Chapter 2: Encounter

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A/N: Okay despite what I said about the number of views and me continuing this story, I decided to write a second chapter anyway. I won't always put author's notes in every chapter too. Once I really get into the story I'll only put them up if something's really important. Also, I apologize for any grammar and spelling errors, I was up late writing this.  And now, for the second chapter!

When I woke up, the sun was already in the sky, about mid-day. Toothless was trying to catch fish in the lake with his mouth. Next to him I could see a pile of fish that he already caught. I got up and walked over to the pile of uncooked fish. We needed a fire to cook it. As if reading my mind, Toothless set the pile of fish aflame. "Thanks Bud," I said patting his head. He made a low rumble of accomplishment.

I grabbed the fish at the top of the pile and started eating away. I didn't realize how hungry I was since the crash. I figured I was out for at least 8 hours since the sun was right overhead before we crashed, and when I woke up it was nighttime. But then again I could've been out for days. Guess I'll never know, but the point is I skipped a bunch of meals, or at least two.

After eating a few fish, I decided we should start scouting the island as soon as possible. Toothless was just finishing off the pile of fish, with a lick of his lips when he was done.

"So Toothless, you ready to start scouting the island?" I asked. He rolled over on his back looking bored and full, smacking is lips together as if tasting air.

"Oh really? You're gonna make me do this alone you big baby boo?" Which just made him roll his eyes and smack is lips more.

"Fine, have it your way. I'll be back before dawn. Don't get found. See ya Bud," I said patting his stomach.

The way out if the cove was easier than I thought. There were plenty of ledges in the rock face that I could pull myself out. Once I finally got out, I discovered that the cove was surrounded by forest. I picked the tallest tree to climb and look around. Off in the distance I could see a small building, which was probably huge up close. I decided to go that way in hopes of finding a village with a forge to fix Toothless's tail fin.

3 hours into the trek towards the building, I heard someone off in the distance grumbling about something and metal hitting wood. I decided to approach hoping he could help me get to what I hope was a village.

"...everyone insisting!" I heard as I got closer. As I was walking, an axe whirled toward my head. I ducked and it hit a tree behind me. "You! Were you spying on me?!?!" Well, I found the person. But he was actually a she, and she was furious. Run, was my first thought. Better to not get caught in the crossfire, which I learned the hard way with dragons. I ran back the way I came from and when I was sure I lost her, I climbed a tree and hid there for a minute. "Hey! Get back here, I'm talking to you!" I could hear her get closer. She got her axe from out of the tree obviously because she was holding it. She stopped right under me and looked around. When she didn't find me she threw her axe into a tree next to her and as she passed it going back from where she came from, she pulled it out of the tree with ease. I got a good look at her. She had a blond side braid and blue eyes. She was probably about 5 inches shorter than me and she looked strong, but I knew I could win in a fight against her any day. I grew up with dragons. I decided that overall she was... pretty.

When she was gone I had to laugh. It's surprising how many people don't look up when they're trying to find something. I hopped down and decided to trail her quietly. Hiding behind trees whenever she looked back, or ducking behind boulders and bushes. Finally, she led me to the village. Right away I spotted the forgery. It had the same smell as mine back home, metal and flames. The village was too busy right now to get supplies. I would have to come back later. As I turned back towards the cove, I saw the blonde girl from erlier walking off to help a little girl carry a bucket of fish into a house with a smile on her face, which put a smile in my face. A smile really suited her.

'So, violent axe girl does have a nice side,' I thought as I walked back to the cove.

3 1/2 hours later, I arrived. It was already dark. Only some light shone over the cove walls. Toothless was in the lake splashing around and trapping a fish between rocks and his feet.

"Hey bud," I said to get his attention. He looked up and the fish jumped out of his trap, but he ignored it and walked over to me.

"I found a village and it has a forge in it. I need to go back and get the supplies when no one's around." He made a rumbling noise indicating he understood what I said.

"But for now let's eat. I'm starving," I said, and Toothless was back in the lake catching fish in seconds.


I was on the tree-line of the forest to the village. It was about midnight. It only took me 2 hours to get here, walking and jogging. I waited until the last person went into their home, then dashed to the forgery. Luckily, locks weren't very popular around here and it was easy to get in. Once I was inside, I shut the door and went to work.

I got the fire started since it took a while to get the coals hot, then started looking for leather. I looked in all the shelves and found it at the back if the shop. I cut out the right size triangle to Toothless's measurements that I knew by heart, then cut the curves at the end of the tail. Next was the metal rod. As I was about to put metal into the pot over the fire, I heard the door open and a familiar voice.

"Hey Gobber I was wonde..." I turned around to see the girl drop a bucket and pull out her axe from being strapped behind her back, then hold it ready to strike.

"You! You were the one in the woods earlier! What are you doing here?!"

"Listen I can explain!" I said holding up my hands meaning no harm. "Just let me explain."

"What are you doing here?" she asked ax still raised. "Breaking in and stealing can end in execution."

"I know. I just... I need some supplies," I said hands still up. She looked me up and down, studying me.

"Tell me who you are and maybe I'll spare you."

"I'm..." I paused for a second. "I'm Hicc... You can put your ax down. I wont hurt you." She scoffed.

"And what makes you think I won't hurt you?" she questioned.

"I can see it in your stance. You're not prepared to attack." She looked at me questioningly, then lowered her ax but still had a tight grip on it. I lowered my hands.

"Now will you let me take the supplies or not?" I said looking over to my unfinished metal rod.

"How do I know you won't knock me out and run off?"

"You don't. But do I look like someone that would knock you out? Aside that, do I look like someone that could knock you out?" I said gesturing towards all of me. My flight suit actually made me seem buffer than I actually was, with all the armor on my shoulders and chest, but I wasn't about to let her know that I actually could knock her out. One blow to the temple was all it takes, but in all honesty, I don't think I would actually do it.

"I've learned to never underestimate people."

I nodded, acknowleding I heard her, but didn't speak. After a quiet minute, I spoke up.

"Now can I get back to finishing or are you still deciding if you want to turn me in?"

I could see the gears turning in her head as she thought. I knew how these villages worked, I've been to enough of them. If someone steals village property, to the dungeon they go. If someone breaks into a building unauthorized, to the dungeon they go. Taking more than your ration of food, to the dungeon. I knew there were more, but those were the big ones, and I've broken two of those laws. That would end in execution. She was probably debating wether I would cause harm to anyone, or if anyone would notice a few missing pieces of leather. But most of all, she was probably wondering if she would get caught helping me. If anyone found her helping me take from the villages forge, it would be seen as treason, and she would probably get executed along with me. But even though I didn't know her, she had a helpful vibe, like she would go out of her way to help someone. Which would explain why she helped the kid erlier with the basket. I decided her final thought would probably end with 'would she get caught', right after 'was it worth taking the risk?'

 My assumption was confirmed when she pointed a finger to my chest and finally said, "Fine. But make it quick. If anyone else catches us in here we'll both get killed."

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