Genuine Relations

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Jaden's POV

August 7th, 2018

It's been a week since momma dropped me off and I love it here. Other than calling me Little Lovato, no one here treats me any different because my mom is famous. Everyone treats me the same. I feel like here, I don't have to try to be something that I'm not. But at school, I have to constantly question if my relationships are genuine. But not at Huronda. Here, no one cares about money or any materialistic parts of you. At camp, you can just be you. And as great as it has been to be Demi's daughter and have Nick in my life, I still recieve little bouts of hate and have those people who fake wanting to be friends with me just to get to Nick and Demi. That's the part that really stings. When you realize that they didn't like you as a person and just wanted to be your friend because your mom has money and is famous.

But being at Huronda has taught me a lot about myself and how to be healthy. Living with Demi, I've begun eating healthier and she keeps me in line when it comes I things like that. But camp has taught me why it's so important and that diabetes is not as bad as it seems. Like Mackenzie told me yesterday, "It never gets easy J. And you know the bad days are always gonna be around. But trust me, you get stronger and you learn how to jump over the hurdles. And yeah, somedays you don't make it over one of 'em and you fall on your face. But you don't just lay there in pain right? You've gotta race to win!!! So what do you do? Yeah, ya get up, brush off the dust and keep running. And then, then next hurdle you come to, you jump a little higher 'cause you learned from your mistakes. My point is, diabetes is like a hurdles race; You might trip and fall flat on your face every once in a while, but you get up and keep running, jumping a little higher each time because you're stronger with every fall."

I had clapped for her when she was done. That was one of the most inspiring analogies I had ever heard. This is the kind of support I've been getting from the people here over the past week. I am so grateful for it and I can't wait to get back home and tell momma and Nicky.

But I really want to talk to them about something that's I've wanted to do for a little bit now. I really wanna make a difference in our world. I mean, the world's great and all, but just like momma always says, "Nobody's perfect, Jade. Nothing's perfect either. Everything and everyone has flaws, it just gets covered up so you don't see it. But I can tell you, they're always there." I know that nothing will ever be perfect and that by doing this I will only make a small change, but even small differences are still differences.

I just gotta figure out one thing...

How I'm gonna go about it...


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