A Friend in Me

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Max and I waited outside the ICU for what seemed like forever.

As I waited, I thought about the little girl who had taught me so much over the past four weeks:








I also thought about what my life would be like, had I not met this special little angel of mine.

I needed to know what was wrong and what I could do to fix her. She was mine and I knew that I couldn't get through if I didn't have her.

I turned to my left where Max had been sitting and noticed that he was gone. I looked around and noticed that I was alone. All of the families had left. I checked the time on my phone and noticed that it was 2:00am.

I felt so alone. I felt a burning in my eyes and then tears begin to well up.

I turned to the only thing that I knew I could count on:


I quietly began to sang the lyrics to His Daughter By Molly Kate Keasner

Everything's gonna be alright
She whispers to herself
She was only 6 years old that night
As she hid behind that shelf
Cuz daddy had a little too much to drink
And mama didn't want her to feel the pain she felt
But she still felt the pain...

Well 10 years they came and went
And dad was gone
So she looked for love in other men
And tried to act strong.
Broken hearts and Scars in only places she could see
Cuz she just wanted, she just wanted to feel something

And as she sat there on that bed
thinking bout what those girls said
tears streamed down her eyes
She cried...

If there's a God out there
Please here my prayer.
I'm lost and I'm scared
and I've got no where else to go
I've come a long, long way
But I'm not sure I can make it much farther...
So if you're listening, could you give a helping hand
To your daughter.

Well her path started to change
She reached out and grabbed God's grace
And finally, she saw a light
Until that night...
Where she decided one drink was alright
and one thing led to another
Next thing you know, 9 months go be
she's a mother.

And as she layer there in that bed
Stroking that small angels head
Tears streamed down her eyes
She cried...

If there's a God out there
Please here my prayer.
I'm lost and I'm scared
and I've got no where else to run
I've come a long, long way
But I'm not sure I can be the best mother...
So if you're listening, could you give a helping hand
To your daughter.

Well that baby grew into a boy
Who became her pride and joy
He loved her like no man could
And her heart felt peace, cuz she finally understood
God's love.

And as she layed there in that bed
99 years old
She grabbed her songs hand and said
There's something you must know...

There is a God up there
Who heard my prayer
I was lost and afraid
And I had no where else to go.
I had know clue, what to do
And then He sent me you.

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