Ch: 22

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We slowly stopped as I neared a small gazebo next to a lake...white flowers adorned the gazebo. This place was beautiful and so in touch with nature and as a was also nice and secluded. The perfect place. As we neared it, Kala was the first to take off her cloak as she disregarded it along the ground, close by the gazebo. I hardly noticed when Kala took my cloak off of me and dropped it on the eyes were too busy scanning the Obi-wan.

He was dressed in a cream-colored suit...perhaps the first time I'd seen him in anything but a Jedi robe. My eyes then landed on my sister, who stood behind Obi-wan. She was wearing a beautiful golden dress with silver swirls along its skirt, as well as her Queenly crown. There was nobody else here...which honestly isn't too out of the ordinary as how Padmé seems to always find countless ways to ditch her security when it's not needed.

My eyes quickly darted back toward Obi-wan as Kala and I walked into the gazebo. I came to a stop about a foot away from Obi-wan, standing on Padmé's left side, about three feet away, with Kala standing off to my left side, about five feet away.

Padmé started to speak, which I barely even paid enough attention to as my attention was entranced upon Obi-wan. He caught me looking, a smirk appeared on his head started to feel light with slight embarrassment as a small smile spread across my face. I just batted my eyes at him and his face seemed to instantly turn red. No doubt he was paying just as much attention to Padmé as I was.

I didn't notice when he took my hands, my gaze too caught up with the stars in his eyes.

"I do," Obi-wan stated, which snapped me back to reality. So...maybe he was paying attention enough to Padmé's words....

Padmé then slightly turned her face from Obi-wan to me, as if to face me. "Do you, Nova Elara Amidala, take Obi-wan Kenobi to be your lawful wedded husband? For long as you both shall live...?"

My eyes searched his for a split second before I if my voice got caught in my throat. But I wasn't having second mind just seemed to play idle for a second.

"I do," I stated after what felt like an eternity but was probably more like a couple of seconds.

"By the power vested in me by the people of Naboo, as the Queen of Naboo, I now pronounce you Obi-wan Kenobi and Nova Elara Amidala Kenobi...husband and wife," Padmé stated before her gaze switched back over toward Obi-wan. "You may now kiss your bride."

He moved his hand up towards my face, flipping the veil up and out of my face. His lips were quick to find mine...the kiss lasted for what felt like an eternity.


I was in that familiar white void of Ashlyn's. I looked around, finding no one until the girl in question faded into view.

"Ashlyn...!" I instantly stated as soon as I'd seen her, happiness seemed to fill my thoughts. Great...she's not dead...well she is...but I can still see her.... Just like before...just as she'd said.

"Nova." She greeted me, small smile upon her face as her gaze went to my the ring Obi-wan gave me. "I suppose congratulations are in order."

I brought my hand up to see the ring on my finger. But how is that there...? In here...?

"What's the matter...?" She asked me, a bit concerned. "Are you not happy...?"

"No...I just...." I told her as I looked at the ring, questioningly. "I wasn't wearing it when I went to bed...I put it on the dresser."

"In here." She started. "You see your true self...and your true self,'re married.... So of course that reflects back in here."

"I see," I told her before I placed my hand back by my side. "Thank you." We then spent a couple of seconds in silence until I broke it. "So...did I call you or did you call me...?"

"Actually, for once, the latter." She told me. "We need to talk."

"Y-yeah...we do." I stated, in agreement, as my mind went back to the last thing she told me. 'You were born amongst this peaceful era, knowing nothing of the true darkness that has yet to follow.' "What did you mean by 'true darkness'...? What's going to happen...?"

"I can't say." She told me, her voice soft and filled with sorrow.

"Can't or won't...?" I was quick to ask her, slightly upset at her for dodging my questions.

"Just know...there are dark times ahead. Some darker than mustn't let them get the better of you." She told me. "I know you won't...I've taught you everything I know about the Force...there's nothing else for me to teach you."

"But what about everything in your holocron...?" I asked her. "We haven't even gone through half of it."

"But I've taught you everything you need to know so you can go through it." She informed me. "There's nothing else I can show you...but another...that's why I called you here. I've someone I'd like you to meet but I must warn you...she's a bit rough around the edges."

"Rougher than you...?" I questioned her as if what she was saying was impossible. Just how could someone be rougher than her...?

That's when I felt it...darkness...pure darkness...something I haven't felt since.... My mind went back all those years to Tatooine...that Sith.... The presence got stronger as a figure started to appear right beside Ashlyn...although Ashlyn didn't seem to share my worry.

Once the figure was clear, my eyes searched over this new person. She looked a couple of years older than Ashlyn and had light blonde hair and emerald-green eyes. Like Ashlyn...she had a lightsaber on her belt...a double-bladed lightsaber that looked to able to disconnect so she could duel-wield them.

" my dearest friend." Ashlyn semed to say once this new person had fully appeared beside us.

I looked at this new person, slight yellow rings seemed to encircle her eyes.

"Nadia, she's like us...." Ashlyn introduced the new girl. "Don't worry, she doesn't bite...mostly."

"And when have I ever bit you...?" The new girl, Nadia, seemed to slightly demand an answer from Ashlyn...although a bit playfully.

"You're biting right now," Ashlyn informed Nadia.

Nadia only seemed to make a 'tsk' noise before she slightly shook her head from side to side, clearing the yellow from her eyes. The darkness in her aura seemed to quell before she looked at me, with somewhat cold eyes.

"Don't worry...." Ashlyn seems to tell me. "Nadia's not typically like this...alright...only to people who she doesn't know. She'll warm up to you."

Yeah.... I told myself. Do I even want her too...?

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