Game Changer

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Demi's POV
I looked at the clock on our rental car. 8:13AM. When I get home, I'm inventing teleportation.
If you haven't already guessed, today is the day that I get to see my Jaden again after two weeks of separation. I've been driving Nick up the wall this week with the tears and worrying. But I honestly can't help it. I miss her so much. I hope she had fun at the same time. She's had a rough year and hopefully this helped her out.
Nick noticed that I was bouncing up and down in my seat and he reached out to me. I wrapped my hand around his large mitt and intertwined our fingers.
He glanced at me and kissed the top of my hand. "Dem, calm down babe we'll be there soon," he said with a chuckle.
I sighed impatiently and let myself relax a bit.
After another gruesome 45 minutes, we finally pulled into the parking lot of camp. I nearly jumped out of the moving car. I couldn't wait any longer to see my baby. I just hope she had fun and wasn't too homesick.
Nick was swarmed instantly by all the campers when we got out. He was probably all of their role models. I smiled at the scene.
I felt a finger tap me on the shoulder and saw a group of about six or seven girls. "C-can we have your autograph?" One asked politely.
I nodded and chuckled at how cute she was.
After signing a few autographs and taking some pictures, Nick and I finally made our way over to Jaden's cabin. I went around to the front porch and walked in. Jaden turned around and gasped.
"MOOOMMMAAAA!" She yelled, running up to me and leaping into my arms.
I squeezed her super tight and picked her up. She tightly secured her legs around my waist and rested her head on my chest.
"Hey baby!" I said rubbing her back. I kissed her cheek and she pulled away so that she could look at me. "Did you have fun?" I asked.
She nodded excitedly and hopped down. "Nicky!!!!" She said leaping into Nick's arms.
He caught her effortlessly and spun her around. "Heya kiddo!!!" He said giving her a tight bear hug, "how's my Jaden doing?"
She squeezed him tight and pecked his cheek. "Jaden's never been better," she replied. She motioned to the young girl in the red 'STAFF' t shirt over at the other end of the cabin saying goodbye to another girl and her parents. She hopped out of Nick's arms and ran over to the girl. She wrapped her arms around her waist and the girl hugged her back.
"Momma, this is Gill. She's one of my counsellors," She said smiling up at Gill.
Gill stuck out her hand ad smiled. "Hi! It's nice to meet you. I'm a HUGE fan of your work."

I chuckled and shook her hand. "Aw thanks! It's nice to meet you as well. I hope that Jaden wasn't too much trouble," I said ruffling Jade's hair.
Jaden glared at me and I gave her a big grin.
"Not at all," Gill replied, squeezing Jade tighter, "She was a little loud at times but overall she was as good as gold."
Nick crossed his arms and looked at Jade with a look of disbelief. Jade gave him a cheeky grin and he laughed. "You almost ready to go kiddo?"
Jade shot Gill a look of sadness and grabbed onto her. Gill gave her a tight hug and rubbed her back gently. I smiled at them. I was happy to see that Jade had a good time while she was here and that she made some new friends.
After they hugged for a bit, Jade pulled away with tears stains on her face and a small paper in her hand. I gave her a small smile and wrapped my arm around her shoulder giving her a side hug. She wrapped her arms around my waist as we walked back to the rental car. "Momma?" She whispered.
"What's up baby girl?"
She sniffled and wiped her cheeks. "I have an idea... But I need your help."
I kissed her head and pulled her in. "I'd be happy to help. But what do you have planned?" I asked.
Jade smiled and took both mine and Nick's hands. She looked up at him with a wide grin. "I think you're really gonna like this one Nicky," She said, grinning even wider.
I couldn't help but smile. Seeing Jaden happy made me happy.
I couldn't be more proud to be the mother of this beautiful young woman. She means the world to me... And I will go to my grave making sure that she is happy, healthy and...
That she always remembers her name.

But if she ever forgets it, I won't tell 'em.

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