you?" she asked after several minutes of watching me make the metal rod. "Your clothes are unlike any I've ever seen. That and it's a small village. Everyone knows everyone, I've never seen you before."

"Right. I live a few days west of here," I said finishing the metal rod.

"A few days... Then how did you get here without a-" ship, I knew she would say. But we heard someone scuffling outside, and whoever it was was whistling a tune and getting closer. The girl, who's name I've yet to find out, looked at me with wide eyes then got up off the counter she was sitting on and pushed me over to the back door after I grabbed my things. As we closed the back door we heard the front one open. She sighed in relief.

"That's odd. I swea' I pu' the fire ou'," a muffled voice came from inside the forge. The blonde girl looked at me in fear. You left the fire on?! She mouthed.

You rushed me! I mouthed back.

"Oh great Odin," she whispered pressing a hand to her forehead.

"Hello? Is someone ou' there?" the voice came. I could see the girl tense up as her face took on one of complete mortification.

What do I do?! She mouthed.

Don't ask me! I responded. She balled up her fists and stomped her foot on the ground exasperated.

"Uh, hey, Gobber! It's just me."

"Ah! What'a'ya doin' ou' there? You can come in ya know."

"No, It's fine, I should really get going actually..."

"Nonsense, come in! I'll let ya meet meh my new pet rock! You can even pet 'em if ya like!" There was a shuffling noise mixed with wood on wood, and the door opened, but not before the girl yanked it shut again.

"Gobber don't open the door! I'm um... with, Snot..." she made a gagging noise and stuck her tongue out. "Snotlout," she finished.

"The Jorgensen boy? Why would ya be out with- Ohhhh!" There was an awkward silence that washed over them. "Well, I'll just... erm, leave you two alone then," the voice, Gobber was it?, said.

"No, that won't be necessary! We were... just leaving. See you later?" She said, unsure of what to say.

"Alrigh'. I'll be here," Gobber responded.

She pointed over to a building in the distance and waved her hand over, asking me to follow her. I did, and within minutes we were behind a building talking with whispered voices.


Astrid's POV

I followed Hiccup through the forest. After the... awkward encounter with Gobber, I asked him if he needed help with anything else. Which he responded, "No, I can take it from here. Thanks though." But I insisted. "Are you sure? With your boney arms, you probably need help carrying that thing." He just looked at me like I was mad. What? He did have boney arms. His face was one of concentration as he probably contemplated something in his head. In the end he sighed. "Fine, you can come. But I'm carrying this on my own," he responded. The truth was that I really just wanted to take my mind of things and get away for a while. Away from my parents, the pressure. I made a face of disgust.

"Are you okay?" Hiccup asked. Guess he noticed.

"Yeah. Fine," I responded, not wanting to say much more. But he pressed on.

"Well something's obviously not fine. What was that face you just made?"

"What face? I didn't make a face?"

"No, really. What's wrong?"

I sighed. "I'd rather not talk about it."

"Okay, then tell me what's right."

"Um, I'm not following."

"Of course you're not."

"What? That didn't make any sense! You just wanted me to tell you about my parents pressuring me to find a husband and they have their mind completely set on on the Jorgenson-" I stopped at my little slip up. Hiccup was smirking. Oh, that guy had some nerve. I swung my ax into my hand and held the blade up to his throat.

"I said I didn't want to talk about it."

"I didn't ask. You said it willingly."

I dropped my blade when I realized he was right.

"Sorry," I mumbled. "I have my mom's temper. And no more weird manipulative tricks!"

"Sorry," he chuckled. "Forgive me?" I stared him down. "For now," I answered. We continued walking. Where were we going?

"So, I never did get your name," he said.

"Oh, I'm..." wait. Should I give him my name? What if he was going to turn me in to someone? Tell someone that I helped him steal from the village's forge? But wouldn't that get him in trouble as well? For all I know, this could be a test set up by my parents. But what were they trying to prove? If they were testing my loyalty to the village, I've already failed. But have I even given them a reason to question it? I thought back, to every little fight and argument with my parents. Never once had I said or done anything to give them a reason to question my loyalty, so that was out of the question. But Hiccup hadn't given me a reason to not trust him. Well, besides breaking in and taking supplies from the forge. But I had to trust that what he did was for a good reason. I had to admit, he didn't look like the kind of guy to steal, or even lie for that matter. And he looked about as harmful as a blade of grass. I could trust him. Until he gives me a reason not to.

"I'm Astrid."

A/N: I know, sorry, this chapter is really short. But it's short because the next chapter is super long and I didn't want to cut it in half. So here we have a short chapter, and a long one to come. The next chapter will be posted, tomorrow maybe? I need to add a couple things to it.

Goodbye for now readers!

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