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Charlie's POV

Come with me, little girl." He commanded as he grabbed my wrist. I tried to get him to let go, but he had a strong grip. He brought me into an alley way and pushed me on the ground. I tried getting up, but he shoved me down harder. I whimpered slightly. "Pull down your pants, doll." He breathed in my face.

"W-What?" I questioned.

"I said pull down your pants. Do you not speak English?" He slapped me across the face and forcefully pulled down my pants. He proceeded to pull down his pants. "I hope you're ready, doll." His tone was sexual. He got close to me and he thrusted his dick in and out.

"N-No! S-Stop!" I cried out as I realized what he was doing. This stranger was taking away my innocence. I tried pushing him away, but he was ten times stronger than I was. I gave up and just let him continue. He will stop eventually.

"That was fun, doll." He smirked and got up after thirty minutes. "I hope to see you again soon. Don't tell anyone!" He told me before pulling up his pants and leaving me in the alley way.


"Charlie! Charlie, wake up!" I heard someone's voice exclaim. I immediately shot up, breathing heavily and shaking. "Shh.. it was just a dream, doll." Demi pulled me into her embrace. The word doll made me want to puke.

"I.. I feel like I'm going to puke." I stuttered as I yanked the blankets off of me and ran to the bathroom. I fell in front of the toilet and puked into it. Demi rushed into the bathroom, putting my hair in a ponytail, and proceeded to rub my back. She stepped away, turned the sink on for a second and then turned it off.

"You're sweating, doll." Demi told me as she put a cold washcloth on my neck. No one ever called me doll besides that man, but now Demi decides to call me that name? I puked more at the name.

"C-Can we not call me that." I whimpered out. Demi nodded but looked suspicious.

"Let's get this hoodie off of you, yeah?" Demi suggested. "You're sweating a lot, Char."

"N-No!" I panicked. Demi couldn't see the cuts on my wrists.

"At least roll up your sleeves." Demi spoke gently as she kneeled down right next to me. I shook my head no repeatedly and backed up against the wall.

Don't do it, Charlotte.

We can't let her know our secret.




The voices were getting loud.

"Shut up!" I cried out as I covered my ears. "Please, shut up!" Tears escaped my eyes as I closed my eyes. My chest tightened as I gasped for air. I felt Demi pull me onto her lap.

"Charlie, calm down. Breathe, baby girl." Demi comforted in a soothing voice. "Follow my breathing, Char." I followed along with her breathing as her nails rubbed up and down my back.

Once I was calm, Demi picked me up and brought me back to her bed. She rolled up my sleeves and I was too exhausted to fight it. She let out a gasp after she rolled up my sleeves. My secret was about to come out eventually.

You idiot. Now she knows.

"M-Make them shut up, Dem Dem." I whimpered. "They won't shut up." I faintly told Demi.

"Who won't shut up?" Demi asked worriedly.

"T-The voices." I answered Demi's question. She tightened her grip on me.

Demi's POV
"At least roll up your sleeves." I spoke gently to Charlie as I kneeled down next to her. She shook her head repeatedly and backed up against the wall.

"Shut up!" Charlie cried out and she covered her ears.

This is a battle I know all too well, and I just hope it wasn't true. I'm hoping it's not what I'm thinking. My baby sister doesn't deserve to go through this.

"Please, shut up!" Tears escaped Charlie's eyes and she shut them tightly. She was gasping for air and I immediately pulled her onto my lap.

"Charlie, calm down. Breathe, baby girl." I comforted my little sister in a soothing voice. "Follow my breathing, Char." I gently rubbed Charlie's back.

Once Charlie calmed down a bit, I picked her up and brought her to my bed. It scared me how light she felt. I rolled up her sleeves and she was obviously too tired to fight it. I let out a gasp as I looked at her wrists. Have you ever just hoped the thing you didn't want to happen to someone you care about happens? That's exactly what happened and what it felt like.

"M-Make them shut up, Dem Dem." Charlie whimpered out. "They won't shut up." She told me in a whisper.

"Who won't shut up?" I asked Charlie with concern lacing my voice, even though I probably knew what she was talking about.

"T-The voices." Charlie answered. I tightened my grip on her, afraid that if I let go I would lose her.

"They can't hurt you, baby girl." I whispered gently as I held Charlie in my arms. "Try getting some sleep, yeah?"

"I can't, Dems. T-They're too loud." Charlie replied. I decided to do what used to help her calm down and go to sleep when she was younger, which was singing.

The space in between us
Starts to feel like the world's apart
Like I'm going crazy
And you say it's raining in your heart
You're telling me nobody's there
To dry up the flood
Oh but that's just crazy
'Cause baby I told ya I'm here for good

My love's like a star, yeah
You can't always see me
But you know that I'm always there
When you see one shining
Take it as mine
And remember I'm always near
If you see a comet
Baby I'm on it
Making my way back home
Just follow the glow yeah
It won't be long
Just know that you're not alone

I tried to build the walls
To keep you safe when I'm not around
But as soon as I'm away from you
You say they come tumbling down
But it's not about the time
That we don't get to spend together
It's about how strong our love is
When I'm gone and it feels like forever
My love's like a star yeah
You can't always see me
But you know that I'm always there
When you see one shining
Take it as mine
And remember I'm always near
If you see a comet
Baby I'm on it
Making my way back home
Just follow the glow yeah
It won't be long
Just know that you're not alone

You say that time away makes your heart grow out
But I can stay just to prove you wrong
Oh look at how far we've come
Don't you know
Don't know that you're the one

My love's like a star yeah
You can't always see me
But you know that I'm always there
When you see one shining
Take it as mine
And remember I'm always near
If you see a comet
Baby I'm on it
Making my way back home
Just follow the glow, yeah
It won't be long
Just know that you're not alone

When I finished singing, I looked at Charlie and saw her asleep. I'll definitely have to talk to her about this in the morning.

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