Chapter 9: When The Horn Blares

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     A/N: Hola! Just incase you're wondering, I changed the cover for this story and shortened the name! I like it a lot better. So this is/was "The Effects of a Dragon Boy" but I decided it was a really long name so voila! Thus, Dragon Boy was born! and just as I predicted, this chapter's late. So sorry!  I shan't keep you from reading it, so read on!

        Astrid's P.O.V 

         My leg was on fire. It felt like ants were crawling beneath my skin. That tea sounded like the best thing in the world right now. I might've been lost, I couldn't tell. Nothing looked familiar. I listened for sounds that would lead me to the cove. Lapping water, a dragon roar, clicking noises, Hiccup's voice. Nothing. Maybe I was too far away to hear them, so I kept wandering. I made 'X's in the trees as I went so I wouldn't get lost on my way back. I noticed the ground felt softer as I kept walking so I bent down and felt it. It was moist. That meant I was getting closer to water. I kept walking in the same direction hoping I would find the cove enterance soon. 

        "Are ya hungry, Bud?"  Hiccup.

        I walked faster, trying to recal what direction the voice came from. Eventually I found it, and there was Hiccup with his dragon at the bottom.

        "Hiccup!" I called. He looked up from putting fish in a pile and gave a crooked smile.

        "Astrid, hi!" He wiped his hands on his pants and walked over to the wall I was at.

        "What are you doing here?" he asked.

        "I wanted to see if you had anymore of that tea," I said, gesturing to my leg.

        "I don't have any from the last batch I made, but I can make some more if you want."

        "Yeah, sure."

        "So... do you wanna come down? Or..."

        "Oh, um. How?"

        "You could always jump and let me catch you. Or jump and not let me catch you. It's really up to you."

        "Funny. I'll just stay up here."

        "Suit yourself. I'll bring the tea up when I'm done."


Hiccup's P.O.V

        was surprised to see Astrid here. I didn't think she would come again. Putting the ingrediants into a pot, I put it in the still smouldering wood from the fire Toothless made earlier. I left it there to heat up while I went over to see how Toothless was doing on the fish. I picked one up and sliced it open, it was still a little raw inside. I picked up another one from the opposite side that I had cut earlier, it was done.

        "A bit more over here, Bud,"  I said in dragonese, pointing to the raw ones. He warbled in response.


        "Oh, hi Astrid." I turned around to see Astrid looking puzzled.

        "You didn't even flinch!" she voiced.

        "I'm sorry. Was I supposed to? Let me try again. Gods- you scared me! Better?"


        "How'd you get down here?" I asked.

        "I jumped,"  she responded.

        "Seriously. How?"

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