Ch: 12

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As Padme and I entered the temple hanger, I noticed a small party in front of the ship that we were to use to get to Naboo.

"I see you finally showed up." Kala told me, the only one from the group that said anything once Padme and I approached them. "Do you realize how long we had been waiting for...? Anakin doesn't like waiting, you know."

"I do know...." I told Kala, facing her as to not face the others. However, my view wavered and my eyes lingered on Obi wan for a split second before my gaze wondered back to Kala. The last conversation I had had with him came rushing to the front of my mind. Should I have acted that way...? I asked myself. No...I was angry but not with him. I was upset about what had happened with my duel with Anakin and I didn't know what was going on. So, I took those emotions out on him.... "Um...a-are you all coming...?" Again, my gaze was fixed on Kala.

"No, I'm only here to see you off." Kala told me. "Plus I'm to keep an eye on Anakin while you two or three are off."

"Oh...." I told Kala. So Obi wan is coming with me.... I told myself. Great.... I turned to the ship before Padme and I walked over to it, Obi wan following behind us. I thought it was a bit awkward as we boarded the ship and all went into the ship's bridge.

There was an awkward silence which filled the bridge as I piloted the ship into space. I quickly turned on the hyperdrive and set the ship on autopilot before I left the bridge, Padme and Obi wan staying in the bridge. I sat on the floor in one of the rooms on the ship, as I closed my eyes. The door was shut and locked so I didn't haft to worry about them barging into the room.

I had the holocron in front of me, on the floor, as I brought one of my hands above it. I concentrated again on the force as the holocron opened, I opened my eyes. I looked through the holocron. There is so much that you can do with this...although I should probably stick to the light side or both.... I told myself as I looked at the holocron. I looked at an entry that should be easy as it was a variation of the force energy barrier. I stood up as I closed the holocron before placing it back in my bag via the force.

I looked at my surroundings, I should have plenty enough space. I placed my hand out in front of me, concentrating. It took at least a minuet before it formed, the blue energy barrier right in front of me, it wasn't that big, just a couple inches. It wasn't a square or circle or any defined shape really. I should be able to at least mold it.... I told myself. Or...that's what was written in the holocron....

I looked at the small energy barrier that was in front of me. I placed my other hand up as well as I felt it becoming unstable but it didn't do much but cause me to fling myself back into a wall, a loud thud resulting as I hit the wall. Maybe I shouldn't be doing this on a ship in the middle of space.... I told myself as I sat there against the wall.

I quickly heard a small knocking on the door, although too hard to be Padme's. "A-Are you alright...?!" I heard a concerned voice on the other side of the wall, Obi wan's.

"I-I'm...fine...." I told him as I stood up but I was now leaning against the wall, trying to gather back my energy from what I had accidentally did.

"Um...about the other day...." I heard Obi wan say. "I shouldn't have put that on you, sorry...." I started to feel his presence inch away as he walked away from the door.

"W-wait...." I blurted out without thinking as I pushed myself away from the wall and towards the door. I felt him stop in his tracks as his presence started to head back towards the door. "I...should have just been honest, after all, because of how you found me that day in my room is why we are even going to Naboo in the first place." I then stopped myself before I blurted out anything else, there are still things that I want to keep to myself but can...should I...? If Ashlyn really is on Naboo, then he'll just find out anyway.... "I...I pushed you away because I didn't know what to do after that happened. were the reason I was even there to begin with. I wanted to tell you how I felt about you but you were with didn't.... If only I had just made up a stupid excuse then none of this would've happened, we probably wouldn't even be heading to Naboo right now...."

"None of this is your fault." I heard Obi wan tell me. "It's mine if anyone's, if only I had stopped your duel but I didn't know to. I should have been able to sense that something like that would've happened."

"You didn't sense it because apparently I just wasn't supposed to die yet." I told Obi wan. "That's why that barrier appeared to begin with, only certain people can even use them."

"W-what do you mean...?" Obi wan asked me. "W-what are you talking about...? Barriers...? Certain people...?"

"I know that this may sound a little out there." I told Obi wan. "But there are people, force users, who can use both sides of the force without letting the darkness consume them. Apparently they are rare but not non-existent and...I'm one of them.... That's why that barrier had protected me, it'll do that if you're not suppose to die yet and you don't know how to control it."

" real, no one can use the dark side without falling into it's darkness." Obi wan told me. "That's the first thing that Master Yoda teaches everyone."

"Then you explain what had happened...!" I told him before I took time to calm down. Once I was clam, I used the force to unlock and open the door which separated Obi wan and myself. "If you won't listen, then I'll just haft to show you...." I told him, my voice as calm as a gentle breeze.

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