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Charlie's POV
I slowly opened my eyes, but quickly shut them again as the bright white light of the hospital room blinded me. I remembered where I was and tried to sit up, but my mom stopped me.

"Easy, easy!" Mom said, panicked. I relaxed back onto the bed.

"How are you feeling, bug?" Dallas replied.

"Better.." I replied with a weak smile.

"That's good." Dad said, smiling back at me.

"Where's Demi and Maddie?" I asked, noticing that they weren't in the room.

"We got the food!" Maddie exclaimed as she entered the room, followed by Demi. They were carrying bags of Taco Bell.

Demi handed everyone their food, then saw that I was awake. "You're awake!" Demi said, quickly hugging me.

"Too tight!" I laughed, then winced in pain.

"I'm sorry." Demi frowned, then climbed onto the bed next to me. I raised an eyebrow, wondering what she was doing, but she didn't answer. "How are you feeling, baby girl?"

"Better, but sore." I answered. "There's only so much space on this bed, Dems." I laughed slightly.

"Can't a person cuddle with their baby sister?" Demi asked, grabbing a piece of food from her taco. "Open." She commanded, holding it out to me. I pushed it away and shook my head. Demi gave me the look that said she would tell Mom and Dad if I didn't eat.

"Aren't you hungry?" Mom asked, worried.

"I'm not hungry." I replied.

"You should eat a little bit." Demi stated. I sighed as I took a bite of Demi's food.

You know how much calories are in that? You're already too fat.

I instantly hid my face and clung onto Demi.

Demi's POV
After Charlie took a bite of my food, she seemed to retreat into her own thoughts. She hid her face and held onto me tightly. I wrapped my arm around her protectively and sighed.

"She's okay." I told Mom and Eddie, who both looked worried. I'll tell them everything tomorrow. First, I need to find out why Charlie doesn't want to tell them. Then, there was a knock on the door as the doctor came in.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Cooper. I see that Charlie is awake. I'm here to check her vitals and then I'll be on my way." Doctor Cooper said as he came over to her bed. I tried to get up, but Charlie held onto me.

"Charlie, I need to move for a bit." I said.

"You can stay here if you want. It won't be a problem." Doctor Cooper reassured us. Charlie pulled me back down on the bed as the doctor started checking her vitals. "Everything is looking good. Any questions?" He asked as he stopped at the door.

"How long am I going to be in here for?" Charlie asked quietly.

"You'll be staying the night and be able to go home tomorrow." Doctor Cooper answered.

"Can one of us stay with her tonight?" Mom questioned.

"Yes, only one person can." Doctor Cooper said before leaving the room.

"C-Can Demi stay with me?" Charlie asked nervously.

Charlie's POV
"C-Can Demi stay with me?" I asked, feeling anxious. I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I needed Demi.

"Of course." Dad smiled.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 6:00 PM. Visiting hours are almost over." Dallas frowned.

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