Lows an' Highs

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Two weeks had passed and it hadn't been easy, but Jade got through it and so did I. She had a soccer game tonight and Nick was calculating how much we would reduce her pre-game insulin dose by. I had no idea what I would do without him. I was packing her gym bag with Gatorade, glucose tablets, water, her jersey, shorts, cleats, shin guards, tape, and her warm-up suit while Jade got ready to go back for her first day since her diagnosis.
She came downstairs in her cute little uniform and sat down at the table next to me.
"Hey baby" I said, leaning over and kissing her on the cheek, "How'd you sleep?"
She smiled and hugged me by the waist. "Pretty good. Other than that 54 at four AM," she said with a chuckle and a grin.
Nick chuckled, "Yup! Gotta love those uh J?"
We all chuckled. It felt good to see Jaden smile again. I enjoyed when we could laugh together and just be happy. The happy moments were definitely the ones that I cherished the most.
I walked over to the pantry and turned to Jade. "What do ya want for breakfast babe?" I asked.
She thought for a couple moments. "I dunno. Whatever works!"
I made her some oats and placed it in front of her along with her test kit and insulin pen.
I pulled her close to me and kissed her on the temple. "58 carbs baby bear."
She nodded and pricked her finger. She didn't wince as much now and had gotten used to the pain of the needles and finger pricks.
"243 momma," she said, putting her head down.
I lifted her chin up and put some stray hairs behind her ears. "Hey, none of that, okay? We'll fix it. You probably just over-treated for the 54 last night."
Nick nodded. "Your mom's right J. You're gonna have those and sometimes they'll happen for no reason at all. Just make like Taylor Swift and Shake it Off," he said with a wink.
She chuckled and nodded.
I walked over to the chart that the doctor had given us and looked for how much to correct her by. "Okay so the chart says that we'll have to give you 38 Lantus and seven Humolog."
Nick nodded and stood up, fixing his invisible tie. "Yes, however, I have calculated that you are to take 23 units of Lantus due to your afternoon activities," he said in a pretentious British accent.
Jade and I burst out laughing at his utter stupidity
She nodded and pulled out her Lantus. I watched her as she dialled it to 23. She showed it to me and I nodded. She uncapped the pen and placed a needle on the end. She primed the pen and recapped it. She lifted her kilt and swabbed her right thigh. She stuck the needle in and silently counted to 15. She pulled off the needle and placed it in the sharps bin before recapping the pen and placing it into its case. Next, she pulled out her Humolog pen and repeated the process, except dialling it to seven as opposed to 23. When she finished, she pulled down her kilt and began to eat her breakfast.
I snaked my arm around her waist. She placed her head on my shoulder.
I leaned my head on hers. "You excited to go back today?" I asked.
She nodded. "Yeah, I'm just a little nervous about what the team will think. I just don't wanna have a low sugar during the game, have to sit out and them think that I'm just chickening out or I'm just tired."
Nick waved his calculations sheet. "Have no fear! Nick is here! I have precisely calculated all of your sugars, insulin doses and activity levels to make sure that does not happen," he said in his pretentious British accent.
Jade laughed and I rolled my eyes. "You really have to stop doing that," I said. I then turned to Jade. "Baby, sometimes you just gotta do what's best for you. If you're low, DO NOT keep playing. You come off and do what you need to do. Don't worry about what the girls may say, okay?"
She nodded. "You're right momma. I shouldn't worry about what they think," she replied, taking a bit of her oats. "You and Nicky are coming tonight, right?"
I nodded and kissed her temple. "Wouldn't miss it for the world baby girl!" I replied, looking at my phone. The time read 7:18AM. "Okay, enough chatting. Eat up and let's get you to school. We need to talk to Coach and your teachers."
Jade nodded and continued to eat her breakfast. I proceeded to pack her lunch, place her books in her backpack, put her soccer socks in her gym bag and zip them both up.
By the time Jade had finished eating it was 7:23AM.
She turned and shot me her 'I want something smile.' "Momma?"
"Yeah baby?"
"Can you braid my hair?"
I chuckled and nodded. "Dutch or French?" I asked.
She smiled and sat up in her chair. "Dutch please!"
I smiled and brushed her hair back with my fingers. I proceeded to braid her hair. When I had finished, she turned to Nick. "So.... How do I look?"
He smiled and nodded approvingly. "Beautiful. Just like your mother."
I blushed and grinned like a giddy high schooler. "Awe thanks Nicky." I played it cool on the outside, but on the inside, my heart was like a Nascar race.
He smiled and checked his phone. "We better get on over to the school. It's 7:28."
I nodded and gently bumped Jade on her shoulder. "Let's get a move on Miss Jaden. C'mon, grab your stuff and Nick and I will meet you in the car."
