A Tiny Bit of Good Luck

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The pain has subsided, which is not a good thing. Their voices have grown distant and unfamiliar. I feel as if I'm floating in water I can't move in.

I can feel the faint burn of the poison spread through my abdomen. It's closer now. I don't know if they will make it in time.


Charles -

"Did you find it?" I growl out as they enter the room. Their empty hands say no. The fear in their eyes do as well. "It couldn't have just disappeared!" I yell. I feel my eyes flash as my dragon bangs on the doors of my mind.

Her veins are dark, the poison is spreading rapidly. I feel my fist fly through the wall on it's own accord. "Come with me." I growl out. I feel Hawthorne hot on my heels as we walk out of the hospital. "Bring the girl." He grabs Ann causing her to stride along beside us. "I want you to show me personally where you were!" I growl out.

Her bodg shakes as her head slowly nods. We makes it to the lake in record time. She points to the spot where she was held. I dive in instantly.

The water is clear but no sign of the seaweed is present. I feel my frustration grow as the need for air rises.

Hawthorne jumps in and helps. In two hours we jave come up with nothing. The lake is spotless.

A deadly growl leaves my throat shaking the trees. I kick the stuff we left behind as rage consumes me. If she dies, what will become of me? Will I become my father?

Something hidden in the sand blinds me temporarily. I kneel down and pick up the small jewel. I feel a faint smile form on my lips.

I gather the rest of the undisturbed pile and curse as one drop into the lake. My anger resurfaces once more.

I drop the jewels into my pocket and kneel down next to the lake, unsure of my next move. "Hawthorne. See if doc has had any luck slowing the poison." I hear his footsteps retreat. "Get out of my sight Ann." I mumble weakly. Her footsteps too leave me.

I stare into the water as fear and anger consume my heart. Part of me considers diving back in, part of me knows it useless.

I pick my head up and let out a sigh. A tiny high pitched ringing fills my ears causing me to grimace as I look down.

"No fucking way." I whisper. Dozens of coin sized water faires bring to the surface one long strand of puke green sea weed.

I gently grab it from the water as one places the jewel from earlier near my hand in the sand. "Thank you." I tell them as they fade into them depths of the water once more.

I take off at a sprint towards the house. "I got!" I yell as I slam the seaweed down on the doctors table. "Just in time too." She says  as she gestures towards Angelinas exposed chest.

The poison is inches from her heart. I watch as she cuts and grinds the seaweed before grinding it into her wounds.

Angelina lets out an ear peircing scream as her body jerks around. "Hold her down!" She yells as she moves to her other wounds.

Angelinas screams intensify ad her eyes fly open. Papers swirl around the room as the lights flicker. Thunder cracks in the distance  as lighting illuminates the sky. The sun that was once is now long gone. Her screams peirce my heart.

"Are you almost done?" I growl out as the lights go out. Tears stream dowm angelinas face as the doc moves to one wound on her shoulder. The worst one. She puts the last of it in the wound. Angelinas eyes glow an unnatural golden blue before rain splatter against the side of the building.

Her pain created a full blown storm. "I'm done." She whispers. Angelinas head hits the table hard.

The lights come back on and the weather returns to bright and sunny. I feel chest heave as lungs work in overtime. Holy shit.


Angelina -

Pain. Thats all I felt. All at once. All I can do is scream now. I am pulled from the water as the burning pain is moving through me ten times quicker.

My eyes fly open as my screams cause even myself to go deaf. Blurry faces surround me.  Something strong holds me down as my body withers.

Make it stop.

Under the burning. I know the control I hace worked so hard for is gone. I can feel it leave me. My screams don't stop.

The pain only grows. I feel tears slip dowm my cheeks. "Are you almost done?" A deep voice growls out. He sounds angry. I think he is holding me down. He sounds familiar.

Darkness falls on the faces. The pain lessens only to grown stronger. A branding iron onto a burn repeatedly is the only way to truly describe this feeling. "I'm done." A soft voice whispers near me.

I feel the steong force let me go as my body grows weak. All at once the pain dissappears. Too quickly.

I feel my eyes roll back and my head hit something hard. I am back in the water, floating carelessly now.

My body is getting colder, the burning has stopped. I think they did it. The force holding me must have been Charles.

My mind feels tired, but the water feels cold and refreshing. I need to sleep, but when I wake what will they think of me?

Who was in the room when they healed me? Why had none of my mothers patients had symptoms like that? All of these questions racing though my mind with no answers. I can feel them only draining me faster.

My body is screaming at me to sleep. If I'm not sleeping now then what is this? Have I passed out? Surely I have. I feel my mind forcefully shut me down. My muscles fully relax and my mind turns off as I sink to the bottom of the water.



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