The Meeting

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"Good Morning Demi!."

This was all I heard as I walked down the hallway of The Children's Aid Society. They had called me in to the office today. Funny, I thought to myself, Usually they come and meet ME when I have to fill out forms.

Maybe today would finally be the day that I get the good news. In your dreams Dem. They said three to five years, and from what I've heard from other people, it usually takes five or longer.

There was a part of me that believed myself, but there was a part of me that still held out hope that today would be the day that I get the good news. Today, could very well be the day that I get to meet my new son or daughter.

Or it could not be.

I stepped up to a door of a large board room. The sign on the door read Conference Room A. Yuppp! I'm in the right place.

I knock on the door of the conference room with butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"Come in!!!," I hear Janice King, the social worker that I've been working with say with a cheerful voice. She is a very kind lady with a twelve year old daughter, so she really understands how much having a child of my own means to me.

"Hey Janice! How are you?" I ask with a smile and a bout of excitment.

"I'm wonderful Demi. Please, have a seat," she motioned for me to sit across from her at the long table in the board room.

As I take my seat across from Janice, my heart was racing with excitment. This could really be the day. No demi! Don't get ahead of yourself.

"So Demi, I have some very good news for you..."

The butterflies had now flown up to my chest and were fluttering around my heart, THE EXCITEMENT WAS REAL!!!

Janice continued, "...I have found a child that would be the perfect match for you to adopt."

I beamed, "Oh my God! That's SO amazing!!! I've been waiting for this forever! Thank you SO much for all of your help Janice!," I was so happy I couldn't help but tear up a little bit. I have been waiting three long years for this and finally, the day has arrived.

"Anytime Demi! It really is my pleasure. It's people like you that truly make these kid's lives better." She said.

I grinned even wider.

Janice continued, "...So the child that I have lined up for you is 15 years old, she came to us when she was 13 and she is truly a great kid. Here's a picture of her," she handed me a picture of a beautiful young girl, dressed in her soccer jersey and a pair of jeans. She was a brunette with beady, perfect brown eyes.

I gushed over her for a bit more before responding to Janice, " Awwwh! She's absolutely perfect! What's her name? I wanna know more!!!," I said, begging to know more about my future daughter.

"Ha ha ha ha, we get that a lot! But her name is Jaden and as you can see, she is an avid athlete. She's very, very good at soccer and she's quite the talented hockey player as well. She's also an extremely polite, positive, friendly and outgoing young lady. She has an 84% average in all of her classes right now. So as you can see, she is very well-balanced. She is by far, one of our best cases and I feel that there would be no better fit for you."

Wow! She's a more balanced person than me! I love it!

"Oh wow! She's perfect! I'll gladly take her. But, if you don't mind my asking, how did she come to be with the Society?"

Janice sighed, "Unfortunately, her parents and her older brother were shot dead by an intruder in their family home when Jade was 13. That's what brought her to us. That's another thing that I need to discuss with you. Sometimes, Jade may have severe nightmares. However, they have been happening more frequently nowadays than when she was first placed into care," Janice explained, "They're a side effect of her PTSD and Anxiety Disorder that she developed after her family was killed. The best thing that you can do in that situation would be to just take her into your bed and maybe talk to her about it."

I teared up a bit at Jaden's story. Poor baby. That's so sad. How could someone do that to a family? It truly was a bastard thing to do.

"Oh the poor thing! I will be there to support her 100% I promise you Janice. Jade needs a home and a loving mother and that's what I am prepared to give her right now."

She smiled, "Oh I knew that you would love her! So, the other thing that I need to tell you is that Jade is from the region of Halton, which is about 30 minutes away from Toronto. I have spoken to her worker and she told me that Jade is really excited to meet you and has invited you to her hockey game this Friday if you would like to come and watch her play and then talk afterwards, and then we'll take if from there."

I am so excited. I love this girl already. "Tell her that I would love to and that I am SO excited to meet her too!"

Janice smiled and reached for my hand across the table, "Thank you so much Demi! I know that you will be a wonderful mother to Jaden and I hope that you two hit it off. I will call her worker as soon as we're done here to tell them the good news!"

I grinned and stood up to give Janice a hug,"Thank you Janice! I will love Jaden with all my heart and support her in all of the ways that I can. I can't wait until Friday and I can't wait to meet her. But, if it all works out, how long until I'll be able to take her home with me?"

Janice giggled,"Well, probably within a week following your first meeting."

I grinned,"Perfect! Thank again, Janice! Have a good day!"

She smiled and waved at me as i opened the door and made my exit, sticking my earbuds in, I blasted Kelly as I danced my way out of the office and out to where Max, my body guard, had parked the escalade.

"Everything go okay Dems?" Max asked, opening the door for me.

I grinned like the cheshire cat, "I'M GOING TO BE A MOM MAXI!!!!! A MOM SHE'S A BEAUTIFUL GIRL! FIFTEEN! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!," I explained, hugging Max.

"Oh my God! I'm so happy for you Dems! I can't wait to meet her," He beamed, giving me a quick hug.

This was the day that I have been telling myself would be so worth all the waiting that I've endured these past three years. I am so happy I could just sing, dance and scream.... All at once.

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