Promises and Nightmares

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Jade and I woke up at around five o'clock in the afternoon.

We walked dowstairs and into the kitchen together. Jade sat down at the table and put her head down.

I walked over to the table and sat down beside her. I gently stoked her hair.

"You hungry baby?" I asked.

Jade nodded.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked through a yawn.

She shrugged. "You pick," she said.

I grabbed the cheese and the apples and handed them to her. Then I walked over to the pantry and grabbed the crackers. I handed those to Jade too.

As I cut up the apples and the cheese, she sat on the counter looking at her phone. It was a iPhone 4S and it was cracked in everyway possible. I looked at her clothes too. They were all name brand and expensive but they were old and didn't really fit her all that well.

I looked up at Jade. "Hey Jade..."

She looked up at me.

"...I was thinking that maybe tomorrow we could got to the mall and get you some new clothes. Maybe a new phone too. What do you say?" I smiled nudging her on the arm.

Her eyes widened. "OMG! I'D LOVE TO!!!"

I smiled at her response. Such a cutie.

Jade frowned. "Wait. I don't want you to spend unnecessary money on me though. Like my clothes still fit and my phone still works. I don't need..."

I interupted and took her hands in mine. "Jaden, your clothes are WAY too small on you. We're buying you new ones, end of story. Your phone is four years old and is so cracked that you can barely even make out the screen. You need a new one. And plus, I wanna spoil you a little bit, okay?"

Jade nodded. "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt... Are you sure?"

I picked her up off the counter and hugged her tight.

I kissed her temple and looked into her big brown eyes. "I would do anything for you. You're my girl now; I have every right to spoil you to death." I patted her on the bum and set her down.

Jade smiled and wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you so much De... I mean... mom..." she corrected winking at me. "...This really means a lot. I've secretly wanted new clothes and a new phone for a while now, I just thought that it was too much to ask the agency for something that I didn't need."

I took her hands in mine. "Jaden, promise that from now on you won't keep any secrets from me. You want something or need something, I wanna know. I always wanna hear when something bad happens at school, when you're not feeling well or upset, I wanna know, okay baby? And I won't keep any secrets from you, deal?"

Jade nodded. "Deal. I'll tell you everything. No secrets. No lies. Cross my heart," she traced an X over her heart.

I chuckled. "Good. Now, go take a seat at the table and I'll bring over our snack, okay?"

Jade nodded and took her seat at the table.

I finished cutting up the cheese and apples, put some crackers on a pladder and brought them over to Jade.

As we ate we talked about her friends back home, her foster family, her sports teams that she had played on in the past and a little bit about me.

I loved this so much. I just loved having a little buddy to hang out with, cuddle and just simply talk to. I was so grateful to have her in my life.

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