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Charlie's POV
I sat anxiously in the main lobby of the rehab center as I waited for my family to arrive. The walls were a dull shade of beige, and the air was thick with the smell of disinfectant. I fidgeted with my hands, feeling nervous and excited at the same time. I was finally going home. I'd been here for almost eight months, and it had been a long and difficult road. But I'd made it. I was really worth recovery.

"Charlie, I think they're here." The receptionist at the desk said, interrupting my thoughts. I quickly looked over at the door, and there they were. My family and Ethan.

Ethan came to visit with my family a couple times since I was here, which I was grateful for.

"I missed you guys!" I exclaimed, hugging everyone.

"Charlie, you look great!" Dallas exclaimed, smiling.

"Thank you." I smiled. "How are Batman and Ella?" I asked.

"They're good. They are excited to see you." Demi replied. We all stood there talking for a bit before we decided that we should head back home.

"I'm so excited to go home." I said, climbing into the backseat with Maddie and Ethan. Demi and Dallas decided to sit in the middle row of our van. Dad was driving and Mom was in the passenger seat, obviously.


As we arrived home, I noticed a swarm of cars parked outside. "Why are there so many cars outside? What's going on?"

"You'll see." Dad said with a smile.

I entered the house first, with everyone else behind me. I turned on the lights and a bunch of people jumped up and yelled surprise.

"This is so cheesy." I laughed. "But I love it!"

All the people at my welcome home party are Matthew, Marissa, Sirah, Ethan, Logan, Logan's Mom, Jayde, and my family.

The room was decorated with balloons and streamers in my favorite colors. I felt a sense of comfort and joy wash over me. I was surrounded by my closest friends and family.

"We missed you so much!" Matthew, Demi's best friend, exclaimed acting all dramatic.

"I didn't miss you." I joked. Matthew pretended to be hurt, causing me to laugh.

"Did you and Marissa get the cake?" Demi asked Matthew.

"Yes, we did!" Marissa exclaimed, gesturing to the cake.

I ran over to hug Marissa. "The cake looks amazing!" I said, admiring the intricate frosting design.

 "The cake looks amazing!" I said, admiring the intricate frosting design

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"Not trying to brag, but I was in charge of picking out the cake." Maddie told me.

"Can we have some cake now?" I asked eagerly.

"Absolutely!" Mom said, as Dad went to cut the cake.

I savored each bite of the sweet, creamy cake. The frosting was so rich it made my teeth ache, but I couldn't stop eating.

As the night wore on, we ordered a pizza and snuggled up on the couch to watch a movie. I felt content and happy, surrounded by my loved ones.

But as the movie droned on, I grew increasingly tired. I snuggled up next to Demi and Dallas, feeling the warmth of their bodies against mine. My eyelids grew heavy, and before I knew it, I was sound asleep.

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