Nightmares of My Past

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Demi's POV


Nick and I had fallen asleep while watching Halle Berry's new movie When All Else Fails. Key words there: Fell asleep. It was a typical Halle Berry movie with a shit load of boring, sappy stuff.

"NO!!! NOOOO RAEGEN! RAEGEN YOU CAN'T!!! RAE COME BACK!!!" I jumped up from the couch and ran upstairs and into Jade's room. "I WON'T TELL 'EM RAE!!! I PROMISE!!! I LOVE YOU RAE!!! I WON'T TELL 'EM YOUR NAME!!!" She screamed out.

I picked her up and placed her onto my lap. "Jade... Jaden... Wake up baby. Jaden, can you hear me? It's momma babygirl," I said, shaking her in attempt to recieve a response.

She woke up and began to hyperventilate. Tears streamed down her face. I pulled her close to me and she sobbed into my neck. I rubbed her back and whispered in her ear, "It's okay... Shhhhh I know baby, I know. Don't worry it's over now, I promise.... Shhhh... Just breath Jade, just breath."

She copied my breathing and slowly began to calm down, although she continued to cry. I kissed her temple and rubbed the back of my hand across her head. "Do you wanna talk about it? It might help."

She nodded and pulled away from me. I felt the bed sink and I turned to see Nick take a seat next to me. He nodded and leaned over to me, "I wanna be here for this if that's okay with you," He whispered to me.

I nodded and patted the empty space between Nick and I. Jade sat in between us and took a deep breath. I rubbed her back and gave her a small, encouraging smile.

She took another deep breath and wiped her tears on her sleeve. "So, you know how my parents and my brother died right?"

I nodded

"Well," She continued, "What you guys don't know is what had happened leading up to what happened that night." She took another deep breath and a few tears leaked from her eyes.

I rubbed her back and took her hand. I planted a kiss on the top of it. "Take your time baby bear."

She nodded and continued, "So my older brother, Raegen, or Rae as we always called him, was this great singer and he was also a dancer as well. He was extremely talented. So talented that he had recived a scholarship to Julliard in New York. He was always really badly bullied in school. People would call him a fagg and told him that he was going to burn in hell. He denied for years that he was gay, and for the most part, people believed him. But one day, I walked into his room and I saw him and his boyfriend kissing. He told me not to tell anyone because in our religion, being gay is a sin and our family follows that rule. My parents would never accept him. I couldn't let that happen because Raegen was special and he was more than just my older brother, he was my best friend, and I was his. Rae saw the world differently. He always forgave the dirtbags who beat him up and he never fought back. He... He was so special..." She sobbed into her hands and I pulled her close to me, "But..." She wiped her tears and continued, "Basically, one of the main guys who had bullied Rae came to our house that night and got into our house."

I internally gasped at her words. How the actual fuck? What kind of monster?

"Rae and I were upstairs and my mom and dad were downstairs..." She sniffled and wiped her tears once more. She took a deep breath and continued, "...We heard three gunshots and I immidiately tried to get downstairs and see what was happening. But Rae stopped me and went down. He told me to hide in my room and not to come out. After a while, I got worried so I slowly made my way down too. I went into the kitchen... And... And..." She fell onto my lap and sobbed.

I teared up at the broken little angel on my lap. I rubbed her back and looked over at Nick for reassurance. He was making every attempt to cry. I grabbed his hand and he gripped it tight. A few tears leaked out of his eyes. He placed his hand on Jade and rubbed her back. "Jaden, NO ONE and I mean NO ONE will EVER hurt you like that again as long as I live."

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