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Charlie's POV
"So, who is this boyfriend of yours?" Matthew asked from the front seat. He had decided to ride with us to drop me off because he needed a ride home.

"His name is Ethan. He's really sweet." I replied.

"Well, we're here." Demi spoke up as we pulled into Ethan's driveway. "What time should I pick you up?"

"It shouldn't take too long. You can probably pick me up after you drop off Matthew." I told Demi before getting out of the car and running to Ethan's front door. I knocked on the door and his mom, Mrs. Anderson, answered.

"Hey, Charlie!" Mrs. Anderson exclaimed as she let me inside. "Ethan should be upstairs in his room."

"Okay, thanks." I smiled at Mrs. Anderson before I went upstairs.

When I went upstairs, I stood in Ethan's bedroom doorway and saw Gianna kissing Ethan.

"E-Ethan?" I stuttered. Ethan immediately pulled away from Gianna.

"Charlie! It's not what it looks like!" Ethan exclaimed. Gianna smirked at me and pushed past me, going downstairs.

"Then what does it look like? I'm pretty sure it looks like you and Gianna were kissing." I leaned against Ethan's doorframe, trying not to cry.

"I swear, I didn't want to kiss Gianna-" Ethan tried explaining to me.

"I'm not so sure I want to hear it. I'm leaving." I said, about to go downstairs. "Oh, by the way.. sorry you had to see me like that on Thanksgiving."

I needed to get outside before I broke down crying in front of Ethan. I ran downstairs, and Ethan followed right behind me.

"W-Why are you following me?" I asked Ethan as he followed me outside.

"I just want to explain what happened, because it's not what it looks like." Ethan replied.

"I.. I don't want to hear it right now. How about we meet at the park tomorrow after you get out of school and you can explain? I just want to be alone right now.." I sighed, tears finally flowing from my eyes.

"Sure, I understand." Ethan said. "Wait, aren't you going to school tomorrow?"

"N-No.." I replied. "Demi is letting me stay home for a couple days.."

"Okay.." Ethan said. "It looks like your ride is here."

"Yeah.. bye." I said before I ran to Demi's car and got in the front seat. As soon as we drove away from Ethan's place, I broke down crying harder than before.

"Charlie, what's wrong, baby girl?" Demi asked, pulling the car over so she could look at me.

"I.. I don't think I'm good enough.." I answered honestly. "W-When I went to Ethan's, he was upstairs kissing someone else!"

"Hey, you listen to me. You are good enough, and if Ethan can't see that, then he can go fuck off. You're perfect, and you always will be, okay?" Demi told me.

"O-Okay.." I stuttered. "C-Can we go home now?"


"I'm going upstairs." I told Demi as we entered the house.

"Will you be okay by yourself?" Demi asked, looking concerned. I mean, who could blame her? I had just broken down and said I wasn't good enough, and I could tell she worried.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I lied easily, giving Demi a reassuring smile.

"Okay. I'll call you down when dinner is ready." Demi said before I went upstairs to my room.


Once I entered my room, I shut the bedroom door and walked into my bathroom. I locked the bathroom door before I grabbed my blade from under the sink.

"My best friend.." I spoke to myself, twirling the sharp piece of metal between my fingers.

I rolled up the sleeves of my hoodie, slashing at my arm and looked at all the fresh blood. Once I was done, I cleaned up the blade and put it back under the sink. I proceeded to wash my arms. I rolled down the sleeves of my hoodie before exiting my bathroom and laying down on my bed, where I ended up falling asleep.



I woke up around midnight, realizing Demi didn't wake me up for dinner. Not that I'm complaining, I'm glad she didn't. I got out of bed, deciding to get a glass of water since I was thirsty.

Demi's POV
I bolted awake when I heard a crash from downstairs. I got out of bed, quickly checking Charlie's room to see if she was in there, which she wasn't.

I went downstairs and saw Charlie in the kitchen, gripping onto the counter with her eyes squeezed shut. There was a shattered glass cup next to her, which was obviously what had made the noise.

"Charlie? Are you okay, baby girl?" I asked, going over to Charlie and helping her away from the broken glass.

"Y-Yeah.. I just feel dizzy.." Charlie replied quietly.

"You feel dizzy?" I asked, worried. "Here, sit down." I helped Charlie onto one of the stools in the kitchen.

"S-Sorry about the cup.." Charlie said.

"Don't apologize, baby." I quickly told Charlie as I cleaned up the glass. "When did you last eat?"

"Uh.." Charlie had a panicked look on her face before she went straight back to a poker face. "Last time I ate was breakfast."

"That's why you're dizzy." I said, going over to the fridge. "What do you want to eat? Does a sandwich sound good?"

"Yeah.." Charlie replied. "Why didn't you wake me up for dinner?"

"I didn't want to disturb you. I assumed you would have warmed up some leftovers." I said, giving Charlie a ham sandwich.

"Can I sleep with you for the rest of the night?" Charlie asked, looking embarrassed.

"Of course." I said, giving Charlie a reassuring smile. "I'm always here for you.

Once Charlie finished the ham sandwich, which I noticed she struggled with, we went upstairs to my room. I'm glad she didn't try to run off and purge.

When we entered my room, I climbed onto the right side of the bed and Charlie climbed onto the left side of the bed.

"I love you, Dems." Charlie whispered.

"I love you more, Char." I whispered back before we both fell asleep.

A/N: Y'all look how cute my brother's puppy is. His name is Fenrir.

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