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Charlie's POV
I woke up about an hour ago and I just finished getting changed into one of my band t-shirts, a brown hoodie, and sweatpants. I wasn't in the mood for putting on an actual outfit considering my parents let me stay home from school for my birthday. I sighed as I looked at myself in my full length body mirror.

One year older and still fat and ugly.

Shut up.

Demi probably won't want to come and see your fatass get fatter by eating cake. She thinks you're ugly enough.

Bold of you to assume I'm going to eat cake.

Be a good girl and don't eat.

Already planned on it.

I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head before exiting my room and going downstairs.

"Happy Birthday!" My family shouted as soon as I got downstairs and went into the living room. Demi wasn't here, but I still have some faith that she will hopefully arrive later

There were balloons that said 'Happy Birthday' on them. There were also blue balloons of the number 15, and basic light pink, dark pink, blue, and clear balloons.

"Thanks!" I faked a smile and hugged all of them.

Mom wanted a picture of me in front of the balloons, which doesn't surprise me. Are all Moms like that?

I had Mom send me the photo so I could post it on Instagram

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I had Mom send me the photo so I could post it on Instagram.

"Should we get to the cake and presents now?" Mom asked me.

"Uh, sure." I replied.

I managed to get out of the cake by saying I didn't want to eat cake for breakfast, but they still had me blow out my candles.

"Thanks so much!" I exclaimed after opening all my presents. They got me a bunch of skinny jeans, band hoodies, band t-shirts, and sweatpants. They also got me an iPhone 12 with a new phone case.

"Why did you get me an iPhone 12 if I'm grounded?" I asked. I'm hoping I didn't come off as ungrateful, cause I am grateful. I just wouldn't understand why I would have it if I'm grounded.

"We'll let you keep your phone." Mom answered.

"Thank you!" I thanked them once again.

"You're welcome, baby." Mom came over and hugged me. "I can't believe my baby is already fifteen!" She held my face in her hands.

"Mom!" I feigned a whine and laughed. Mom kissed the top of my head and hugged me one more time.

"Is Demi going to make it today?" I questioned.

"Uh.." Mom rubbed the back of her neck and looked at Dad.

"Demi isn't able to make it. She told us that she's really busy and she wishes she could make it." Dad told me.

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