Ch: 14

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Upon landing on the planet of Naboo, we were greeted by a small group of Padmé's advisors lead by Padmé's head of security, Captain Panaka. "My Queen." Captain Panaka stated as he spoke towards Padmé. "I'm glad to see you've returned."

"Was there any doubt...?" Padmé asked Panaka. "There is no danger for me to put myself in, this time."

"But what about the uncertain girl...?" One of Padmé's advisors, who accompanied Captain Panaka, asked Padmé.

"Which is why I went to get my sister." Padmé stated, her advisors all looked towards me as if just now noticing that I was here. "Her and Obi-Wan shall find out if this person is of any concern. Has there been any changes since I last left...?"

"The girl in question approached the palace while you were gone." Panaka informed Padmé. "She is the one who pointed out that Sabé wasn't you."

"I see...." Padmé told him. "And where is she now...?"

"She left." Panaka informed Padmé. "We tried to get her to stay but then she just vanished."

"This is most peculiar." Padmé stated. "Like what she did when I first met her. Any idea's on where she is now...?"

"No, Your Highness." One of Padmé's advisors replied.


As soon as we had arrived at the Palace, Padmé has told her staff to show us to our rooms. They showed me to the same room I had stayed at last time while Obi-Wan was in the room across from mine, the same room Kala had stayed in when I was last here with her.

When I entered the room, I immediately went towards the bed and sat on it, on my knees. I then closed my eyes as I tried to sense Ashlyn's force signature. It was choppy but less than when I had tried to sense her while we were on the ship, entering the atmosphere of the planet. As I sat there, an image popped up in my mind...I immediately recognized the place as Padmé and I used to play nearby when we were children.

I stood up from the bed before I went towards the door, one of Padmé's servants was standing on the other side of it as I had opened it. "The Queen sent me to make sure you were suited for dinner."

"Is it already dinner time...?" I asked her before I looked out the windows of the room, the sun was about to set. "Sure."

The servant refused to let me exit the room until I was in a dress of some kind. "I'm fine as I am." I told her with a wave of my hand.

"You are fine, should we go...?" The servant asked me just as Obi-Wan exited his room. He looked at me, knowing what I had done before we let the servant show us to the dinning room. I probably either knew the way or could easily find the way but I let the servant show us.

~~~The Next Day~~~

Obi-Wan and I left the palace sometime after breakfast, deciding on trying to find Ashlyn before sun set. I wore my standard Jedi clothes, a light grey tank top, some dark grey leggings, black leather boots, and the brown Jedi robe, with the hood off of my head while my singular lightsaber was on my belt.

"Where shall we look first...?" Obi-Wan asked me as we walked through a flowery meadow.

"It isn't far." I responded as we walked. We soon entered the forested area around the meadow before we followed a stream that lead towards a waterfall. I looked towards the waterfall, the image of a rainbow appearing just beyond the fall as I looked at the water raining down into the stream. We stood at the bottom of the falls, near the small pond that the water falls into and then gets carried down stream via the stream.

"Why hello...." I heard a voice state before someone faded into view, Ashlyn. She appeared as normal as a normal being and not ghostish what so ever. My eyes instantly looked at her belt, which held not only her double bladed lightsaber but my own as well.

"I think you have something of mine." I told Ashlyn, referring to my lightsaber.

"Oh this...?" Ashlyn asked me as I took my saber off of her belt before she handed it to me. She then looked towards Obi-Wan, who stood off to the side of me. "Is he your boyfriend...?" Ashlyn asked me as if that was a completely normal thing to her.

My cheeks turned red before I tried to shrug off the feeling. "N-no, the code forbids it." Obi-Wan replied to her.

"For maybe normal Jedi." Ashlyn told us before she just looked at me. "You are not normal, not by the standards of the Jedi at this moment."

This moment.... I told myself before I thought about Ashlyn. How was she even standing in front of me when I'm not in a meditation session...? "How are you even here...? You're supposed to be long dead."

"Young Padawan...." Ashlyn told me. "Who said I died...?"

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