Bad News and Hospital Beds

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Two Days Later- 9:23am

I woke up on Wednesday morning and got out of bed to check on Jade.

I walked over to her room to find her awake in her bed. She had whipped off her blankets and was sprawled out on her bed like a starfish. Her eyes were barely open and she was breathing extremely heavy.

I walked over to her and squatted down next to her bed. I put my hand on her forehead. Her body temperature was at an unbareable height. She turned her head towards me. "Hey baby," I whispered, "how ya feelin'?"

She shook her head. "I couldn't sleep last night. I had to keep getting up to go pee and get water. I was so hot too. I still am," She replied, fanning herself with her t-shirt. She put her hand on her forehead. "My head hurts really bad momma. I don't know what to do, the Tylenol's not working," She replied in a weak and tired voice.

I stroked my fingers along her cheek. "Aww I'm sorry baby. I think we should go to the doctor. They'll know how to make you feel better."

She nodded. Then suddenly sat up and ran into her bathroom.

I turned towards her bathroom. "Jade you ok..."

I heard her throwing up. A sound I knew quite well. I ran in and dropped next to her. I held back her hair and rubbed her back.

When she finished she laid back on the floor and took a few deep breaths before slowly standing up. She walked over to the sink, rinsed her mouth and washed her face. I sat on the floor and just watched her. I couldn't understand why this was happening and where she had gotten it from.

I shook it off and walked over to Jade. She was leaning over the sink taking deep breaths. I put my hand on her back and leaned over so that I could look at her. I immedietely became extremely concerned because of her condition. I needed to get her to the doctors. "Baby, we gotta get you to a doctor, like now. Put on some sweats and meet me down stairs, okay?"

She nodded and I left the room so that she could get ready. I quickly threw on some tights, a bra and put my hair up in a bun. I grabbed a pair of sunglasses and ran downstairs. Jade was standing in the foyer waiting patiently for me. She had thrown on her school soccer pants and hoodie. She was holding a water bottle and looked like she could barely even stand up.

I picked her up and grabbed my purse and keys from the side table next to the door. I walked out to the car where Max was waiting in the driver's seat. I opened the door and placed Jade in her seat. I buckled her in before closing the door and walking around to my side of the car. I got in and told Max to drive.

We arrived at the doctor's office within 15 minutes. Max opened my door and I walked around to Jade's side. I picked her up and walked into the office.

Luckily, we didn't wait long to be seen by the doctor. He called us in within ten minutes.

"Hello there ladies!" He said cheerfully. "So Jaden, what seems to be the problem?" He asked Jaden who was sitting in my lap with her head on my chest.

"She's had a fever of about 110 since Monday morning. She's always extremely thirsty, using the bathroom frequently, and she's lost about five pounds this week. She also threw up this morning," I answered.

The doctor took notes on her condition and turned to face me. "Okay so I am not one hundred percent sure on this but I think I may know what's wrong with Jaden."

"Really? Oh thank goodness! What is it?" I asked.

He crossed his arms and leaned against the counter. "Well, based on what you told me, all signs point to type one diabetes. But again, I am not one hundred percent."

My heart immediately stopped. I had seen Nick grow up and struggle with diabetes. I didn't want that for Jaden. I wanted her to live without worry and be happy. I feared that having diabetes would take her away from that. I looked down at her and kissed her cheek.

I nodded at the doctor, trying my best to hold back tears. "So... What happens next?" I asked, anxious for answers.

He sighed. "Well I have reserved a bed for you at CHLA. All you need to do is head on over there and you'll be admitted immediately."

I nodded and stood up. "Okay, thank you so much for your help," I said adjusting Jade and making my way over to the door.

The doctor nodded. "Anytime. I hope you feel better Jaden."

I payed the secretary at the front desk.

Jade looked up at me and my heart shattered. She raised her head slowly and then dropped it on my chest. Her face was drained of all color and her eyes shut. I desperately shook her but recieved no response. I ran out to the car. Max took Jaden out of my arms and placed her in her seat. I ran over to my side of the car and instructed Max to step on it.

I needed to get her to CHLA.... Now.

Max sped over to the hospital and the car screetched to a halt out front. I whipped off my seat belt and ran around to the other side where Max was holding a weak and sickly Jaden. I grabbed her and we ran inside and over to the front desk.

Tears were streaming down my face by now. I was in a state of extreme panic.

"Somebody help my baby, Please!" I desperately screamed as I entered the ER with Jaden in my arms and Max in tow.

A nurse came rushing over and yelled at the nurse at the front desk to page a doctor. She quickly inspected Jaden and yelled at the nurse to get them to us faster.

I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if she didn't make it.

The doctors arrived with a stretcher and oxygen tank. I placed her on the stretcher. We wheeled her down the hallway into a seperate unit.

One of the nurses stopped Max and I at the doors of the ICU. "I'm sorry ma'am. You cannot go any further. I kindly ask that you wait over here in the waiting area."

I tried to run past her. "THAT'S MY BABY!!!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!!! I NEED TO SEE HER!!!" Max held me back as I yelled at her, tears streaming down my face.

Max hugged me as I cried into his shoulder. We walked over to the waiting area and sat down.

"It's okay Demi," He whispered to me, "Jade's a fighter. She WILL pull through."

I nodded as he pulled me into another tight hug.

I knew that he was right. But I still couldn't help but wonder.

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