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Charlie's POV
"Charlie, are you almost ready?!" Demi called from downstairs.

"Yeah!" I replied, shoving some things into my suitcase.

Demi has been planning a short tour around the USA for several months and she forgot to tell me the plans for it until yesterday. I'm going to be staying at our parent's house in LA, since they agreed to take care of me while Demi is on tour. The reason I'm not going with her on tour is because I have missed a lot of school and I need to catch up on it. I personally find it funny how my parents become my babysitter even though they are my parents.

"I'm so proud of you, baby." Demi hugged me as soon as I came downstairs. She thinks I'm getting better, but I'm getting worse. She doesn't have to know that though.

"It's all because of you." I faked a smile.

"Let's get going. We need to drop Charlotte off at your parents and then get to the airport." Max said to Demi.

"Okay. Let's go, baby girl." Demi smiled at me before we went out to the car.


Soon enough, we arrived at their LA house. Max helped me get my bags out of the trunk.

"Charlie! Demi!" Mom said to us as soon as we entered their house.

"Hey, Mama." Demi smiled and hugged Mom. I proceeded to do the same.

"I missed you guys so much." Mom hugged us both one more time. "It's been way too long."

"It's only been six months." I replied.

"Six months too long." Demi said. "I truly think Charlie is getting better. She's been eating more and not harming herself."

"Oh! That's great!" Mom hugged me once more. If only they knew what was really happening.


I sat at the dinner table with Demi as we ate some simple macaroni and cheese and pork chops. I finished the whole plate, my mind battling with me through it all. I ignored the demons knowing that I could purge right after.

"I'm done! Thanks for dinner, it was so good." I faked a smile at Demi. I got up from the dinner table and made my way upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Demi questioned.

"Parker told me to text her after dinner." I answered before I rushed upstairs.

I entered my room and locked my bedroom door before entering my bathroom. I closed that door and also locked it. I dropped down on my knees in front of the toilet and stuck two fingers, throwing up what I had just eaten.

After throwing up, I grabbed my hidden blade, pulled my pants down part way, and sat down on the floor. I dragged the blade across my thigh, watching the blood come out of every cut. I sighed as I looked at my mutilated thigh. I decided to cut there because Demi never bothers to check there. I feel bad for lying, but I deserve all this pain and suffering. Once I felt satisfied, I stood up and washed my thigh. I stood up, pulled up my pants, and popped a mint in my mouth before exiting my bathroom.


"Hey, Eddie." Demi smiled as Dad came over to us.

"Hello, girls." Dad hugged both Demi and I.

"Where's Maddie and Dallas?" Demi asked.

"Maddie and Dallas are both in the backyard." Dad answered. Demi told me to come with and we went to the backyard.

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