Chapter 8: Again

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A/N: Hi! Hello! HIHiHI! This chapter is wayyyyy late. I'm so sorry! First off, Happy New year! Second, @Minho_ma_bae You guessed right, I live in America. I'm glad you like my story! ; ) I won't keep you from the story any longer! I wrote an extra 200 words to make up for my lateness! Sorry again!

Astrid's P.O.V

        When I walked into my house, I was greeted with shouts, and scoldings, and more shouts.

        "Where have yeh been?! What were yeh doin'! Never do tha' again! We expect yeh ta be home by dark every night, and you've been gone fer a full day!"

        Not even an "Are you okay?" or "We were so worried!"

        So I was sent to my room without dinner for the night. I was used to it though, not having dinner I mean. Often times we would go a day without food due to the harsh winters and not being able to grow crops during those harsh winters. And with the dragons steeling our fish, we were left with just enough food to survive the winter, if we ate small proportions. 

        I should have eaten as much fish as I could when I was with Hiccup. They had a whole pile that his dragon caught. Instead I only picked at the meat of two fish. Hel, I should've smuggled some home too. I can't remember a time I was actually full from eating. Maybe once or twice, at Snoggletog feasts, but that was it. And I was willing to bet the Jorgenson's had a whole stock pile of food, unwilling to share with the rest of the village. That brought me to another problem. My parents want me to find a husband soon, and they have their minds set on the Jorgenson's son, Snotlout. It was probably because Snotlout was next in line for chief, and he could give me all the food and fortune I (or my parents) wanted. I understand that they want the best for me, but I want to choose for myself. If I'm going to spend the rest of my life with someone, I better like them. And I didn't like Snotlout. He had the biggest ego in all of the archipelago. Which wasn't something I wanted to spend my life with. But no one on the island appealed to me in any way. Finding a husband was going to be hard. Ruffnut used to make jokes about having to go to other islands to find a suitor, though I never found it funny, it wasn't all a bad idea.

        I wonder where Hiccup is. I looked out the window, with the moon high in the sky already. Suddenly my brain decided to remind me of the twins. 

        "Shit,"" I murmured, sliding my hand down my face. The sheep and yak milk really wouldn't keep them quiet. It was bound to slip from their mouths at some point. I decided to try and forget about it. Maybe it wouldn't slip from them.


        I don't remember falling asleep, but the sun slipping through my eyelids awoke me. I was still tired, and my leg was now sore. The tea must have worn off. I flipped to my other side, not facing the window anymore, and tried to go to sleep again. My mind was wide awake though.

        I noticed the empty feeling in my stomach that I've felt more than once. I needed food. Throwing my blankets off of me, I sat up and rested on the edge of the bed. I was still wearing my clothes from two days ago. I also missed community bath day, which was yesterday. I redid my braid and changed into new clothes. The soreness was still in my leg. Maybe I'd need to track down Hiccup and get some more of that tea.

        I walked downstairs to see the same thing I see everyday. Mom in the kitchen, trying to keep herself busy by washing the same plates over and over, and Dad, who was no where to be found. Most likely finding jobs to do and earn a little bit of money. Mom would always tell him to look for jobs on the top hills, where the wealthy people live. The problem with that was the wealthy people hired strong men and fit women to do all their chores, and it's hard to stay strong and fit with just enough food to get you by another day. 

        I was bored. Training didn't start until next week.

        I decided to see what the twins were doing. I needed to talk to them anyway. I stepped outside into the frigid air. Jack Frost was always nipping at your nose this time of year. The snow that must have fallen overnight crunched beneath my feet at every step I took. Snow fortes and decorated trees were still up from Snoggletog a couple weeks ago and no one had bothered to take them down.

         I tried the twins' house first. Their mom answered and said they weren't home. She didn't know where they went either. I looked for them at the forge, but only Fishlegs was there to get a horn on his helmet fixed. As I was walking to the great hall, I was rushed down and pushed into the snow face first. The snow melted on contact from my body heat and soaked into my clothes, while leaving my arms and face damp.

        "Sorry!" a male voice called. I stumbled to my feet and looked toward the voice. It wasn't hard to spot the twins, but why were they running? Ughh. I groaned, and ran off to persue them. I caught up with them before they reached their destination- if they had one. 

        "Why are you running?" I shouted over my pulse beating and the wind in my ears. When they didn't answer I ran ahead and stopped in front of them. They eventually stopped too. They doubled over rested their hands on their knees, out of breath.

        "We..." Ruffnut started, but took another breath of air. "We... we went to go... spy on that... dragon boy," Tuffnut finished, out of breath. "The dragon... freaked out when he saw us." 

        "Why!?" I shouted at them.

        "I don't know why the dragon-"

        "No, why were you spying?!"

        "Oh," Ruffnut cut in while standing up. "We didn't plan on it. But we were in the forest looking for things to eat and Tuffnut was like 'Hey, we should go see what that dragon guy is doing' so we watched him from the top of that ground-cave-thingy for a little while but then his dragon saw us and he kept staring us down and eventually he shot one of his fire blasts at us and we freaked out and that's why we were running."

         I face palmed myself. Of course they would want to see what Hiccup was doing. They were that curious. 

        "Well did he do anything?" I asked.

        "I don't think he noticed us until that dragon fired a shot. And it was about to get good! I think he was about to take a bath!" Ruffnut wined. I tensed up, and probably blushed. This was now an awkward situation.

        "Okay, ew. I didn't need that mental image," I heard Tuffnut say.

        I shook my head. "Remember the deal? You won't tell anyone about him will you?"

        "Yeah, yeah. We won't tell. Or at least I won't," he said looking at Ruffnut.

        "Hey, I won't either!"

        "Good," I said. "I'll try to get you the sheep and yak milk tomorrow. But if you tell anyone, I will come behead you while your sleeping and throw your bodies into the ocean as a sacrifice to Odin," I said threatiningly.

        "Got it," They said in unison. 

        "We should go see if Snotlout has any food," Tuffnut said to his sister.


        "See ya later!" They said running off to find Snotlout. I snorted. He won't give anyone food. Even to the dying or elderly.

        I should've gone to see if they didn't freak out Hiccup too much, but my leg hurt even more from running. That tea would do wonders though. Maybe the trek through the forest wouldn't be so bad, as long as Hiccup could make that tea. Yeah. It would be worth it.

        I looked into the forest. A three hour walk, was it? I looked at the sun, which was almost at it's highest point. Better start now.

A/N: Hello again! Next chapter will possibly... probably be a little late. I have semester exams all next week and I have not studies a single bit! YAY I LOVE SCHOOL! WHO DOESN'T LIKE SEMESTER EXAMS?! AMIRIGHT? -_- 

I'll try to write as much as I can this weekend! Until next time! I love you all! SPOILER: ASTRID FINDS HICCUP BATHING. just kidding! I would never give a spoiler... BYE!

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