Panther Ready

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Needless to say it felt good to sleep the entire night through without having to worry about Jade.

My alarm went off at 8:00am. An ungodly hour in my opinion. But I knew that today I couldn't hit the snooze button.

Today, my plan was to take Jaden shopping and go and visit her school.

I'm sending Jade to The Archer School for Girls because I heard that it's one of the best and I want the best for my baby. Plus, their sports teams always beat Maddie's school by a landslide, so I think that'll make Jade happy too.

I unwillingly rolled out of bed and went into her room.

I sat on her bed. "Jade," I whispered softly in her ear, "time to get up my love."

She groaned and rolled over to face me.

I squatted down next to her bed. "Hi baby," I said, leaning over and kissing her nose, "How'd you sleep?"

She smiled. "Pretty good. How about you?" She asked.

I giggled. "Meh."

She chuckled and sat up. "Are we going to the mall today?" She asked.

I sat next to her and put my arm around her shoulders. "Yes ma'am. And, I've scheduled a meeting and tour of your school. You're going to Archer. It's an all-girls school on Sunset Boulevard and I know you're gonna love it," I replied, kissing her on the side of the head.

She giggled and nodded. "This may sound really weird coming from a teenager but I'm excited. I actually really like school and learning new things."

I laughed and squeezed her tight. "You are SOOOO cute," I released her from my grip and turned her to face me, "We gotta get up and get ready now. The meeting with the school is at 2:00pm and I still want to take you to the mall and get you some new stuff," I said standing up and tickling Jade's sides.

She laughed. "Okay, okay, stop, stop. I'm up, I'm up!"

I put my hands on my hips. "Good."


Max carried about ten bags filled with things for Jade. We went to Dick's Sporting Goods, Pottery Barn, H&M and a bunch of other places. All in all, I'm pretty sure that I spent well over $2000 on her. But, I was happy to do so. She's a great kid and she deserves it.

We left the mall at around One and went home to change and drop off the bags.

When we got home it was already 1:15 so we had to change really quick and bolt over to the school.

When we arrived at Archer, we were immediately greeted by two women and a man: The Headmistress, the Athletics Director and the Upper School Director. I had spoken to each one of them on the phone and they all seemed very nice.

Jade and I stepped out of the car and the three of them led us around the school. They engaged Jade in the conversation. This really reassured me that she was in good hands and that I could feel safe with her going to school here.

After the tour was over, we were lead into an office where we spoke to the three of them.

"So Jaden, what did you make of our school?" The Headmistress asked.

"I LOVE IT!!!" Jade said.

The four of us laughed at her answer.

The Headmistress smiled. "Can you see yourself coming here everyday? You know sitting in the courtyard, chatting with your friends and going to soccer practice?" She asked Jade.

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