Ch: 13

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Obi wan entered the room before I went to the center and sat down, on my knees. I then looked towards Obi wan before I patted the ground across from me. He came over, an aura of confusion tangled within his force signature, and sat on his knees a few feet away from me. I then pulled the holocron out from my bag before I placed it on the floor, between us.

"Isn't that...?" Obi wan started to ask me before I interrupted him.

"A holocron, yes." I told him. "Master Yoda gave it to me when I told him about one of my visions." I don't know what else to call it, it wasn't exactly a vision or at least a traditional one. It was interactive, I could actually talk to people and do things within it. It felt just as real as reality although it wasn't, more like a dream but you aren't exactly dreaming. "Just try and open it...." I almost dared him to.

"I though you said there is no try...?" Obi wan asked me. "Do or do not."

"You may try but most likely, you'll not." I told him, sounding a bit cryptic.

He just looked at the holocron before he closed his eyes and started to reach out with the force. The holocron rose up in the air before a blue light enveloped it but that was all it did, the gears didn't even try to unlock as it floated in the air. The holocron then landed onto the floor, unopened, before Obi wan looked at it with confusion. "It is a Jedi Holocron...right...?"

"More or less, it's definitely not a Sith Holocron. If it was, it'd be shaped like a triangle and not a square." I told him, Ashlyn made the holocron and she is a Jedi but she used both sides of the force when she had made it. "To open it, you must use both sides of the force but only one person can open it."

"Then, it's impossible." He told me before he stood up. "Why did Yoda give it to you if you can't open it...?"

I just rolled my eyes at his remark before I reached out with my hand, connecting with the force, in order to open the holocron. The holocron slowly opened up, it's gears turning as it did so. Once it was opened, a screen appeared in front of me.

"See...?" Was all I had told Obi wan as I brought my hand back down as he looked at the screen. His aura was filled with both confusion as well as amazement as he looked onto the screen. I then pointed to the picture of Ashlyn which showed on the screen. "She is who Padme described would be well past impossible to meet her."

"How so...?" Obi wan asked me.

"She died over a couple thousand years ago." I told him. "She is the one who came to me in my vision, why I even have this holocron."

"What were you doing earlier...?" Obi wan asked me. "What I heard when I first came to this part of the ship...?"

I went to the page on the holocron which showed, in details, what I was trying but failed to do. "And somehow I caused a small explosion, luckily it was only small enough to knock me against a wall. Definitely not trying that again until we are not in a spaceship." I then proceeded to tell him of everything that has happened the last couple weeks, even the parts which I kept from Master Yoda. I even told him that Yoda doesn't even know that Kala knows about all this.

"Is that why she was trying to hunt you down...?" Obi wan asked me, to which I just told him a 'yes'.

" this girl...." Obi wan stated.

"Ashlyn." I told him he's name.

"You've actually met her...?" Obi wan asked me. "So has Kala...?" I just nodded my head as an answer. "When you were meditating...?"

"It seemed like a vision but I could actually walk around and talk to her just as how we are talking." I told him. "It felt so real, like a realistic dream." With that, I just closed the holocron before I placed it back into my bag.

"So, our mission to Naboo is to try and locate a girl which should be long dead by now." Obi wan told me.

"More or less." I told him. "Just to try and locate the girl which Padmé told me is looking for me, who's appearance is similar to that of Ashlyn's. Not to mention that Padmé said that her armor looked like it was just made but the designs are a couple thousands of years old."

"Sounds simple enough...." Obi wan told me, although from the tone of his voice, it sounded like he didn't even believe what he had said. " you actually have a plan for finding this girl...?"

I thought for a moment. How could I not have already made a sound enough plan...? I asked myself as I thought about a plan. "Uh...have Padmé go to the place she last appeared at...?"

"But you said that Padmé told you that it had been days since she was seen." Obi wan told me. "What if she's not there...? What if she's not even on the planet told me that Padmé told you that she had told this girl that you weren't even on the planet...?"

I closed my eyes before I reached out with the force as I tried to sense Ashlyn's force signature. It was for a lack of a better word...choppy, the only thing that allowed me to even feel that it was her was the ripples in the force which directed me to the planet of Naboo. An image popped into my mind, a girl...Ashlyn...was standing in the forests. It looked familiar, the were around the city of Theed. I only recognized where she was as Padmé and I, when we were younger, used to play in that part of the forest. The girl looked around herself before her eyes looked into mine, I then opened up my eyes as I looked at Obi wan.

"She still is." I told Obi wan. "I can sense her signature but it keeps on going in and out..." like a radio signal with poor reception. I finished the last part in my mind.

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