Chapter 13: Commence the Plan

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A/N: HELLO MY LOVELY READERS! *glances at angry readers with torches and pitchforks* heh. So you're probably wondering why I just kind of dropped off the face of the earth. Well, I don't really have a good explanation : / when I last updated (what like, 5 months ago?) I already had a little bit of this chapter done, but as time went on I became more busy and I was really trying to focus on my art. It wasn't until about 4 weeks ago, when school got out for me, that I started to work on this chapter again. Also, since it's been a really long time and I haven't re-read the other chapters before this, if something doesn't seem right, like if I repeat something that I already explained, my apologies. To be honest, I forgot most of the details that I put in this story, I really just remember the overall plot. I'm such a horrible author *cri* You guys probably really don't care about any of this though XD! But before we go on, I just want to thank you guys so much for commenting and liking and just being really supportive of this story! (I'm at 12.7k views, WHAT?!) Before you read this chapter, maybe you want to read the chapter before this again to refresh your memory since it's been so long, but on to the LONG AWAITED 13th chapter!

Astrid's P.O.V.

My promise about seeing Hiccup ended up not being fulfilled. Apparently getting home minutes after it got dark didn't sit well with my parents, and I got banned from leaving my house for the day. If you think you've ever been bored, you haven't spent the day inside my house. My parents kept absolutely nothing, except whatever furniture, weapons, and absolute essentials they needed. No paper to draw, no dummies to spar, though people usually didn't keep them in houses anyway, and just nothing to keep myself busy on these days. Occasionally my mother would come up to see if I wanted to do "busy work" which was just another word for helping around the house. Normally I would say yes out of sheer boredom, but I just wasn't in the mood today. Instead, I ended up lying on my bed and unraveling and raveling the leather on the handle of my ax.

Since the barren tree outside my window always brushed up against the glass, I didn't think anything of the tapping noise I heard, but it wasn't until a familiar voice said "Dammit Astrid, open the window already" that I realized Hiccup was the one tapping on the window. 

I rolled over in my bed to see that it was, in fact, Hiccup who was making the tapping noise. My window was facing the ocean on the edge of Berk, so It's no wonder that no one caught him. I got up and walked over to the window to unlatch it and let him in. Once I knew he was safely inside, I hit him in the chest.

"What was that for?" he asked in mock pain.

"Shhhhhh!  What the hel are you doing?!" I whispered as he rubbed the spot where my fist made contact with him. "If my mom finds you in here she'll kill us both!"

He laughed. "Don't worry, I'll make this quick."

I seethed at his smugness. "Fine. What do you want?"

"So Toothless and I took a ride to the horizon over there," he said pointing to my wall, but I knew he meant the horizon that led to the Dragon Queen's nest. "And from there, we could see a herd of dragon's flying this way-"

"For a raid?" I cut in.

"I'm not sure. It might just be migrating dragons, but by the numbers, it could be a raid. Whatever the case though, they're far away, It'll take a while for them to get here"

"Fantastic," I replied sarcastically. "Okay so, if it's a raid are you going to go through with the rest of the plan?"

"Yeah, that's what I wanted to tell you. When the raid is over, I'll just follow the dragons back to the Queen's nest and, you know, finish the job."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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