New Beginnings

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Max and I were driving to Jade's house to pick her up. We were meeting Janice there. I was bouncing up and down in my seat. I was SO excited. Today was the day.

I jumped out of the car before Max even came to a full stop. I walked across the street to where Janice was waiting for me. We walked up together and just before Janice could ring the bell, Jade's smiling face appeared through the open door. Janice jumped and I just laughed. Wadda lil' cutie.

After recovering, Janice turned to Jade, "You all ready sweetie?" Jade nodded.

She had a look of concern on her face, "I get to say bye though first right?"

I smiled, "Of course! Take all the time you need babygirl."

She smiled. She let us into the house. The whole family was standing there. Jade hugged Lisa, she told Jade to be a good girl and kissed her on the forehead. She then went to Lisa's husband. He picked her up and gave her a big bear hug. Then she moved onto the boys. They came together for a big group hug. Ronan started to cry and Jade picked him up.

Jade kissed his cheek and wiped his tears. "Don't worry Ro. I'll facetime you as much as I can and maybe you can even come and visit me and Demi in LA one time. Okay?"

The little boy nodded and Jade gave him one last kiss and handed him over to Lisa.

"I love you guys! Thank you SO much for everything! I'll come back and visit, I promise," Jade smiled through a few tears.

"WAIT!!" Ronan squirmed out of Lisa's arms and ran upstairs to his bedroom. He returned moments later with a spiderman action figure and handed it to Jade. "So you'll always remember me. You'll always remember me right Jadey?"

Jade teared up even more. She picked Ronan up and hugged him tightly in her arms. "I could never forget a special little boy like you Ronan. I'll always be in here." She gently poked her finger onto Ronan's heart. She then kissed him one last time and handed him back to Lisa.

She turned to me, Janice and Max. "I'm ready now." She waved at the family once more before we walked out the front door.

Max looked like a pack mule carrying all of Jade's stuff. She carried her hockey stick and bag along with her guitar, Janice had her gym bag and soccer ball and I had her backpack. We put all of Jade's stuff into the back seat of the car and Max opened both of our doors for us. After closing the back hatch, Max closed both our doors and then went around to the driver's side and drove away from the house.

Jade turned to me. "Thank you for adopting me Demi. I really truly am greatful. I can't wait for us to start our life together. We're going to have fun, I know it," Jade smiled big.

I pulled her close to me and grabbed her hand. "I'm excited too baby! I can't wait! I've got a room at my house with your name on it. I can't wait for us to get back to LA!"

Jade giggled and then released a tired yawn. Her eyes began to droop. She laid her head in my lap and I started playing with her hair.

She looked up at me with an apologetic look in her eye. "Don't worry baby, you can take a nap. It's a long way to Pearson. I'll wake you up when we get there."

Jade nodded. She closed her eyes and was asleep before we even got on the freeway. I played with her hair. I lightly rubbed her back and started singing The Goo Goo Dolls:

And even though the moment passed me by

I still can't turn away

I saw the dreams you never thought you'd lose

I yawned. I couldn't continue. I was too tired. I just continued to rub Jade's back and think about how great our life was going to be together.

I couldn't wait any longer. She was my daughter now. All mine. I couldn't be happier.


We pulled up to Toronto Pearson about an hour later and I gently tickled Jade's hair. "Hey Jade! We're here! Time to get up baby girl."

Jade opened her eyes and sat up, rubbing her eyes.

I smiled, gently rubbing her back. "Did you have a good nap?"

She nodded sleepily, "Yeah."

She unbuckled her seat belt and grabbed her backpack from the back along with her hockey stick and her guitar. Once again, Max carried all of her stuff.

Janice came walking up shortly after.

We said hello to her and we all walked into the airport to get checked in. After we passed security and all of the appropriate procedures, we had to say good bye to Janice.

She and I hugged. "Thank you again for everything! You really helped us a lot. I'll be sure to keep you updated on everything that happens."

She smiled. "I know you will. Have a safe trip back home and I'll be sure to come and to come and check in on you guys sometime next week to see how you're doing, okay?"

I nodded, Releasing Janice from our embrace. "I'll see you then, okay?"

She smiled, "See you then girls!"

Jade and I both waved as Janice walked away.

Then they called for priority boarding. That was our que. Max, Jade and I walked up and made our way onto the plane. We took our seats near the front of the airplane in first class.

I turned to Jade. "So, when we get back to LA, what do you wanna do first?"

She rested her head on my shoulder, "Sleep."

I laughed. "Sounds good to me," I replied through a yawn.

The captain then announced that we were about to begin takeoff. Jade put her seatbelt on and grabbed onto me for dear life.

I turned to her, "You okay?"

Jade shook her head, tears running down her face.

I pulled her close. I pulled some gravol and from my purse and called the flight attendent over asking for a water. He returned shortly after with a water bottle in his hand. I handed it to Jade.

"Here babe, take this. It'll help you fall asleep. Don't worry there's nothing to be afraid of," I wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I'm right here. Nothing's going to happen."

Jade nodded. Sighing, she popped the tablet in her mouth and drank some of the water. She handed both of them back to me. I put them away back in my purse. Jade took a deep breath and layed on my lap. I rubbed her tummy as she slowly fell asleep. When I knew that she was out, I kissed her temple and stuck my earbuds in and put a movie on.

I looked down at the young girl in my lap.

Here we go Jay. On to new beginnings.

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