Ch: 3

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When I 'woke up', I found myself in an empty white void. I felt like I was all alone yet I could feel someone watching me. I turned around and noticed a girl with vibrant red hair and bright blue eyes. She had her hair in a big braid that rested on the left side of her neck that reached about halfway down her chest. She looked around the same age as myself, if not a few years older. She was wearing a cream-colored robe, a white one strap crop top with gold trims, black leggings with a brown belt, and cream colored boots that go up to her knees. She also had a silver lightsaber hilt on her belt that looks like it's made for two blades as the hilt is long. "Who are you...?" I asked her as she approached me.

"Who are you?" The girl asked me back.

"I asked you first," I told the girl.

"Fair enough...." The girl told me. "I am Ashley, I was a member of the Jedi Order over 3000 years before your time. Now, who are you? ...Padawan...?"

"Nova," I told the girl. "And why are you here? Where is here...?"

"We are in the force, somewhere between my time and yours." The girl, Ashlyn, told me. "As for why I'm here, you called me here."

"How-I didn't call you...!" I told the girl.

"Were you not wondering about what happened before you started meditating?" Ashlyn had told me. "That is what called me here."

"W-what do you mean...?" I asked her, confused. She didn't say anything, instead, she simply closed her eyes and reached out with her right hand and a blue barrier appeared between her and me. It looked much like the barrier that appeared in front of me when I couldn't block Anakin's lightsaber from hitting me.

"It's a barrier, made of energies that you can manipulate through your use of the force," Ashlyn had told me.

"Why haven't I heard of this happening before?" I asked her.

"It's simple," Ashlyn told me. "Not all force users can do this, you are one of the few that can."

"But why...?" I asked her, not knowing much about what she was saying.

"Because, like me, you can use both sides of the force without either side having much...if any effect on you," Ashlyn told me. I then watched as Ashlyn started to fade away. "My time is short, farewell for now...." With that, she faded completely from my view. My vision turned black and I woke up.


"Nova!" I heard someone say as I felt like I was being shaken, my brain couldn't tell who had said it.

I opened my eyes and noticed that I was on the floor, next to my bed. Did I fall down? How did that not snap me out of the dream? Vision? What even was that...? I asked myself. I looked around and I noticed that I was in Obi wan's lap. I quickly got up but felt dizzy once I stood up, shaking my head from my dizziness.

"Are you alright...?" I heard him ask me as he stood up.

"I-I'm fine..." I told him as I stood in the middle of my room. "Just...stood up too fast...."

"Do you need to go to the med bay?" He asked me. Before he gave me any time to speak, he asked, "what happened...?"

"Why were you even in here...?!" I asked him, a bit mad that he was in my room after his padawan, Anakin almost cut me in half, granted it would've been on accident. However, the trauma from that experience was still fresh on my mind, especially after that, dream? Vision? Whatever it was...?

"I came to make sure you were alright..." Obi-wan had told me.

"Do I look like I'm alright...?" I asked him. "Your padawan almost cut me in half...granted it would have been on accident." I was just so furious at him right now for whatever reason that maybe as I should be mad at Anakin right now, not Obi-wan.

"I would've completely stopped the duel if I had sensed that either one of you would've been in trouble," Obi-wan told me. "I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

"And way is that...?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

"Because I like you," Obi-wan told me. "I've liked you ever since shortly after we first met."

"I-" I couldn't say anything. What would I say? 'I like you too?' That just seems like a response anyone would say in this conversation, but he likes me. I could either tell him that I liked him as well or I could just shut it down, after all, it is against the code to have attachments like these.

As I didn't say anything, he didn't speak for a few minutes and asked a question that he asked right when I noticed he was in here but I never gave an answer to. "W-what happened in here?"

"N-nothing," I told him as I turned around, giving him the cold shoulder. I wanted to tell him what happened, the girl I saw, what she told me, my feelings for him. However, you can't fall in love, not if you're a Jedi. As for why I didn't tell him what happened, that's for me to find out. It's best for the both of us if I just push him away.

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