Ch: 11

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I went back into the room and saw that Padme was on my bed. "Ok, now why are you here...? What happened...? How long have you been on Coruscant?" I started interrogating my sister.

"I came here as soon as I landed on Coruscant," Padme told me.

Ok, so she's been here for at least a few minutes. I told myself. Naboo isn't that far away from Coruscant, about a couple hours or so journey...I think.

"I have a problem," Padme told me. "A day ago some girl showed up on Naboo wanting you. At first, she thought I were you until she couldn't sense my connection to the force. I told her that you weren't even on the planet but that didn't matter."

"A girl...?" I asked Padme, confused. "Who...?"

"She wouldn't give us a name but she has bright red hair and blue eyes," Padme told me. "She also has old Jedi armor, really old. Not old as in looking all dusted and ruined and stuff. Her clothes look like they were made just the other day but the design is so old fashioned. Oh, and then there's the fact that she completely vanished into thin air...without a trace."

I thought about it but there was only one person that I knew of that did it and she is supposed to have been long gone by a couple thousand or so years. "I've gotta go talk to Master Yoda," I told my sister as I excused myself from the room. I need his permission to leave the temple so I can go to Naboo anyways.


As I neared the council chambers, I felt around with the force, both Master Yoda and Master Windu were in the council chambers. I knocked on the tall doors and waited to be invited in. Upon entering the room, Master Windu asks me, "Is there anything you need...?"

"I was hoping to speak to Master Yoda...?" I told the two Masters.

"About what do you wish to speak...?" Master Yoda asked me.

"It's about a holocron I was looking into," I told him a half lie, after all, I don't know if Master Yoda wanted the other members of the council to know about this yet. If he goes on in front of Mace Windu then it's probably safe to talk about in front of the whole council. If not then Master Yoda and I will speak in private.

"Ah yes, the holocron." Master Yoda said. "Excuse us, Master Windu," Yoda then dismissed Mace Windu. Once it was just Yoda and me alone in the room, he spoke again. "Found out much more about it, have you...?"

"Yes," I told him. I then started to tell him what happened since I've met Ashlyn although I left out pulling Kala into a vision. Heck, I didn't even tell him that she knew anything about it.

"My suspicions, correct, they were." Master Yoda told me.

"My sister, Padme, found out about Ashlyn although she's still clueless about her," I told him. "All she knows is that someone that looks slightly like her is asking for me on Naboo."

"A trap, do you think this may be?" Master Yoda asked me.

"I-I don't think so," I told him. "After this supposed Ashlyn had told Padme she wanted me, Padme said that she just vanished into thin air. Which is what Ashlyn did after our conversation the first day that I met her."

"Then permission to go to Naboo, you may have." Master Yoda told me. "Although accompany you, another will."

"Who...?" I asked him.

"Meet them in the hanger, you will." Master Yoda told me. "Prepare for your trip, you should." He then dismissed me from the council chambers.

I walked out and went to my room, when I got there, Padme was still there, sitting on my bed. I grabbed a bag from my closet and started to pack a few change of clothes. "What are you doing...?" Padme asked me as soon as she noticed me packing a bag.

"I'm taking you back to Naboo," I told my sister. "Master Yoda wants me to investigate what happened."

Padme looked down at my belt. "Didn't you have another lightsaber...? I remember you having two."

"Yeah-I." I wasn't expecting her to point that out. "I lost it." I don't know if that's better than saying that the girl that Padme had described to me took it from me in one of my visions and didn't give it back before I woke up from said vision. That probably would've left Padme with more confusion than what I just told her would as Padme doesn't know about the visions or anything related to Ashlyn that's been happening to me lately. Well, apart from Ashlyn supposibly showing up on Naboo and asking for me.

"Why-how could you lose it...?" Padme asked me.

Lie, lie, lie. I need something to tell her. I told myself. "I don't know where it went to, it's as if it just vanished into thin air," I told a partial lie. I know where it went, Ashlyn has it. It literally vanished into thin air, well I'm pretty sure that it vanished into the force or something like that.

"Does anyone else know about this...?" Padme asked me. I haven't told anyone about that yet, and if they asked why I only have one, I would tell them that I left my other one in my room as I didn't see a need to carry around two lightsabers within the safety of the Jedi Temple.

"No, so far they either haven't asked or didn't notice and hey, Kala can get away with not having her lightsaber in the safety of the Jedi Temple, so why can't I just carry around one instead of both of mine...?" That seemed to end the conversation as Padme didn't ask me anything else after that so I went back to packing my bags. I had three spare outfits, a couple of water breather devices as Naboo has large oceans, and one change of boots. I think that's about it but then I remembered the holocron, I'm not leaving that in my dresser when I'm not here as literally anyone could come into my room and take it should they find it. I discretely took the holocron out of the draw of my dresser and placed it into my bag. Once I made sure that my remaining lightsaber was on my belt, Padme and I both left for the Jedi Temple's hanger.

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