Ch: 16

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" seems you did the latter...." Ashlyn stated as she looked at me.


"What do you mean...?" I asked Ashlyn once more.

"What do I mean...?" Ashlyn asked me, in a tone that somewhat mocked me. She looked slightly amused while she had one hand positioned on her hip as she stared at me. "Can't you feel it...? Or rather not feel it...? Sweetie, you cut yourself off from the Force."

"I-I...?" I stammered as I stumbled up to my feet, nearly falling to the ground. That's never happened before...I...I became clumsy.... Now standing up, I faced Ashlyn as I looked at her. "How do I reverse it...? Can I even reverse it...? I-."

"Calm down." Ashlyn told me, more like ordered me. "It's completely'll just take some time."

"Time...?" I asked her, as if that was the worst thing in all the universe. "How much...?"

"However much you'll need." Ashlyn told me, I slightly frowned at her answer. "Don't worry, I accidentally did that as well when I was first learning these abilities. It came back on it's own in about a week."

"A week...?" I asked Ashlyn, completely fretting the possibility. There was no way I could survive a week without my was already getting to me and I was barely a minuet in.

"Or was it a month...?" Ashlyn seemed to ponder, questioningly. She then turned back towards me.

"A month...?!" I questioned her, not believing it. "Isn't there any way to speed it up...?"

"Meditation maybe." Ashlyn seemed to ponder. "Or maybe some piece and quiet within nature...or at least that's what I did when I had accidentally done the same."

"Not helping." I told her. "What did you actually do...? What do I do...?"

"U-Um...." Ashlyn stammered as she took a step back from me. "Is that...?" She asked no one in particular. "Sorry...I'd love to stay and chat's Mizella. She's calling me." With that, Ashlyn just vanished into thin air.

"Wait...!" I called out after her. "We aren't done here...! Come back...!" I slumped to the ground in my desperation.

I looked at a nearby pebble, I imagined it to did not. Just how can I stay like this...? It's so.... I feel so...powerless....

"H-hey...!" Kala startled me as she placed her hand to my shoulder. "She said it's not permanent."

"I-I know but...." I started before I looked at her. "For the last eleven's all I've life."

"Does not revolve around your ability to use the Force." Kala tried to cheer me up.

"But it does...I'm a Jedi Padawan." I pointed out to her. "It kind of does."

"Come on." Kala told me as she grabbed my hands and pulled me up from the ground. "I think I have something that you'll absolutely love."


We were both back at the palace, in Kala's room that Padmé assigned her. We somehow managed to avoid crossing paths with anyone before we got to her room, mostly Kala's doing as I relied on her senses to tell if anyone was nearby. I felt so blind, never realizing just how much I relied upon the Force for basically everything. Although...I only had one thought on my mind.

"Kala...?" I calmly, too calmly, questioned her.

"Mmhmm." She just hummed as she fixed my hair. She put it up in a complicated way that made my Padawan braid look like just a regular braid among other braids. Although, if you look can tell the difference.

"Why. Am. I. Wearing. A. Dress...?" I calmly asked her as I looked in the mirror. I was in an elegant yellow and silver swirled gown she had lifted from Padmé's closet...quite literally via the Force.

"How else are you gonna pretend to be Padmé...?" She just asked me, as if what we were doing was obvious.

"And why would I pretend to be Padmé...?" I just questioned my friend. "And how is that something I can do now...? We look alike. When together, and it's not obvious, we are quite easily mistaken for the other...mostly by people who've known Padmé and for quite some time. Even you, if only for a split second before you realized her Force signature doesn't match mine."

"But it's not quiet so simple as to just look like your twin to trick a Jedi, we can see through that." She informed me. "But you...with your connection severed...have a presence quite mistakenly as Padmé's. Especially if said Jedi hasn't been around her in a while."

"What's your game...?" I asked her. "Why pretend to be someone I'm not...?"

"Does there haft to be a game...?" She just asked me. "Why can't you just talk to them and mess around for a bit...? It'll be fun. See how long they take before they realize that you're not Padmé, you don't even haft to claim to be her...let them assume."

Why am I letting her talk me into this...? I asked myself as I found myself actually wanting to play Kala's game. "Who's first...?" I simply asked her.

"Well...only Obi-wan or Anakin can be easily confused by this charade but I suppose if you want to try and trick anyone else...?" She seemed to tell me.

"..." I thought for a moment before I responded. "Can we not find Obi-wan...please...?" I didn't exactly feel like explaining myself to him. "So...I suppose let's find Anakin. Can you sense him anywhere nearby...?"

She closed her eyes for a moment as she reached out with the Force, obvious searching for Anakin's Force Signature. It took her longer to find it than it probably would've taken me...but alas we had to rely on her abilities. I knew she had found him as soon as she'd opened her eyes, coming out of whatever Force trance she had used to find Anakin.

"He's not too far from here." She just told me. "But...." She hesitated. "He's not alone."

"Let me guess...?" I asked her. Just who else could he be with...? I suppose Padmé, as I remembered that he practically flirted with her when he first met her and Padmé was blushing about she liked him too. However...I've nI clue if those feelings still exist. Although...he could also be with Obi-wan, training...which seemed to make more sense than him being with Padmé. "Obi-wan...?"

"Obi-wan." She confirmed for me.

"Obi-wan...." I seemed to repeat the name, softly as my voice was barely a whisper. It just had to be him.

Great.... I internally sighed. Just great....

I was so not looking forwards to that conversation now...although...I suppose it does haft to happen...eventually.

I took a long sigh as I composed myself before I turned towards Kala. "Just...take me to them." I quietly told her. Before I change my mind about all this.... Before I run to my room, lock the door, and quietly sob under the blankets on my bed.

That's all I felt like doing...but alas...Kala had other plans...and those plans...? Me impersonating my sister.

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