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Charlie's POV
I have two words for you guys. Periods suck. I may be overreacting, but I feel like I'm dying. It feels like I'm being stabbed in the stomach. I don't know if I should be concerned that I'm not even bleeding yet, even though I'm supposed to be on my period today. As of now, I'm not going to be concerned. Although, who knew that I should've been concerned in the beginning.

What's really icing on the cake is that I leave in two days to go to LA, and I haven't even started packing. Great.

"Charlie, it's almost lunch time. You need to get out of bed." Dallas barged into my room, turning on the light and opening the blinds.

"Dally, close them! I still want to sleep!" I whined, hiding under the blanket.

"Since when did you become a vampire?" Dallas asked, trying to take the blanket off of me. I fought against it, but she won.

"Just ask Maddie what day it is and you'll find out." I spoke in a harsh tone, which I never intended.

"Maddie!" Dallas yelled as I pulled the blanket over me again.

"Yes?" Maddie asked, peeking her head in the doorway.

"What day is it?" Dallas asked.

"The day Charlie's period starts." Maddie stated simply.

"I knew I was forgetting something!" Dallas exclaimed, running her fingers through her hair. "I told Mom and Dad I would get more pads and pain killers."

"Where are they anyways?" I asked.

"They went out of town to run errands." Maddie replied.

"What's going on in here?" Demi's voice startled me. I didn't expect her to come in.

"Dem Dem, it hurts." I cried out.

"What hurts, baby girl?" Demi asked gently as she came over and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Her period started today." Maddie said from the doorway.

"I see." Demi said, looking deep in thought. "Are you cramping?" She questioned. I nodded in response. Little did I know that I wasn't cramping. "Migraine?" I shook my head no.

"Make it stop hurting, Dem Dem." I whimpered.

"Aww, come here." Demi cooed, picking me up like a kid. "We'll be in my room for a bit." She told Maddie and Dallas.

"Can we make it dark?" I mumbled as we entered Demi's room and she put me down on her bed.

"This better?" Demi asked as she shut the lights off and closed the blinds.

"Thank you." I smiled, pulling Demi's thick, comfy blanket over me.

"How does Mom usually deal with this?" Demi questioned as she laid down next to me.

"Mom usually massages my stomach, watches movies with me, and we cuddle all day. I occasionally take a relaxing bath." I answered honestly.

"Time to play the part of Mom for the day." Demi said. We heard screams and laughter from downstairs.

"Maddie! If you scare me one more time, I am going to bedazzle everything in your room!" Dallas threatened Maddie.

"You wouldn't!" Maddie yelled back.

"Let's not forget that I bedazzled Demi and Wilmer's condoms!" Dallas' laughter filled the house.

"This is why I'm playing the part of Mom for the day. I'm the only mature one." Demi joked. I cuddled into her side as she began to gently massage my stomach.

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