Ch: 2

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It's been a few days since Kala had found out about my feelings toward Obi wan and I think she hasn't told the council yet. I mean, no one on the council has asked me about it. So, I think she hasn't told anyone about it. Kala told me that she thinks that Obi wan feels the same about me but I don't know. Will he refuse his feelings because he doesn't want to break the code or will he tell me what he really thinks of me? I asked myself. I guess there's really only one way to find out, I'll try to be subtle but how subtle can I really be?

As I walked down the halls, I reached out to the force to try and find Obi wan's force signature. Once I found it, I noticed that he was in one of the private training rooms with Anakin. Of course he would be training Anakin. I thought. After all it's just past noon. When I got to the training room, I knocked on the side of the opened door.

"Oh...hey Nova." Obi wan greeted me. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see how Anakin's training was going." I told Obi wan. I'll work up to telling him my feelings for him, and I'll do it when Anakin isn't near us. After all, I don't want to chance anyone telling the council about this.

"You've come at a good time." Obi wan told me. "I was about to duel Anakin but since you're here, I can watch the two of you duel."

"Seriously...?" I asked Obi wan.

"I haven't seen you duel in a while...come on...?" Obi wan asked me. "Plus you and Anakin are more equal at dueling than him and me are."

"We are still near equal with a lightsaber." I told Obi wan. "It hasn't been that long since we last dueled and I won."

"It's better to observe from the sidelines than it is in the middle of a fight." Obi wan told me.

"Alright, fine...." I gave in, he clearly won't take 'no' as an answer. "One saber or two?"

"You'd be more at his level if you just used the one." Obi wan told me. "Two lightsabers give you an unfair advantage at his level."

Anakin and I both went to the middle of the room and pulled out our sabers, his was a dark blue while mine was an icy blue. I only pulled out one of my sabers to make the duel more equal for Anakin. However, I got a bad feeling about this but I dismissed that feeling...I needed to stay focused.

I was the first to make a move, I swung my lightsaber to his side and he blocked it with his saber. We took turns with hitting our sabers up against each others. I would strike, he would block; he would strike, I would block: repeat. It was when our hitting and blocking got to a faster rate did I haft to work a little bit harder to not get hit, although I'm pretty sure he wouldn't hit me with an actual saber, not on purpose at least. Suddenly Anakin swiped towards my side and I was too slow to catch it with my saber. I thought I was done with but then I felt an almost burning sensation right when I noticed a flash of a light blue light. I looked down and noticed that there was a light blue, a bit darker color than my lightsabers, barrier that had blocked Anakin's saber from my waist. All of a sudden, the sensation was gone, the barrier that seemed to be made out of energy was gone, and Anakin's saber was away from me and back on his belt.

"Are you alright, Nova...?!" I heard Obi wan ask me, worriedly.

I quickly un-ignited my saber and placed it on my belt before I placed my hand to where Anakin's saber would've hit me at. Then the thought hit me, I could be dead right now and it would've been a freak accident. But what happened with I asked myself. I remember feeling a burning sensation radiating from the energy barrier. Who created it though? I've never heard of someone creating a barrier like that before. I felt calm when it happened, as if I knew that I would be alright...yet...?

"I-I'm so sorry...." Anakin told me. "I thought you would catch it...with your saber."

"I-I...." My words stumbled. What do I say? What should I say? I asked myself. "I've got to go." With that, I darted out of the training room and dashed to my room, closing the door on my way in. I went over to the mirror by my dresser and stood in front of it. There wasn't even a burn mark from the saber on my clothes. There was no evidence for what had just happened other than for Obi wan, Anakin and myself seeing what had happened. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in and then another back out. It's alright...I'm fine.... I told myself as I reopened my eyes and found my normal reflection in the mirror.

I went to sit down with my legs crossed on my bed and closed my eyes. I had my arms laying on my legs, I took a deep breath in before breathing out. I saw a flash of colors: blues, greens, yellows, oranges, purples, pinks, and reds; before I felt my consciousness slipping away.

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