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Charlie's POV
"Charlie, eat. Now." Mom said sternly as our whole family was sitting at the table for breakfast since Demi and I leave for LA tomorrow.

"No." I replied, leaning back in my chair and crossed my arms.

"Charlotte Jade De La Garza!" Dad exclaimed, putting his fork down and wiping his face with a napkin.

I looked Dad in the eyes, waiting for him to say something else.

"Listen to your Mother and eat." Dad said firmly.

"How about you listen when I say that I don't want to eat?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I grabbed the plate of untouched food and emptied it into the trash.

"Charlotte!" Mom and Dad shouted at the same time.

I felt anger boiling up inside of me. "Fuck off!" I shouted before running upstairs to my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it.


I went into my bathroom and locked that door also. I grabbed the blade from under my sink and twirled it around in my fingers. It wasn't as sharp as it used to be. I made a mental note to get a new blade soon.

I pressed the blade against my arm and dragged it, making different sized cuts. Some long and some short, some going vertical and others going horizontal. After several cuts I put the blade back under the sink and stood up.

Good girl.

I turned on the faucet and ran water over my fresh cuts. After a minute or two I turned off the water and pressed a black towel against my arm to try and control the bleeding since it wasn't stopping. I didn't cut too deep to where I needed stitches, but it definitely was deep enough for a lot of bleeding. I sat down on my bathroom floor, feeling lightheaded as I pressed firmly on my arm.


About thirty minutes later, the bleeding finally stopped. I grabbed the first aid kit from one of the cabinets and wrapped bandages around my arm. Once I was finished, I rolled down the sleeves of my hoodie and went back into my bedroom.

Before I could lay down on my bed, there was a knock on my door. I sighed as went to answer it, unlocking the door and allowing Demi to enter.

"What the fuck was that downstairs?!" Demi's exclaimed, clearly angry.

"It was nothing. Why does it matter?" I replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Nothing? Nothing?!" Demi shouted. "It was disrespectful!"

"I don't fucking care." I said, plugging my phone into my charger and facing Demi.

"Charlotte. I don't know what's up with your attitude today, but it has to stop." Demi said firmly, her anger still apparent.

"Listen here, Demetria." I said, feeling my own anger rising. "I have no fucking attitude. All I said is that I didn't want to eat. Last I checked, there was nothing wrong with that."

"Nothing wrong with that?" Demi scoffed. "You need to eat! It's dangerous what you're doing!"

I felt a wave of emotion wash over me. "Since when did you care?" I asked, my voice shaking. "You didn't even care to notice the signs for two years."

"We weren't even talking to each other! You hated me!" Demi replied, her voice just as shaky as mine.

"You could've made an effort! But guess what? You didn't." I spoke through gritted teeth, feeling my anger turn into sadness

"You're right, I could've." Demi replied, her voice softer now. "You obviously were better off when I didn't make an effort." Demi said as she opened my bedroom door. "I'm taking Maddie to LA with me instead." She then walked out of my room and slammed my door.

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