The Dream

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"So, you're telling me that is your father? I thought your parents died." I ask as I sit against the wall. He slides down opposite of me, "yeah. I wish they did. I got a power hungry mother and a broken father."

"Why is he locked up?" I ask. "My mother was his mate, they loved each other and were married for about five years. Someone else came along, someone with money and power. They offered her a better life. In return she rejected my father, divorced him and left us. it broke him, made him unstable. Right now, I believe the only thing keeping him alive is his dragon. Dragons are strong, proud creatures. When Wolves get rejected or any other shifter, their animalistic side dies off leaving the person a hollow shell that soon perishes too. Dragons aren't like that. They fight, they hope, they stay. My father had his heart broken, his spirit torn apart and was left to raise us alone when I was four and Mariah was one. He lost control of his magic and his dragon. I was twelve when we put him in that room. His temper was uncontrollable. He slaughtered innocent people and anyone who looked at him the wrong way. We got a witch, Lyla, to sedate him and lock him in there. No one has been able to open that door. No one has wanted to." he explains as he sits beside me.

My heart breaks for him as I grab hold of his hand softly. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "He is a monster." He growls out. "He says the same about you." I tell him as our eyes meet. 

"Do you believe him?" He questions, his tone is cold and his face is unreadable. "I believe that everyone has the power to be a monster. Your father was hurt and betrayed, your mother not only left him but left you and your sister. I can tell he blames himself everyday. I could see it in his eyes. I don't think either of you are monster just broken. As for the innocent people he killed, that is something he has to live with forever, that guilt. It is hi punishment." I reply as my fingers play with his.

My eyes don't meet his as I feel his intense gaze on me. "Angelina." He calls out, his tone is softer now. 

I feel him scoot closer to me, the heat from hos body instantly warming me up and calming me down. "I forgive you." I tell him softly after a moment.

"What?" He looks over at me. "I forgive you." I repeat as I lift my head up, "but I won't give you a second chance if you do it again. I won't be a push over. I will reject you and go home.  Even if that means the worst pain imaginable. I won't be the second choice." I tell him my tone sharp.

"Completely understood." He tells me as his hands grip onto mine softly.

"Do you at least feed him?" I ask as I change the subject and look towards the door. "Yes." He tells me as he looks away and laughs, "if I didn't he would die." 

"That's a given, how?" I ask him as we stand up. "magic." he says with a smile.

"So you guys made up?" Mariah asks me as we start making our way down the stairs. I roll my eyes as Charles just lets out a grunt in response. "I have some work to catch up on." He tells me as he kisses my forehead softly before going upstairs taking Mariah with him.

I sigh and decide to walk out the back door. I breathe in the fresh fall air and smile as I notice the changing colors of the leaves. I sit on the grass and lay on my back. The clouds pass over the sun causing the chill in the air to return.

I push my hands up causing leaves to drift into the air. I twirl my finger and the leaves start to form a little tornado above me. I arrange and rearrange them into many different things.

"Woah." I hear someone gasp.

The leaves fall onto my face, I push them off and sit up.

A little girl with brown hair and curious green eyes stands behind me. Her hair is in pig tails finished off neatly with red ribbons.


"Hi." She says shyly as she comes up to me and sits down beside me. "What's your name?" I ask her.

"I'm Mara." She replies with smile. "Hi Mara, I'm Angelina." I tell her.

"You aren't like me are you?" She asks she picks up a rusty colored leaf. "No, I don't think I am." I reply softly as I hover my hand over a leaf causing it to float.

Her eyes widen in amazement causing a smile to light up her face. "Are you a witch?" She asks softly her eyes focused on the levitating leaf. "I'm not sure. I am a mermaid though." I say softly.

"That's so cool, " She gasps out, "what's it like?" she asks.

"What's it like being a mermaid?" I ask and she nods as interest forms in her eyes. "It's incredible, you feel invincible, there is nothing like the feeling of being in the water." I tell her.

Her mouth forms and O shape as she listens intensely. "Mara!" A woman calls. She has blonde hair and the same green eyes as the little girl. "Coming mommy!" She calls as she stands. "Bye Angelina!" She waves at me before running to the woman.

The woman's eyes asses me before she smiles and waves at me briefly. I lay back down and close my eyes letting the breeze wash over me. I slowly drift off as the lack of sleep washes over me.

My eyes slowly open and I realize I'm no longer in the field but somewhere dark and cold. A groan is heard from behind me and I spin around. "What the hell?" I gasp out as I stumble backward and trip over something hard.

I clear off the stone and realization hits me as I read the letters...

Marie Ann Taylor

Beloved mother, daughter, and friend.

1940 - 1992

I'm in a graveyard.

"Do you know who I am yet?" A deep voice asks as I scan the surrounding area and find no one.

Fear creeps in as the prophecy replays in my head. A necromancer. People that shouldn't be walking or moving are moving closer to me.

"You will know soon enough." The voice calls out before my eyes shoot open and I am back in the meadow. "It was just a dream," I mumble, "a really fucked dream."

The sun is now setting as I stand up start walking back towards the house. A hand reaches out and grabs me causing me to let out a scream and a kick.

"Jesus." A deep voice growls. "Charles! I'm so sorry." I mumble as I kneel down and cup his face. I kiss him softly and hug onto him, "are you ok?" I ask as I kiss his neck softly.

"I am now," he tells me as his hands wrap around my waist, "are you? You're shaking baby." He tells me as his hold on me tightens. "Just a bad dream." I tell him softly. I feel his soft lips on my neck and I instantly feel myself calm.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He questions. "I don't think I have a choice." I mumble softly as he kisses my forehead and I place my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat.

He is always very warm which is a nice change. "I love you." He tells me softly causing my eyes to flicker to his.

His eyes hold no lies, "I love you too."



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