Jade nodded and followed Nick and I out to the car. She hopped into the back seat behind Nick so I could see her from the passenger seat. Nick drove to the school and parked in a spot close to the main office. I had called the school and scheduled a meeting with each of Jade's teachers, the Headmistress, the Upper School Director and her soccer coach Ms. Wright. Ms. Wright was a young teacher and Jade had really taken a liking to her. She was very supportive and an excellent coach from what I had seen on the field. The three of us walked into the school and were greeted by each staff member that was to take part in the meeting. Jade looked extremely nervous. She tightened her grip on my hand.
I turned to her. "What's up baby girl?"
"I'm really nervous. What are they gonna say?" She asked, worry apparent in her voice.
I pulled her close and kissed her temple. "You have absolutely nothing to be worried about. I'll be right there with you, okay?"
She nodded and continued to hold my hand tight as we walked into the office and sat down.
The meeting went over extremely well. I definitely felt safer now that they all knew about Jade's diabetes. Her soccer coach reassured me that she would make sure that Jade tested before, during and after every game. She also told Jade to come straight to her if anybody said ANYTHING negative about her diabetes.
After the meeting, Nick and I went back to my place. We decided to watch a bit of TV and just chill.
After Keeping Up With The Kardashians had finished, Nick muted the TV and turned to me. "Dem... I have something to tell you..."
I turned and the smile on my face fell. I was extremely nervous as to what he was going to say. "Okay... What's up?" I asked, my heart beating faster than Road Runner on Cocaine.
Nick looked down and played with his hands. He did that when he was nervous. It was the cutest thing ever. "Well... Um.... Demiilikeyou," He mumbled.
I raised my eyebrow. "I'm sorry Nick. You were mumbling. Can you speak a little clearer."
He nodded and took a deep breath. "Demi... I... I... I like y-you. Like more than just a friend. Demi, I love you actually. I've been trying to figure out a way to tell you for so long, but I couldn't do it. I worried that if I did, I would ruin our friendship. But seeing you lately and watching the way you are with Jade, I love you even more and I can't hide it any longer. I love you Demetria Lovato! I love your infectious laugh, your bubbly personality, how much you care for people and your stubbornness. I don't care if you don't feel the same way, I just need to tell you. I love you Demi."
I smiled like a Cheshire Cat. He looked so sexy right now. I was so turned on. I leaned over and put my lips to his. I swear to God I saw sparks fly. I pulled away and held the side of the face. "Nicholas Jonas... I love you so much and I need you to fuck me right now because I am so turned on."
He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me up the stairs. He placed his hands on my ass. I snuck my hands under his shirt and tickled his lower back. When we finally made it to my bed, he closed the door and locked it. He threw me down on the bed and kissed me down my chest, he continued down my stomach and made his way down to my most sensitive spot. He planted about ten small kisses there and them proceeded to undo my jeans. I kicked them off and then proceeded to take of his shirt. He took off mine and slipped off his jeans. I rubbed just above his underwear line and then slowly moved my way down until I reached his most sensitive spot. He let out a load moan. I slowly slipped off his boxers. He reached over and grabbed a condom from his wallet. He disconnected his insulin pump and slipped the condom on. I crawled onto the bed and laid there. He crawled on top of me and slipped off my thong and then undid my bra. He slid my bra off of me and kissed me all over. I felt so loved. Like I was the only girl in the world. He kissed my breasts and then looked down at me. "You're." Kiss. "So." Kiss. "Beautiful." Kiss.
I giggled and flipped us over so I was on top. I sat on him and we looked at each other. I had dated so many guys and I had never felt this way about any of them. Nick was so beautiful and I loved him so much. It went above and beyond physical attraction. He placed his hands on my hips and slid himself into me. I lay on top of him and his muscular arm held me around my waist. We climaxed together and he and I both groaned. He pulled himself out of me and I lay on top of him with my head on his chest. We both breathed heavily and just enjoyed each others company for a few moments. Then, he and I just stared at each other. We looked into each other's eyes.
Nick smiled and kissed my nose. His hands to explored me and mine explore him. He then propped me up on top of him once again and just stared at me. "You are so beautiful Demi Lovato."
I smiled and rubbed my hands on his chest. "I love you so much Nick Jonas. You make me happier than anyone ever has. You make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world. When I look at you, all of the bad things that are happening in my life disappear and are out shined by the ray of sunshine you give off."
He smiled and kissed my tummy. We laid there until my alarm went off, reminding me that Jade's game was in an hour.
We both unwillingly got out of bed and got ready to go. I grinned the entire time. I felt so wonderful... I just wanted to tell the world.

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