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I flop tiredly against a tree trunk and feel the soft grass under my fingertips. I lean my head against the trunk and close my eyes allowing the breeze to caress my flushed cheeks.

I am officially lost, everything looks the same, it's just trees, trees, and more trees. I look up and notice the sun starting to set, taking its warmth with it. I get back up and continue to walk, not wanting to be out in the open as much when it gets darker.

The sun fully sets and the moon rises creating a soft glow that scatters through the trees providing a bit of light to help me. In the ocean, I was used to the dark, I welcomed it as an old familiar friend but up here I don't feel as familiar with it anymore. I shiver as I look around after walking for about an hour I decided to stop. The moon is now high and full in the sky and I can feel the familiar call of sleep beckoning me. "This should be good enough." I mumble as I notice the only sound is the soft rustle of the leaves blowing in the wind.

I feel the tiredness creep in and my eyelids get heavy. I curl up against the trunk of the tree too tired to care about anything else at the moment. I close my eyes and let darkness take me as the last thoughts I have of my parents.


I groan softly as I feel my hair fall against my face. darkness and moonlight are still surrounding the forest and I realize the lack of sleep that was handed to me. I feel the blood rush to my head and I gasp as I realize I'm being carried. "Who are you?" I ask with fear evident in my voice.

A grunt is all I get in response. Fear seeps into my bones and I start struggling earning a growl from my captor.

He roughly sets me down and I stumble a bit as my eyes meet his dark blue ones. "Who. Are. You?" I ask a bit harsher this time. I notice his eyes assess me as he looks me up and down. I suddenly feel very exposed and self-aware of my choice of clothing, not that I really had one.

"Charles." Is all he says before continuing to walk. I stay rooted to the spot where he set me and just stare at his retreating form. He lets out an annoyed huff as his eyes flash orange before stomping back to me and throwing me over his shoulder.

"What are you some kind if caveman? Let me go." I yell. "No." I hear his deep voice say calmly. I huff and blush deeply as I feel his muscles tense. "Why not?" I ask him. "You're mine." Was his only response.

I try to keep my calm. "Yours? I am nobodies but my own you big oaf." I yell as my anger gets the best of me and my eyes glow as I feel my palms heat up. "Please. Put me down." I say as I try to control myself. He puts me down and I close my eyes turning myself around.

I take in a breath as the heat leaves my hands and I turn around and open my eyes. My breathing hitches as I notice how close he is. "What are you?" He asks me as I feel his breath fan against my face.

"Nothing." I mumble softly as his eyes search mine. "Fine then. Follow me." He orders and I scoff. "What are you Charles?" I ask him and his body goes rigid at the mention of his name. "Nothing." He mimics with a ghost of a smile on his face

"What are you wearing?" He asks with his back still facing me as he walks ahead with me stumbling behind him. "Clothes." I tell him and he lets out an annoyed laugh. "Those aren't clothes sweetheart."

"They are!" I tell him as I trip against a log and let out a squeal as I land against the cold grass. "Shit." I curse as blood trickles down my knee. I feel Charles's hands on my legs in an instant. "Are you ok?" He asks as soft sparks ignite on my skin from where he is touching me. "I just got these." I groan out as I look at the gash on my knee.

He gives me a look and repeats his question. "For a stranger you're awfully concerned." I say softly and his eyes harden a bit as he keeps his mouth shut. I hear a ripping sound and notice his shirt off.

My eyes practically bulge out of my head at the sight before me. It should be a crime for someone to look the way he does. He has a sharp jaw line and distinguished features. His muscles dance with every movement he makes and his abs tighten as he moves closer.

I feel him straighten out my leg causing me to hiss in pain and snap out of my trance. "Sorry." He grunts out as he takes the piece of shirt and ties it around my knee. "Can you walk?" He asks.

I nod and he gives me his hand which I take happily. He pulls me up gently and makes sure I'm steady. "Thank you." I tell him. "Watch where you're going." He tells me and I narrow my eyes at him. Bipolar much?

We continue walking deeper into the forest, his back muscles tense as he moves and I notice long scars running across his back.

I decide not to ask about them and instead stay silent. "I'm sorry about your shirt." I tell him and I notice a slight smirk on his face. "I'm sure you are." He retorts. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask as I quicken my pace and catch up to him.

My question is answered with silence and I groan in annoyance. "Where are we anyway?" I ask him and he raises an eyebrow. "You don't know?" He asks. "If I knew I wouldn't be asking, would I? I retort. "Firewood Grove." He responds and I nod.

Eventually we come to a stop. "There's nothing here." I state. He places his palm in the air and recites something in a language I can't understand. The air ripples and he steps forward taking my hand. I step with him. Some may call me naïve or stupid for trusting this stranger, but for some reason I did.

"Welcome home." He grunts out as we come face to face with a mansion and dozens of people. "Oh shit." I gasp as I take in the view. Everyone stops and turns towards us. Their eyes swirl with confusion and I find myself ducking behind Charles. "They won't hurt you." He tells me.

"I don't know that." I whisper harshly. "I do." He replies with the same calmness as before. "Trust me?" He asks as he holds out his hand once more.

I look at his hand, then back up to the group of people. I have no choice but to trust this man, let's just hope it doesn't back fire. "Fine." I mumble as I place my hand in his. After all what choice did I have?



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