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Demi's POV
I've been trying to call Charlie whenever I had the chance all week, but she never answers. I keep asking my parents why she's not answering and they always say she's sleeping. I don't believe that one bit.

"Demetria, you might want to look at this." My bodyguard, Max, said as my hair stylist was doing my hair before the show. No matter how many times I tell him to call me Demi he would still call me Demetria.

"What is it?" I questioned. Max came over to me and showed me an article on his phone.

"Read it." Max told me.

"Charlie De La Garza Is Missing." I read the title out loud. "Charlie is missing and my parents never told me? How did the tabloids even know she was missing?"

"I don't know." Max replied.

"Demi, you're on in five!" Scooter shouted.

"I'll have to call them after the show.."


"Thanks so much for coming tonight!" I shouted into the microphone. The crowd cheered, which made me smile. I love performing so much. I love meeting fans and hearing some of their stories of how I somehow helped them from their struggles.

"I love you guys!" I exclaimed before running off stage and heading towards Max. "I need to call my parents ASAP."

"Let's get you to the tour bus and you can call them there." Max said, leading me outside and to the tour bus. Once we got settled on the tour bus, I dialed my Mom's phone number.

"Hi, baby." Mom answered. "Isn't it quite late to be calling?"

"What's up with all the articles that say Charlie is missing? Why am I just finding out?" I immediately questioned.

"We wanted to tell you, but you're so busy with your tour and we didn't want to stress you out more." Mom explained.

"How long has she been missing?"

"Since her birthday.." Mom quietly replied.

"Fuck.." I mumbled. "I'll get a plane back to LA and help look for her. I'll also have my team look for her too."

"Okay, see you soon, baby girl. I love you."

"I love you more." I replied before hanging up.


Max and I walked up the pathway to Mom and Eddie's LA house. I opened the door, not bothering to knock since they knew I was coming. Max decided to go out and search for Charlie while I talked to Mom.

"Hey, Mama." I greeted Mom, as she came to see who entered the house.

"Hi, baby." Mom came up and hugged me. It looked like she had been nonstop crying.

"My team is helping look for Charlie right now, I'm sure we'll find her." I reassured Mom.

"I hope so.." Mom whispered.

"I'm going upstairs to talk to Maddie, I'll be back down soon." I told Mom before going upstairs to Maddie and Charlie's room. I let myself in, considering the door was opened.

"Demi? What are you doing here?" Maddie asked, getting up from her bed to hug me.

"I heard Charlie was missing, so I came back to help look for her." I say, letting go from the hug.

"Speaking of Charlie missing, I might have proof on where she might be." Maddie said, grabbing Charlie's phone.

"Did Charlie leave her phone here?" I asked worriedly.

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