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Charlie's POV
It's almost been a month since Demi left for her tour once again and I haven't talked to her since. Both her and I never tried contacting each other. It's like how it was five years ago.

"Mom, I'm going to Maya's!" I shouted, getting my shoes on.

"Okay. Make sure to be back before it gets dark." Mom replied, coming over to me. I gave her a quick hug before going outside and getting in Maya's car which was parked in our driveway.

"Hey, girl." Maya says as I get into her car.

"Hey." I reply, buckling my seatbelt.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Maya asked me.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I answered. Tonight Maya and I are going to smoke weed, and she's going to teach me how.


"Let's go to my room." Maya suggested.

I followed Maya up to her room and I sat down on her bed while she scavenged through her room.

"Found it." Maya smiled, holding a baggie of weed in her hands. She then went to look in her drawer. "This is what we call a pipe. It's what most beginners start with."

"So, how do you use it?" I asked as Maya sat down next to me.

"You would pack the weed into the pipe." Maya said, demonstrating how she packs the weed into the pipe. "Then you just light it with the lighter as you smoke." She inhaled and exhaled. "Your turn."

"Okay.." Maya handed me the pipe and the lighter. Since there was still weed in the pipe, I was able to get straight to smoking. "Holy shit." I coughed after smoking one time.

"Yeah, that happens. You'll get used to it the more you do it." Maya told me.


"I never thought I could feel so relaxed." I told Maya two hours after we started smoking. "I love it."

"I thought you would." Maya laughed.

"Charlie, you need to be home soon!" Maya's Mom, Michelle Miller, shouted from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shouted back. "Thanks for this by the way." I told Maya as I stood up from her bed.

"It's no problem." Maya smiled. "Wait, use this before you leave." She handed me some eye drops.

"Thank you." I told Maya.

"Also, take this." Maya handed me the baggie of weed and the pipe.

"I don't have anything to put it in." I said, holding the weed, the pipe, and the lighter in my hands.

"Uh, shit." Maya looked around her room. "You can keep this." She gave me a small, black, leather backpack.

"Thanks." I smiled before giving Maya a quick hug before running downstairs where Maya's Mom was waiting.

"You got everything?" Michelle asked, grabbing her car keys.

"Yes." I replied as I finished putting on my shoes.


"Thanks for the ride, Mrs. Miller." I said, unbuckling my seatbelt and opening the car door.

"It's no problem. Also I told you that you can call me Michelle."

"Yeah, I know." I laughed. I said goodbye to Mrs. Miller before shutting the car door and headed towards the house.

I entered the house and wasn't fully prepared to see everyone in tears, except for Dad who was trying to be the strong one.

"What happened?" I asked nervously.

"B-Bella.. she.. she passed away." Dad replied quietly.

"N-No, you're lying.." I said, not wanting to believe it. We had Bella for as long as I remember. She was there for me when no one else was.

"I wish we could say we aren't lying.." Dad responded.

"I.. I'm going upstairs." I mumbled.

I made my way upstairs, entering my room and throwing my small, black, backpack under the bed. I laid down on my bed as the tears began forming in my eyes. I miss Bella..


"I think we should send her to treatment.." Mom said in a quiet voice, but loud enough to where I could hear it. After hearing that, I instantly got up and went into my room. I can't go to treatment. I just can't. I paced back and forth before the voices screamed at me to cut.


I entered my bathroom and grabbed my blade from under my sink. I pulled down my pants, deciding to cut on my thighs. I dragged the sharp thin piece of metal across my skin as I watched the dark red blood come through each individual cut. When I felt satisfied, I got up and began cleaning my thighs.


As I was cleaning the cuts, there was a scratch at my bathroom door, indicating one of the dogs probably wants to enter. I sighed as I opened the door, which revealed Bella, one of our older dogs.

"Hi, Bella." I smiled a bit as Bella entered my bathroom. I quickly shut the door and locked it. "You can't tell anyone about this, got it?" I told her, even though she couldn't talk.

I finished cleaning my thighs and got my black Fabletic leggings back on. I hid my blade under my sink again before I exited the bathroom and threw myself onto my bed. I laid down on my bed as I was getting trapped into my own mind.

Your parents don't even want you around. They want to send you away to a treatment center and never come back for you. Way to go.

They do want me.

They don't. Why else would they agree to letting you go stay with Demi earlier this month?

I sat up in my bed and covered my ears, hoping to block out the voices. I let out a choked sob as my breathing started to get irregular. It hurts, everything hurts. I gripped onto my duvet with one hand as I fumbled for my phone with my other hand. I scrolled through my contacts, trying to see which one was Demi's through my blurred vision.

Before I could press Demi's contact, I ended up dropping my phone on my floor. My breathing was not getting any better as I let out another choked sob. I heard the sound of Bella's collar as she got off my bed and ran out of my room.

"I.. I can't breathe!" I cried out, hoping someone would hear me.


I grabbed my phone as tears blurred my vision. I opened up Instagram and posted a photo of Bella on it.

I let out a small laugh when I saw the nickname Sirah has for me

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I let out a small laugh when I saw the nickname Sirah has for me. I liked some comments before I set my phone on my bedside table before I cried myself to sleep like I usually do.

A/N: Sorry this chapter sucks.

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