LA Baby

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Jade slept for most of the flight. Which was probably good because she was pretty freaked out when we were taking off.

When the pilot announced that we were about to start landing, I got really excited. Jade opened her eyes and looked up at me. She was breathing extremely heavy and looked like she was about to cry again.

I looked down at her and rubbed her tummy.

"Hey Jade. Don't worry, okay? I'm right here nothing's going to happen." I grabbed her hand and held it tight between my own. "The flight's almost over. We're going to land soon. Deep breaths, baby. Deep breaths."

Jade was crying by now, but she still nodded. She took a few deep breaths and looked up at me.

"I-I'm sorry Demi, I've never b-been good with flying," she said, tears streaming down her face.

I smiled and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Hey it's no biggie. I'm here for YOU!" I replied, tickling her sides.

Jade giggled and cuddled into my lap. She took a few more deep breaths. I gripped her hand tigher. Poor thing. She has anxiety about a lot of things. I continued to rub her tummy and she started to calm down. I had always loved it when my mom did that for me when I was scared or upset so I figured that I would use it on Jade.

I looked down at Jade, who was staring off into space.

"You excited to be living in LA now?" I asked, tickling her on the tummy.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Yeah. But I don't think I'll be able to play hockey as much as I could back in Oakville. But, it works out because now I can really focus on soccer."

I smiled. "Yeah... Us Californians aren't really big on hockey, but I will DEFINIETELY put you in soccer. I'll look and see about the hockey thing, but I don't think we've got any youth leagues in LA. Sorry babe."

She sat up and then put her head on my chest, hugging me by the waist. "It's okay Demi. Don't worry about it. I LOVE soccer too. I won't die if I can't play."

I grabbed Jade, pulled her close to me and planted a kiss on her cheek. "I'm still gonna check it out. I want you to be happy and do what you love. And hockey's what you love, so I'm gonna do my best to make that happen for you."

Jade smiled and nodded. She sunk back down to lap and put her legs up on her seat. I played with her hair.

The plane touched down and some people started to clap. CHEEEEESSSSSYYYYYY.

Jade sat up again and grabbed my hand. "Let's do this," she said confidently.

I grabbed her hand tight and smiled at her.

My little confident one. She's gonna be SO much fun to raise. I can't wait any longer.


On our way out to the car, Jade just looked all around her. She was in awe.

"This place is AWESOME! I've been to LA before but I was six and completely oblivious. THIS IS SOOOOO EXCITING," she said with a huge grin on her face.

I laughed and yanked her into a hug. "I'm excited too! Now, let's go and find Mr. Maxi Pad."

Max pulled up with the car and rolled down the window. "Heard that Demetria."

I stuck out my tounge at him and opened the door for Jade. I motioned for her to hop in and scoot over to the other side. She and I got in and belted up.

My house was about half an hour from LAX, so we got to drive through downtown on the way there. Jade looked at her surroundings with her mouth wide open in shock. I laughed at the face that she was making. SHE WAS SO FUCKING CUUUTTTEEE.

I couldn't help myself. I grabbed her and pulled her onto my lap. She snuggled into me and rested her head on my chest. She soon fell back asleep. Wadda a lil' sweetie. I kissed her head and gently rubbed her back. Boy did this kid sleep a lot.

We finally made it onto my street and I gently shook Jade to wake her up. She opened her eyes and smiled at me. "You pumped? Get pumped. Cuz I'm pumped," I said.

Jade just smiled and snuggled back into my neck. I patted her leg. "Hey you! I'm not carrying you into the house. You're 15. You are walking missy!"

She groaned and sat up. She looked very, very jet legged. Yup. Naptime for Jaden.

I chuckled and rubbed her shoulder. "Don't worry, we can sleep when we get inside the house."

We finally reached my house and pulled into the driveway. FUCK YES. WE'RE HOOOOOOMMMMMMMEEEE, THANK GOD.

I grabbed Jade's hand. "Home sweet home, baby!"

Her jaw dropped as we came to a stop in front of the door. "THIS PLACE IS FUCKING MASSIVE!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!"

I frowned and turned her way. "Hey there missy, language! No one's allowed to swear but me."

Jade put her head down in defeat. "Sorry Demi."

I immedietely felt bad. I lifted her chin up so she could look at me. "Hey, it's okay. You made a misake." I smiled. "And quit callin' me Demi. Call me something else. Demi's my buisness name."

Jade wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. "Can I call you... mom?"

My heart felt warm and I started to tear up a little bit. "Awwwwww!! Of course you can babygirl! I love you," I kissed her on the cheek.

Jade smiled and nodded.

Suddenly Max opened our car door. I noticed that my front door was open and our luggage was no longer in the car.

"I carried all of the luggage up to your rooms. I'll see you two later on. But right now, you both should get some sleep, that was a really long flight and I'm pretty sure neither of you slept the last two days," Max said with a wink.

Jade and I chuckled.

Jade hopped off of my lap and waited for me to get out of the car. She grabbed my hand and we walked into the house. I gave Jade a quick tour and then showed her to her room. It was really plain right now, but I promised her that we would decorate it the way she liked.

Jade and I both yawned.

"Tired baby?" I asked her, tickling her on the back.

She nodded, yawning again.

I chuckled. "Wanna go cuddle then take a nap?"

Jade nodded.

I grabbed her hand and led her into my room. I pulled the covers off the bed and got in. Jade followed and scootched closer to me. I grabbed her waist and pulled her close. She turned and faced me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I smiled and grabbed her hand. She turned back over and I rubbed her back.

This is what I've been waiting three years for. This was SO worth the wait.

I held my sleeping angel close to me and kissed her temple. I yawned and slowly fell asleep with Jade in my arms.

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