Ch: 15

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I just looked at Ashlyn, confused by her statement. 'Who said I died...?' Ashlyn had asked us, me.

"It's in your holocron." I informed her. "The date that you died."

"Or was that the date that people had last seen me and proclaimed that I was dead...?" Ashlyn asked us.

"Sure force users may live longer than non force users but either way." I told Ashlyn. "With the amount of time that has passed between now and then, there is no way you can possibly be alive."

"I believe I once told you that 'you won't die unless you are ment to.'" Ashlyn pointed out to me. I remembered when she told me that but I thought it only pertained to the force field thing. "Apparently, I wasn't meant to die. As such, I simply just went into the force of my own accord as there was nothing left for me...until now."

"What do you mean until now...?" I asked her.

"Just that." Ashlyn told me. "Actual Grey Jedi are so rare, sure there are those who call themselves so and walk the path between the light and dark but they mustn't go too far into the darkness lest they find their true selves lost." She explained to me. "As such, real Grey Jedi are those who walk the path between the light and the dark without losing who they are to the darkness."

~~~A Couple Nubian Day's Later~~~

"What do you mean...?" I asked Ashlyn as we stood in the middle of the woods, still on Naboo.

After Obi-Wan and I had first meet Ashlyn, we left her there as she refused to come back to the palace with us - stating that I could find her once more. We had then contacted Master Yoda about our discovery of Ashlyn being upon Naboo. As such, Master Yoda decided to allow me to stay on Naboo if only to learn more about what I was capable of as well as for Obi-Wan and I to keep an eye on this mysterious Jedi.

Then, of course, it was only a matter of time before the rest of the council started to wonder about what Obi-Wan and I were even doing on Naboo as well as to the fact of why Anakin wasn't with Obi-Wan but was with Kala instead. Master Yoda, thus, filled in the rest of the council about why Obi-Wan and I were on Naboo, leaving out the fact that Ashlyn was from ancient times, they, of course, wanted Ashlyn brought to the Jedi Temple but also thought that was an unwise course of action. So, instead, they sent two other Jedi to help Obi-Wan and I keep an eye on Ashlyn.

"What do you mean, 'what do you mean'...?" Ashlyn asked me as she stood in front of me. "It's simple enough...just imagine yourself being cut off from The Force without actually being cut off." I knew what she meant when she first showed me, or rather proved that you could do this, I couldn't feel her connection to the force yet she was still able to use it by lifting up some pebbles. Then as if to show off, she changed it to reflect only the light side but then used a lightning ability that's only on the dark side before switching her signature to the dark side, causing yellow circles to appear in her eyes. Her eyes then went back to their nature shade of blue before her force signature faded back to its normal state.

"Why do I even need to learn this...?" I asked her, this ability was pointless...what situation would I be in where this ability would be useful...?

"Back when I was in the Jedi order, everyone knew what I was capable of but I could tell that they didn't like it when I used a dark side ability because 1) it was the dark side and they were users of only the light side, and 2) they didn't like the feeling of darkness within my presence." Ashlyn told me. "And by how the Jedi order seems now, neither would they... perhaps more so now than then."

"...ok...I guess I'll try...." I stated with a huff.

"Do, or do not, there is no try." I heard a voice state from beside me as they mocked Master Yoda.

"Kala...." I stated as I looked at her. Her and Anakin were the other Jedi that the council had sent over here. Anakin was with Obi-Wan, quite a ways from where Ashlyn and I trained while Kala decided to stay with me. "Why are you even here again...?"

"Because the council sent me here." Kala replied.

"Does she haft to be here...?" I asked Ashlyn, hoping that she'd say 'no'.

"Who else is going to make sure that you do this right...?" Ashlyn asked me.

"" I more so asked Ashlyn than told her.

"You may be able to fool one Jedi but there is no way you can fool two." Ashlyn told me. "Now, are you going to attempt to do this or what...?"

"Fine...." I told her as I sat on my knees upon the ground as I closed my eyes. I thought about what Ashlyn told me, to image myself being cut off from The Force but not actually being cut off yet I still didn't know how to go about doing it. I sat like that as I tried to do what Ashlyn had did, make her force signature vanish from The Force.

When I finally opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was that I no longer felt Ashlyn nor Kala's force signatures nearby me, the second thing was the colorful colors of the setting sun. I instantly looked around me, Kala was meditating not to far away while Ashlyn was just staring at the sunset. Why couldn't I feel their presences...? I asked myself as I looked Ashlyn, she was much closer by than Kala.

"You finally figure it out...?" Ashlyn asked as she looked at me.

"I...think...." I told her, I'm not quite sure. Is this how she felt when she had made herself seem cut off...?

" try to lift a rock while keeping your force signature like that." Ashlyn told me.

"Why...?" I asked her.

"To see if you can make your force signature stay that way while using The Force." Ashlyn told me as if it was obvious. " can make yourself seem like you're cut off from The Force...or you can actually cut yourself off."

"Are you guys done...?" Kala asked from behind me. "I can't sense Nova through the force...yet it's slightly different than...."

I quickly turned my head to face her, when did she stop meditating...? I asked myself, slightly confused on when she decided to stand slightly behind me.

" seems you did the latter...." Ashlyn stated as she looked at me.

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