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That night had been painfully peaceful but they bed was very comfortable. I enjoy these beds much more than the ones at home. They make my nights much less restless.

"Thank you for your hospitality Layla." I say as I swing my backpack over my shoulder. "No problem. Consider me your friend now." She says embracing me gently. "Thanks." Charles says as well as he gives her a warm embrace. "Keep her safe Charlie." She says nudging him gently. "I plan to." He replies as we all walk outside.

"Have fun on your little adventure." She waves us off before walking over to a small garden hidden by some tall oak trees.

We walk south from there moving deeper into the forest. "How far is the oracle?" I ask him. "Not too far." He replies and I nod as an awkward silence fills the air.

"Was it weird drinking that stuff?" I ask referring to the tonic Layla had given him. "It was absolutely disgusting," he says laughing softly, "but I can feel a difference which is good." He finishes.

"What's it like?" He asks after a few minutes. His voice is unsure and his features are guarded. "You have to elaborate Charles." I reply smiling softly at him.

"Being a mermaid." He clarifies clearing his throat. I can tell he has never done this before, taken an interest in getting to know someone.

"It's hard to describe." I reply and he nods in understanding. I have so many mixed emotions about being a mermaid. There are many advantages but there are also many disadvantages.

"What's it like being a dragon shifter?" I ask and he chuckles. "Hot, but interesting." He says as the leaves crunch under our feet.

I can tell he has so many questions. I wish he would just ask. We stop in our tracks as a howl echoes through the woods. "What was that?" I ask as we begin moving at a quicker pace. "Lycans." He replies.

"What are Lycans?" I question as he picks me up and tosses me on his back causing a squeal to escape my lips. "Quiet Angelina." He says in a rough tone as he starts to run at a quick speed.

My arms wrap gently around his neck as my legs tighten around his torso. He has his hands on my thighs to help hold me up and I would be a liar if I didn't admit that the butterflies in my stomach are acting up.

The wind whips pass us as his speed picks up and I bury my face in his neck causing his grip on my thighs to tighten and a low growl to rumble through him.

A snarl is heard behind us and I tense up. I don't dare look back. I peek an eye up and notice a break in the trees. We pass by it and Charles slows down. He lets me off and I stumble as I land on my feet.

I look back toward the trees and notice a pair of glowing golden eyes peeking back at us before disappearing. "Was that a Lycan?" I ask Charles.

He nods as we walk a bit slower. "Lycans are wolf shifters, very territorial. We must've accidentally crossed a packs border." He explains and I nod. "Come here." He tells me, his voice is gruff and I feel myself blushing as my stomach clenches.

I need to get it together. I walk to him and look up at him. He smirks before grabbing my hips and turning me around. He pulls me flush against him and I clear my throat softly. "Charles, what are you doing?" I ask softly. "Hush." He says his voice deep and rough.

"Do you see that cluster of trees?" He whispers against my ear. I find the small group of evergreens and nod. "They aren't real, that's where we go to find the oracle." He says with his hands still holding my hips. "Is that all you wanted to tell me?" I ask in an unsteady voice.

"No, did you know that your mate can sense when the other is aroused?" He whispers against my neck before pulling away, leaving me breathless.

"You sir, are an ass." I reply and he chuckles as he sees the look I have. "Come on, she is expecting us." He states taking my hand softly.

"Remember, these are just prophecies or riddles about a particular person." He says and I nod. "Ok."

We walk to the edge of the cluster before stepping in. A one-story house sits in the middle. I look around and notice that the trees have disappeared. "It's for her protection, it's a barrier spell. If you're not expected you cannot enter." He explains.

We walk up to the door and knock. An elderly woman with white hair and red eyes opens the door. "Hello Charles, Angelina, please come in." She insists as she moves to the side. We walk in and I smile at the homey feel the house has.

"Forgive me for not shaking your hands." She says smiling at us. "It's no problem Delilah." Charles says. "My goddess you look like your mother." She smiles at me before nodding. "Sit and we can get started." She says after a minute.

She leads us to a small dining table. "How does this work?" I ask her. "Child let me worry about that." She says in a reassuring tone and I feel unease settle in my stomach. Charles nods to me and I blush. He smirks and shakes his head.

I feel her grab my hand causing my heart rate to shoot up. Her eyes close before they open once more and start glowing purple. My eyes widen as she starts to speak. Her voice is now gruff and scratchy.

"Turmoil awaits a destined fate, trial after trial will ensue, death will fall upon few, you will be tested but fail and you will be bested, necromancy and witchcraft have combined, he is coming and he will not be kind, your gifts will save you or take you."

Her eyes return to the bright red and she puts her hand on my own. "That was a powerful one." She says in her normal voice.

Shock and horror cover my face as I replay what she just said. What the actual hell am I supposed to do with that jacked up version of a poem.



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