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"Charles!" I scream as I stumble through the woods with my sword in hand. "Angelina!" My body sags in relief as he comes into view. 

"Charles." I breathe out as I slow my pace and make my way up to him. A sinister smirk appears on his lips as his hands grip my wirst tightly.

His face transforms into a thing of nightmares and I realize I have fallen for a trap. Sinister yellow eyes peer down at me. Razor sharp teeth are exposed as it grins at me before attacking.

My eyes fly open as I frantically look around me. The sword is still gripped tightly in my hand. I am laying in a hospital bed.

My chest is wrapped and nothing but shorts covers me. I take in a shakey breath as I lift a hand to feel a cannula placed on my nose.

"She's awake!" A soft voice yells. My eyes widen as I turn to the voice. A womam with raven hair holds a clipboard next to me.

Charles rushes in but slows when he sees my panicked eyes. "I'm going to go over your injuries." She looks at me pity in her eyes causing my eyes to harden.

"Do it without pity." I hiss harshly. Her eyes widen as she nods. "You have two broken ribs, deep lacerations on the left side that are halfway healed, you have gashed on your thigh and neck as well as some bruising everywhere." She reads off the chart. "And some scratches on your face that are almost healed." She finishes.

"What happened to you?" Charles asks me softly. I feel my body tense. "You were gone for two months." He breathes out as tears fall from his eyes. "I thought you were dead."

"I killed him." I whisper. "The necromancer?" He asks. I nod my head slightly. He lets out a breath and nods his head. "Where were you? Why didn't you come home?" He asks.

His questions suffocate me slowly. "Where did you get a sword from the old world?" He asks as his eyes find mine.

I stay silent, unsure how to answer. A man barges in. "I know what caused her wound on the left side." He looks at me with astonishment.

He places a book on the table and flips it open. The creatures red eyes are alive again on the paper in front of me. "It's a Bendergush." He looks at it with fascination and curiosity. "It's one of the oldest mythical creatures known to man. It lives in the netherworld, the only thing it fears is the necromancer. It's extremely dangerous and extremely volatile." He reads with excitement.

I get out of the bed and grab the man by the throat. I push my hand back causing the doctor and Charles to fly agaisnt the wall and stay there.

"You seem fascinated by this creature, yes?" I ask with growing fury. He nods his head with uncertainty. "Tell me, would you be fascinated if you still knew that it was taller than the trees and deadlier than dragon?Would you be fascinated by it with its claws in your side or its fangs near your face. If it was so close that you could smell the death in its breath.  Would you be fascinated by its ear defeaning screeches that make your ears bleed and disorient you? Would you be fascinated in almost dying by venmon thay catches fire seconds after being exposed to oxygen?" I hiss as my grip tightens on his throat. "Answer me!" I scream in his face.

"No!" He croaks out. I drop him roughly. "Then shut the fuck up and get that book out of my face before I burn it." I hiss.

I release him from the wall causing hi. to drop to the floor. I sit on the side of the bed as my breathing grows heavy.

Images of the creature fills my head as it screeches fills my ears. I close my eyes and take in a shakey breath. I hear the door shut and feel a sigh of relief flow through me.

"Is that where you were?" Charles kneels in front of me. "Yes. If you could move back."  I whisper softly.

His eyes hold hurt but he nods. "Read that book and you might understand why I say what I say." I tell him.

He looks like he wants to say something but he doesn't. He simply nods and makes his way to the door.

I stand and unplug the IVs. I unwrap myself and sigh softly as I turn on the shower. I slowly sink down onto the tile floor as the cool water rains over me.

The steady flow allows for my wounds to start to heal completely. I wince as my ribs snap back together.

I lean my head against the wall as a tear slips down my cheek and washes away with the water.

Everytime my eyes shut, I am back there. I am not safe at home. I am in danger and on the run. I do not know what is real and what isn't.

I feek the scratches on my face slowly close up and sigh in relief. I bring my knees to my chest and take in a painless breath. I rest my head on my arm and just let the water run over me. I close my eyes and feel a small amount of relief.

"Angelina." My eyes snap open. Charles kneels down in front of me cautiously. "Is this why you are afraid of me?" He ask softly.

He holds up a page of the book. It's the yellow eyed monster. Yender, thats it's name.

"Yes." I whisper softly as I look away. "I cannot tell what is real and what isn't." I confess. His eyes soften as he starts to understand. "I am me and I will prove that until I die." He promises. He crumbles the paper and throws it away with anger in his eyes.

"I will be back when you are healed to take you home." He tells me before closimg the bathroom door.




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