Chapter 10: Sasstrid

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A/N: Hi! First we need to clarify something, the Meade Hall and Great hall will be two separate halls (At least in this story. I seriously don't know the difference between them yet. Like, in School of Dragons, they call it the Great Hall but in Rise of Berk, it's the Meade Hall. If anyone has any clarification as to if they are different or the same thing, that would be great). Also, I love Sasstrid, and there is a bit of her in this chapter, on to the words!

          Astrid's P.O.V.

        Fill bucket. Throw water. Run.

        Push kids inside. Scare away dragon. Run.

        That was how most of the night was going. I always had to be somewhere. Putting out fires, keeping children safe, scaring away dragons, then running to do something else. I carried two buckets of water at a time, leaving no hands for my axe so I kept it strapped behind me. 

        Houses were ablaze. Women were screaming at their kids to get inside, which was a risk, considering their house could be up in flames at any minute. Dragons screeched and searched for food, littering the ground with wood and house items that they couldn't eat. I snapped my head around when a little girl screamed. A Zippleback had her cornered against a house.

        "Hey!" I yelled at the dragon. I walked forward, dropping a bucket on the ground, the water splashing everywhere. I kept walking and reached behind my back for the axe handle. 

        No. Keep the deaths to a minumum. I ended up dousing the dragon with my remaining bucket of water. It coughed gas and flew off. The girl held a little doll to her chest and started crying.

        "Do you know where your mommy is?" I asked. She shook her head furiously.

        "Come on, let's take you to the Meade Hall."

        "I got this, Astrid." I heard. I turned around. It was Snotlout.

        "Why don't you go find your Mommy at the Great Hall," he said to the little girl. 

        "No, stay here," I told her. "Snotlout what are you doing! The Meade hall is where everyone goes for safety, and it's closer."

        "And the Great hall is where they hold conferences."

        This was rediculous. His logic made no sense. "I don't have time for this. Come on, let's go find your mom." I nudged the gir'ls back and led her to the Meade hall.

        "Just, don't try to destroy everything," I said as I passed Snotlout. It had a double meaning that I hoped he caught.


        The little girl found her mom at the mead hall, near the front. Her mom was looking for her. After they exchanged hugs, she thanked me and I left to go help outside again.

        Walking outside, I could see the dragons disapearing from the village. They were starting to leave. I walked through the village to see a couple buildings still on fire and a few dragons that hadn't left yet. The twins and Fishlegs were putting out the fires, and Snotlout wasn't in sight. The sun still wasn't up yet, even though it seemed like the darkness had lasted for several hours.

        As I was walking, someone pulled my wrist and brought me between two houses.

        "Hey!" I shouted. I was instantly shushed. It was Hiccup.

        "What are you doing here? I thought you were going to follow the dragons," I whispered.

        "I'm waiting until they all leave. I want to put some distance between us," he answered. Then he stared at me.

        "What?" I asked.

        "I need a favor from you."

        "I'll only do it depending on the favor."

        He chuckled, then pulled out a bag. "Hold on to this," he said, holding it out. I grabbed it.

        "What's in it?" I asked.

        "A dragon egg."

        I dropped the bag immediately, but Hiccup was quick to catch it.

        "Why?!" I whisper-screamed. "I thought you said it wasn't their season or something!"

        "Calm down! It's just a Scuttleclaw! I found it in a bush. The mom must've left it."

        I stared him down. There was no way I was holding a dragon egg for him.

        Chicken egg? yes. Dragon egg. No.

        "Please?" he tried again, holding it out. "I don't want it to get damaged. It won't even hatch before I'm back."

        "No. Final answer."


        I put the dragon egg down on my desk. "You have got to be kidding me," I said, putting my face in my hands. Somehow, Hiccup convinced me to take the dragon egg. 

        "It's a scuttleclaw, he says. They're harmless, he says," I said mimicking him. "I don't even know what a Scuttleclaw is!"  I groaned in frustration. He left to fulfill our unofficial deal after he gave me instructions on what not to do with the egg.

        "Don't put it near heat. Don't drop it, obviously. Don't shake it around," I repeated. "Okay," I said to the dragon inside the egg. "If you hatch before Hiccup comes back, I will turn you into a doll for little children. This is not a daycare service," I hissed.

        The sun was finally starting to come out. All the dragons had left and the fires were put out. The damage was assessed by Stoick and Spitelout, only a few houses burnt and most of the fish storage depleated. 

        "Astrid!" I heard. It was my mom. "Are yeh hungry!?" I walked downstairs to respond. I could smell that she had made some sort of soup with whatever food we had.

        "Ah! There yeh are! I made some stew with our leftover fish. It was startin' to go bad. Yeh want some?" She said as she sipped from her bowl.

        "No thanks. I'm not hungry," I answered. I was actually still full from the fish I ate with Hiccup. I guess that was the upside to having a dragon, endless fish whenever you wanted.

        She sighed. "Yeh know, Astrid. I hope you know how proud yer father and I are of yeh, with helpin' the village durin' these raids and all. We don't tell yeh enough how much we appreciate yeh, and I know this situation we're in is hard but we're tryin'-"

        "Thanks mom," I interrupted. "I know." 

        Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the twins and Fishlegs passing my house through the window.

        "Sorry, I have to go."

        She sighed again. "Alright, be back before dark this time."

        "Don't worry," I said, leaving the house and shutting the door behind me. I still had to get the twins their payment for keeping Hiccup a secret, and I was a day late on it.

        "Hey! Wait up!" I called to them. I still wasn't sure how to smuggle them a sheep without anyone noticing.

        A/N: End of chapter! I'm really tired so I shall stop typing and go to sleep. Next chapter will be posted hopefully sooner than a week. I know, I'm sorry, a week is a long time to wait, so I'll try to update sooner! 

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