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Charlie's POV

"Mom! Evan went into my room when I was at school again!" My twelve year old daughter, Callie, exclaimed.

"I'll talk to him about it later, okay? Don't forget he's only three." I reminded Callie.

"Whatever." Callie huffed.

"How was school, baby girl?" I asked Callie.

"It was great." Callie smiled. "We had a substitute in math class."

"I'm home!" My husband, Ethan, shouted as he entered the house. Soon, all three of our kids practically tackled him in a hug.

Our youngest child is Evan and he's three, our middle child is Cole and he's ten, and our oldest is Callie and she's twelve.

Our youngest child is Evan and he's three, our middle child is Cole and he's ten, and our oldest is Callie and she's twelve

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Ethan and I got married when we were both twenty-one. Demi was my maid of honor at the wedding.

"How was work, babe?" I asked Ethan as he came over and kissed me.

"It was good. How was your day today?" Ethan questioned.

"Honestly, today was tough." I replied.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I was having a tough day mentally. I went and got lunch with Demi and talked with her." I told Ethan.

"Are you doing better?" Ethan looked worried.

"Yeah, I am. Don't worry." I smiled.

Some days tend to not be my day. Today was one of those mentally exhausting days. I'm grateful for Demi and my whole family because they know just what to say to get me out of my mentally exhausting headspace.

I can truly say that I am content with life and I'm truly happy.

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