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The funeral was short and small, Charles chose not to come. In the end, I was the only there to watch Malfieus get lowered into the dirt.

The circle of life always comes back around eventually. I walk away from the lonely grave site and back towards the house. I suppose I was his only friend in the end.

Charles sits in his chair and broods as I lean against the door frame. "How was it?" He asks roughly. "Lonely. There was only one other person there." I tell him as I cross my arms over my chest.

He looks back towards the papers on his desk and frowns. I pull his chair back ignoring his protest. I sit myself on his lap and smile. "Come swimming with me?" I ask softly. My lips linger on his cheek briefly.

I notice his lips tug into a small smile as he looks up at me. He grip my jaw softly and kisses me passionately. "Ok." I grin as I stand up. "It's kind of ironic you know." I say as he follows me out of his office. "What is?" He grabs my hand softly. "That you are made for fire and I am made for water." He gives me a panty dropping smirk. "Made for each other nonetheless baby doll."

I feel my cheeks heat up as I nudge him gently. "Theres a lake a couple miles into the woods. Mariah and I used to play there when we were kids." He frowns slightly at the memory before shaking his head. "Are yiu going to the lake?" Mariah asks as she appears out of thin air.

"No." Charles lies as he grabs my hand. "Yes you are!" She yells. "Can Ann and Marcus come too?" She asks as she pouts at him. He looks to me. I shrug my shoulders in response. "Fine." He grumbles. "Meet us there." He tells her as we walk outside.

Her giddy screams of excitement can be heard on the front lawn as Charles drags me into the forest. "Charles." I call after him. His eyes meet mine as he turns slightly. "It's ok.: I reassure. His features softens as a ghost of a smile appears.

"Come on."  His pace slows as we walk peacegully to the lake. It's crystal water shines under the glowing sun making diamonds dance off the surface.

I strip down to my bathing suit. Charles had said it is needed. I had worn it under my funeral clothes, I had intended to leave straight from there but since he had not shown, I had to go to him.

Charles strips off his shirt allowing me to oogle him for a brief moment. I wade in, my body temperature instantly adjusting. I feel Charles heated stare on my back causing me to turn and face him. "Coming lover boy?" I tease as I cock my head to the side.

He gives me a smile as he drops his pants and wades in after me. "Goddess it's freezing." He curses. I feel my tail form as the depth increases. "Are you a fish now?" He asks playfuly. "I'm technically, always a fish." I shrug and give him a smile.

He wrinkles his nose at me causing a laugh to escape my throat. His eyes widen. "I've never heard you laugh before. Not like that. It's beautiful." He says as he gets closer. "Thank you."

He looks at my tail through the water smiles like a child. "Can I touch it?" He ask as he pulls his eyes to mine. "It won't bite you." I say as I float onto my back.

The scales on my tail glisten in the water like jewels. I feel his hand run over them softly. "They are soft." His voice is thick with surprise. "Most are slimy." I reply with disgust. "I keep mine clean." He runs a hand over the fin. "What does it feel like?" He looks at me as I sit straight. "It's like a tingly feeling when someone touches it, but when you touch it, it's different." I try to explain.

Mariah and two other people, Ann and Marcus, erupt from the trees. "Hey you guys!" She screams woth excitement dancing in her eyes as she undresses. "I'm going under." I whisper. "Don't leave Angelina." He whispers harshly. "Come with me?" I whisper with a smile. He gives me a look. "Go under." I tell him.

He hesitantly does so. I slide under the surface and kiss him deeply. I feel warmth rush through my veins causing them to glow a light amethyst color. Charles lips glow slightly before a bubble of air forms around his head. "Holy shit." He mouths.

I grin at him as he grips my hand. I dive down with him by side. The darker it gets the brighter my eyes glow. There are no fish in this lake, only water fairies and bright stones. I watch as they pick up a stone and carry it away. The stones are almost as big as them, the size of quarter.

My hair swirls around me as I watcy the fairies work intently. I look at Charles who is watching me. I give him a small smile before pushing him up to the surface.

The pressure and temperature down here is not made for his body, especially since he is a dragon. A small blue fairy places a topaz stone in my hand before kissing my finger softly.

They are beautiful creatures, so very sweet too. These fairies lie at the depths of bodies of water. They are drawn to beautiful shiny objects. If they sense your light and kindness they will befriend you. A ruby colored one places a jade stone in my hand and kisses my other finger. One by one they each fo this until they run out of fingers.

I blow them a soft kiss as I grip onto the stones. I look at the surface of the water and notice that Charles still hovers over the spot where we went down. I suppose I should go up, but I feel at home here.

The faeries dance through my hair as their soft melodic voices sing distantly. They like me very much for some reason. I give them a soft smile. "I have to go. I will visit soon." 

They all crowd around as I wave goodbye to them and slowly make my way to the surface.



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