Rosie Cheeks

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Jaden's energy level didn't decrease by the end of the game.

Great. I thought to myself. She's an enegetic one. I'm gonna have fun getting her to go to bed.

I was so proud of her though. She had scored a hat trick and I counted five assists that she had made by the end of the third period, two of them being goals. You go girl!

The buzzer went off, signaling the end of the game. Jaden's team had won 5-0 and I watched as she hugged her entire team and smacked her goalie's helmet.

What a great kid. I can't wait for her to be my kid. We're going to have an amazing life together.

Janice and I walked down the stairs to where the locker rooms were and Janice and I waited for Jaden to change out of her equipment as Janice talked to her coach.

Jaden was the first to come out of the locker room. Her cheeks were really rosie and you could really tell that she had been working hard out there. Jaden dropped her stick and hockey bag next to Janice and walked over to me. Sticking out her arms for a hug she introduced herself to me, "Hi! You must be Demi! I'm Jade. What did you think of the game?" She looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes. She looked so cute right now with her brown eyes, rosie cheeks, her hair up into a top knot.

I grabbed Jaden and hugged her tight, rubbing her back.

"Hey Jaden! It's so awesome to finally meet you babe. I loved the game! You're such a great player. I can't wait for us to start living together. We're gonna have a great time," I said releasing Jade from my embrace.

Jade smiled wide, "I'm so happy to finally have a mom again! And i'm gonna be living with YOU! Demi Lovato's gonna be MY mom!"

I giggled, "Not so loud hun! Trying not to get mobbed here!"

Jade blushed, "Oops. Sorry, I'm just REALLY excited!"

I laughed, "Me too Babygirl."

Janice waved goodbye to Jade's coach. "Okay guys let's get outta here and go somewhere to talk. But first, you missy," She tapped Jade on the shoulder, "Need to shower.."

Jade nodded obidientely. She said a quick goodbye to her coaches and their daughters, picked up her stuff and followed Janice and I to her minivan.

We drove to Jade's current home. This place was large, very nicely landscaped and well-kept. We hopped out of the car. Jade opened the garage and began to spread out all of her equipment in the corner. Janice and I went inside and were greeted by three little boys, no older than seven. They were chasing each other and screaming at the top of their lungs. Then a lady in her early 40's came upstairs from the basement. She was obviously their foster mother.

She dropped the basket of unfolded laundry, "BOYS! We have guests. Quiet please and come and greet them."

The boys immedietely stopped chasing eachother and screaming, thank God. They all stood beside the woman in a straight line.

The woman stuck out her hand, "Hi! I'm Lisa, Jade's foster mother. These little troublemakers are Ronan, Luke and Noah. Say hi boys!"

The three boys waved nervously. I smiled and waved back at them. They were absoulutely adorable, but too loud and rambonxious for me.

Lisa smiled, picking up Ronan, the smallest of the three and inviting us into the office. She sat us down and went outside to make sure that the other two boys could pre-occupy themselves while we talked.

She returned shortly after with Jade right behind her.

Janice smiled at them both as they walked in. Jade looked around for a chair but couldn't find one.

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